Put Through Paces at Curtiss Airport Featuring eighiteen events on a pro- gram'that required six hours to present, the .Pageant of, Acrial Progress offered at the Curtiss-Reynolds airport- at Glenview last Fridày. Satuiday and Sunday represented the înost spçctac- ular and interesing aviation event ever staged in, this area, according to w'it- nesses. .More tlian 17,000 persons attended the pageant during the th.ree days. De- spite the heavy volume of-trafficé that used highways leading ta the-airport, however, the one-way system inaugu- rated 'under the direction of the Na- tional Air Race commiiittee worked seemingly to perfection and at no time were janis in evidence at any point. B éginning at 1 o'clock in the after- noon with an aerial parade over Ch['- cago and.the suburbs, the aviation pro- gram covered almost every phase -of stunting and ýaircraft.,demonstration. Dlale "Red" Jackson, leader of "Ëheý Three Flying Sons 0' Guns," coi- prised of himself, Leo Allen and' Le- Roy McGradyl lheld the. linieliglit. throughout the' pageant. Offering as. side events, :the unher- alded sp inning of a Curtiss pusher on. the Fourth and the breaking of the record for outside loaps on Sunday, Jackson also participated iii séven "$regular" events that were far -froni "iregular.Y Pilotinig the famned "Mystery Sipi,"' lie roared down past the. stands at more than 300 miles an hiour,. pulled bis ship into a clinb that çarried it almost straigbit 'up?, toppiled. over ai the end of the vertical drive as his ship stalled, <love back to witliina few feet 'of the grouiid and, then pulled* it again iiitoanother climb. Again -lie ,held ie crowds spellb;olnd as lie sent a ship throughi a se' ries- of outside loops, and thien_ into -'the falling leaf"-ani upsidedown flat spin. If Jackson lead, the field, lIis cori-' panions were niot far belinid.. Botb Allen and 'McGrady sent .Ila nes tbroughi paces tlîat few pilots care to attempît. Ouitside hurns and spins, bar- rel roils and loops, %vere execuhed with calmi indiffeérence and hair-raisinig audacîty. -,I formation flýiig, tboa, Tuie Thire&" Here's in truth- a bird's- eye view'o the Curtiss-Reynolds airport,. snapped duriiîg the 'Pageant .of Aviation Progress held -there last, Friday, Saturday and Sunday., More than 17mo00 persons witnessed the program of, aviation events during the three days. Hunters Set New Endurance Mar k of 5533/ Hours, Wheel Above Sky Harbor 23 Days Boys Forced, to, Land About 6 O0Clock On Evening of Fourth as Clogged Oil Screen Stops Flow of 011 to Motor, Grininiig Ibrouigl a heavy coat o'f grime and ait, Kenneth and Johin Hun- ter, pilots of the endurance plane, City of Chicago, abruptly closed their. fliglit of 23 days over Sky Harbor 'airport at hwenty-one minutes and thïrty sec- onds after 6 o'clock Friday 'evening, July 4. They had -been in the air a total of 553 liours, -fortY7onie niiiotîtes and, thirty secondi(s.atid had broken bthc world's refuelinig endu.ranc.e record hy approximia.tely 133 b.oums. The laniditig came 'u nexpectedly. A. holiday crowd; -uuimberiig. more thail 29,000 pcersons,,w hichi had jamnicd the airJ)orf and surrounding field.3, fad"be- guni to iiielt away as the dInr.er houm :arvdand the Stinson-Detroiter con- tinuecd in the air, seeningly m7ithout ans' indication of trouble. 'Tht- grmi Pilots Gasp as Jackson Sends Pusher Into Spin and Lives to Tell Tale Before an audience of several thon- sand persons who were flot aware they were witnessing an act whichi "ýshould have resulted fataily," Dale "'Red" Jackson, former -co-holder of theý world's refueling, endurance. rec- ord, deliberàtely put a Lincoin: Beachey type 1910 miodel Curtiss puslir plane ino a spin and successfùully. brpught it out again on the openiing day of the, Pageant of Aerial Progress, at Cturtiss-Reynolds airport. Ini taking the. old model ship into the air, Jackson Was expected to take off, circle the field and land without attemipting to sunt. Hlis stuntitig vwas i STUDENT PILOT Harding V'an Schaack, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Van Schaack of 614 Linden avenue, Wi ' mette, bas enrolled for aviation instruction ia, the Sky Harbor training .scbool, it was an-, pounced at the aiirport this weelc. IOIloIUVIIg 1115 homç ili Micl officer of tihe .companyý ,-. t"tariignii- c- ajiuu oj u, t- bur i apjne nc 1C41 IICU pil Iot a Plane wile attend- private pilaf's license, and sent it aloft.. Tbus informed of ing school ah New Haven, Conni. Since port officials. at Sky the higber "record, 'Mantz continued returning to the forth shore hielbas take the examinations looping until lie lad bettered Jackson's been a constant visitor ah Sky Harbor, uru from bis sumrner record by ten l.oops, seting the réèéord chartering a sbip f rom timne to time. an. Mr. Brown is an at forty-six. Jajckson blas aninounced According ta tCeorge Fisher, manager. iicago Iltie and Trust. that be will attem~pîta regain the title of the airport, ."Crilly" is a« "darnied at Detroit this week. good pilot.7 %...UIIIUIUCFA .17 A % , Addresses Press Club on Friday Onîe hundred airpianes wvilI circle Chii- cago's- "Loop" this Friday noon ini an aerial salute to Rea r-Admniral1 Richard E. Byrd, who will address the Press Club of Chicago and other o'rganizations on1 his rent fiight over the .south pale. The fliglit %ill be concu'rrent with a motor parade-which will start f ran the, Stevens hotel at' 12 o'clock. The cal- vacade Will go north on' Michigan ave- nue ta Jackson, west an jackson ta La- Salle, south on LaSalle to Washington, over Washîington ta Dearborn and then around the corner to thé~ Press club. Luncheon , iiI be served 'at Itle Press. club. Admirai, Byrd wvill then. re- tire ta private <uarter 1s to. rest and wvork until 7 o'clock in the 'evening wvhen lie .will be. the honor guest at a bainquet at the Stevens ;hotel. ýAdmirai Byrd 'is.a, membcr of the Press club) and his visit, ta Chicago will be the occasion O'f bis first public" ad- dress west of -the Alleghenies silice bisý return to America. Arrangements for an air.caravatl,,com-. prising six amphibian -planies, .bad been completed early this week but Plans for ,the air4tur of Chicago and suburbs were abandoned at the request of AdmiraI Byrd.* The tour would bave started at the.water ramp àn Grant park and wvould have included al ]ýandinig at.the Curtiss- Reynolds airport as the only stop) prior ta the return to Grant Park. Daily News Planle Slated to Land at Curtiss Friday The huge Chicago Daily News. Bel- lanica,. nowv being groaned f ior a. fliit to somne unannounced country, was excpected ta arriveý at. the Curtis s-Réynoôlds airport on Friday of this, week.. Preparations are almnost compieted at the airport -ta provide a oneand three-quarter mile mni- way-for the ship. This runway wvill start at the south end of the students' train- ing field, 'extend across the road separat- ung the south field f roni the Ianding.field. of the airport proper, and continue 'to. ihe north ulne' of the 'commercial field. R. C. Bennett, Glencoe, Purchases Stinson, Jr.