i Finter angd Decorator her pa ren ts, -wli * s ctred. Friends 1; * 03 Greenleaf Phone 2764: Wilmette;, .mmm .mn~*a.am,.l Mr. Dethiorne, 'jLIIUI JI were enro 'uze- .)ed the holidaSys with 0 en the accident oc- Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Laug and their lter brouglit theni to three boys, Williami, john, and Her- bert, moved June 28, f roni South thoughi injured, was Orange, N. J., to 727 Linden avenue. Do you stili PUT THE KETTLE -ON when you need hot water? The tea-Icettie, singing àway 'by; tself, on -the. kitchen stove, used 'to .be,,the only source of hot water. But that was years ago. Modem homes 'have the- self-actmng water heater to give them al the hot water they want --the instant a faucet is turned. Stored up ýin a JOSEPH W. KEHOE, Manager 1141 Central. Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2899 T hi ]tOgers Park Little, lb. .. .... .. ..... Yates, cýf....... ......... .. J1and-, 2h......... Curran. 3b, .......... Ailman. , ....... Corcoran. rf., if......... Angelo. c............... Cordoni, p., rf. ........ Totals IVilmette c'. of Ai,R. 51 40 6 1..reenleaf- avenue af ter a tour of Yel. lowstone,' Bryce's and Zion national parks and the north rim of the Grand * Canyon. They toolc a conducted tour, a large part of the trip being made by bus, ýand were caught in a snow storm in' Yellowstone Park. t t wal4IngJ!I. L IC111<t score was .14-6. The north-siders 1 trininied Wilmette reccntly ini an eleven-inflifg tilt. Ph)illips was 0on the rublier for WiI- mette untilth eiglhth . when lie tired and was. reý- lieved by Kennedy. Te dy was a warmi one and Grant had held the visitors helpless by ditit of bard work. Thé. riglit-liander also grabbed some of the slugging honors.. He notched three singles as -did Dugdale.- Kassel was tieý real clouter 'as, le srnaslied out a triple ini the second with ail the pathis occupied and added a pair of singles. The seoring began in the home setond. Dugdale singled -to right. Rlobin;son strolled. Budack'sacrificed and Pbi1lips pi)iied to Alîniian but a pass to Bakcr filled the sacks. And thên aloýng CPa3n- Vgeor-ge' The first basernan leaned *(Ir, the ball for ~a three-1agge>r tb right aii svnt bis three wates homne. Rudolph tallied in the third -when lie triffled to center and sco-red,>on: Borre's. iielci out. Anothe r marker vas c halk!ed Up 1n.h e, fou rth. Phi!llPýi singled to left. He wvent t<> third on Kasmel's onte-base knock over short and.'scored when Jandat furnbled (2ristiÎizn*q bounder.. Borre. sco(red the Ïlrst.,of two r'jns in the fnfth-when he socked at powerful blow to. far Ieft for, a round trip. Dugdale thensingled to -right, advanced on ftobby's sac'riflce and coWnted wlhen Baker singled clown tbÇ righit foui lune. P ive more runs scored in trie sijxthj. Kassel was bit by a ffltched hal.. Christ- Iinan bit a luisty borner to center. Ru- dol.ih fied out but i3orre singled, Dugdale followed -suit and Robby also singled.. BudIack 1roled ouIt buit PI.lllipg and Baker ,also socked one-basers. Kaqsel endeà the raiiY bY 4oftin2, to Corcoran. - RoItgers Park, w-ho bad scored one rùni in the third, on .a single and, double we . .to, work in the eightht and seeured a cluIntet of rnarkers. Wilviette caeàiiback'and retniev'ed two) .11 the home halfý tox score: