Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jul 1930, p. 39

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loway, rilrroiu l .. tillumt and LnanIeý H. Pajeau have eachi served for onc terni. Samiuel Goss, 525 Greenleaf a venue, Glincoe, is the present commodore. The Othier officers follow: Oscar H. Haugan, 2855 S heridan Placet Evanston, vice- commodore; Jay H. Twitcheil, 1548 Shcrwin. avenue,' Chicago, rear-coni. inodore; Kingsiey L. Rice, 912 Jud.son avenue,- Evanston, secretary; Robert C. Teare, 1719,.Hinmàn avenue,, Eývans- ton, treastirer; Max 'Hayford, 1416 Noves street, Evanston, and Walter T. Stocktan, 519 Grove street, Evanston, direct'ors. The.object of, the. club, as setý out in a-is constitution w-hen organized, was to further the sport of yachtinig,, yacht raciing, boating and other aquatic sports ini season;' social activities and efitertaiiument, l)oth ini and out of, the yachting season, . to estabiislî and main- tain, the friendship of sailors anîong al niembrers of the club and their fam-ii- lies. That it hias suécceeded in ,this ob- jective is demnonstrated by a casual sur- -VeV yOf its programs for the past few seasons. Salîing has, of course, beeîîthe prime sport.* The chlb standard yacht is the Marconi rigged star, iiîost of the fleet being -coimpnised of this tIpe ýof ves- sel. The star is a nedei" craft, reprcsentiiîg anl Internationall fleet of over eighit-hundred and fiftv siniilar- boats iii sixty divisions froiii all)parts- ot the -world. The Sheridan Shore Yacht club, in. standardlizing on the star type vessel and through its activities, lias been largely responsibie for the establish- nient of the star fleets on Lake Michi- gani.. Both the Counmbia and Chicago Yacht club)s have followe'd its iead and,. while their fleets are not s'o large 'as that of 'the local, club, have gîren keeui competi tio n in .aIl inter-club events. iother departmenits.of boat- înig,, tooi, the local group has, been active and its fleet contains some of the, finiest of the smaller cruisers in the Chi- cago area. The wives of club memibers have not by any means become "sailors' widows," it is, pointed out. They have beeni or- ganized into the Ladies' auxiliary of rlgdrll aKithe Iadi, the trio .set neir ships one above the other,. so close as to permit the pilot of one machine to reach up and aimost touch the land- ing gear of the one aboye. They did tesquirrel cage, the three planes fol- iowing one another. arounid and. around ini a series of. loops. Then,. rolling his ship upside down, onIe Pilot mîaini- tained an even course, while a second broughit his plane to withini a few feet of the inverted craft. "The Flying Sons O' Guns," while a show ini themnselves, were not1 theý whole show. Frances Harreli, chaîîî- pion woman pilot, stunited.,with equal spectacularness; a giant tri-n-otore(i Ford 'monopiane looped and spun.; planes *engaged ini a ten-mile, circuit race,;the original St. Louis Robin ini which Jackson and O'Brinie set a worl(ls endurance, record. of 420, hours last year, ivas put througlî its paces: the prize-wNininig Curtiss Tati a ger witîî M.cGradx%' a t the stick wva.s dent- ons trated;,Lvnîaîî Voepel looped tlhe Joop n a niotorIess glider; Jimimie Van Cise "bailed ouf' with a par'a- chute froni the glider: anid as a con- ciu(liIg iîumber, seyeral aviators nma(le multiple parachute'junnîps froîn a Ford inîoiopiane. Notedý Author and Pilot Congratulates Hunters Alicia Patterson, <augbter of tlhe pil)ulisr of a Nveil knowvn weeklyIniag- azine, and lerself a inoted author,.amui flyer, ývas one of the nanY~ proinient piensons to visit Sky Harbor and ex- .tend greetings anmd congratulations. last weýk to the Hunter lrothers_ iîew holders of the world's endurance nec-. ord. Miss Patterson, w~ho plans an article concerning the flyers. -%as taken aloft for -a close glimipse of the flyers Iby George Fishier, manager of the, air-_ port'. Suie is a resident of. Libertyville-, Phoebe. Omley Witnesses Pageant of Air Progress MUiss Phoebe Omiey, wvho last.year won the. ladies' derby in the Nationial test otthe cruising radius of their craft durinpg the past week-end, driv- ing their boats to Sturgeon Bay on Saturday and rnegotiating the, return trip the following day. The two outboard drivers left Ev- anston at 5 o',clock Saturday morning,, their object being to see how far they could travel in a single day. They arrived at Sturgeon Bay at 6 o'clock in the. evening, averaging about twenty-five miles an hour for, the tnip 'of approximuately M5 miles. Philbnick. droive a homeémade step- boat, Smoke,*II, powered with a Lock- Woodl Chief motor. Park >piloted* his Unicoôrn,' also a step-boat and pow- eredwithý a similar motor., Both eni- gines are 'Class B type. No trouble was, encountered. by either Park. is, a graduatc of, Northwestern university. Philbtick is the son of Prof. Herbert Philbrick of Northwestern. He is planning to enter Dartmouth next, fail. Hfunters -Set -New Endurance Record. «(ontinlued frorn, page 38) the two 'endurance pilots and. opera- «tors of the refueling s.hip, returned to. report the trouble haýd been remedied. Aotthree-quarters .of an, hour later,. how.ever, a cry arose' fromn the crowd : "Look out thev're comning dlown,!". The hig or ,anige and biue cabin plane dipped s'wiftlv- and, touch- ing the ground. in a perfect three point landing, rolled on down the field. aiid came to 'a lhait efore a grove of trees. Bùeaking through a cordon of police, provided by coutity and nearby village police departments, the crowd. surged across the. field and packed ,about the ship. WV. F. MicFanland, Il- linois governor for theNational Aero- n.autical association, onie ofthel first. to reach the plane, s.ignaled the flyers to taýxi to, the, hangar. The'.crowd.sep- ar.ated before the, whirling propeller but'as the ship rolled into the build- inigagain jammeid'abou-t it before at- tendants could get th e doors closed., Mechanics and ground crew were able [ater to force a path through the crowd to permit ,the fiyers to gainp the attie of the hangar wmiere a fan-ily reunion in after staging some good driving cal- culated to.stir the interest of the crowd. The Free-for-all, a Bang-and-go- back aiffair, brought out eleven boats. Seyen of thesé flnished in a group ag if at a start, demonstrating 'the beauty of such a race. Clarence Zilimen iný "'Hooeyý" was weil over the timfe limit for flrst.1 Ken Brubaker in "Bull Frog" and RalIph_ Michelini in "Rajo" took second and third respectively. The victorious drivers were awarded their prizes on the 'esplanade im- mediately after the close of the rac e prozranm.1 James, P. Haynes, president of Vista del Lago: club, made the pres- entations. With Mr. Haynes on the .ne- gatta committee were R. W. Clark and R. H. Nason of' Vista del Lago, Com- inodore J. W. Sackrder of the Missi- ssippi VaIlev Power Boat- association, and Franklin Cook and Kari Yost of A largye nuniher of -entries-were pres-. ent for the Third Annual Edgewater Beachi Hotel Regatta held on Satur- day July 5. Five races, were run. Joe Brubaker won the Class B dispiace- mient race int "Seagoini'." His brother Ken foliowved in, "Bull erozO and Clan- enice.Zillimer was third in "ýHooey.?" Randeli Cook arnived too late for the former race, but jumped right'into the Ciass C. dispiacement and copped a &lst. Joe Brubaker repeated for a sec- ond and Art Specht in "Skoots" was third. The Ctass B open was the oc- casion for a fine duel hetween Jack Salmon and Uerb Philbrick. Salmon had enouzgh reserve to win. R. Cook. added a third to his string. Lars Halvorsen, the Pricde of Non- way, displayed his familiar sportsman- ship and good diving ini the Class C openi. In his "V236" he made- it a race withJack Salmon. Both. thes e boys gained the popularity they desenved f roffi the crowd, who appreciateda keen exhibition when it was presented them. JohnKroeger in "Stetson Girl" lagged on the last lap to get third. Iý In the-Grand Handicap Free-for-all, also a Bang-and-go-back race, Clar- ence Zilliner finished three seconds too George Chapline of 'the Curtiss-Wright Corporation at Li ncoln, Neb., flyiing a Stifison, landed at the Curtiss- Reynolds airport last Saturday. He was en route to Detroit. of New York. Mrs. Millen expects to Mr. and Mrs. John V. Rathbone, 523 be here the montli of July. SWIFT IS AIR STUDENT Abottsford road, Kenilworth, and Mr. _-o Nathan Swift, son of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. George Richards of.the Or- Miss Frances Haskin returned Tues-AleB.SftfLkeFrssa rington, hotel have returned frrn a day to her home at 1465 Wilmette ave- leB.SitoLaeFrssa two weeks' vacation atLac du Flami- nue, after- visiting. for two 'weeks in. studn naito at the Sky Hiar- beau, Wis. different, parts, of Nebraska., bor'.airport. A

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