Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jul 1930, p. 46

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Mon-ey to Loan on improved residence and' business property. Construc-. tion Loans will be made, to owners.. REAL ESTATE. LOAN , DEPARTM STATE BANK ANDTRUST COMPANY Orr-ington at ýDais Evanston, 'Illliois CHICAGO EVANSTON Univeruity 7700. IlHURDARD WOODS, E. Congregations continue to increaSe, this new sanctuary, of würship.- Even the prolonged holiday of last week-end did. not dimlnish the number ln atfenda.nce.. Those Who camne found flot onl3y the in- sl>)irinig mrinistration of the, service of worship, but a cool and comfortable place of meeting on'a very hot, sulte.y day. The pastor preaches next Sunday inrnrn-- ing at- il ô' clock. He wilI take the gen- eral thenie *'Athority" a ti & seelité,tirowv light, upon It frorn uie o! the great incidents in the lire of Jesti. The Men's class will mneet undor the -leade~rship of#Dr. :ýfheVflierho~i-nat 9:4--. Three classes are hieid for children iii thý Beginners, Primary, afid Jun)ior depttrt-. mentes at the church hour. DesPlaines Camp Meeting begins om F!-lday night. The Mlasoii Jubilee Singers w11 roid the nîuSic. Rollin Pease of Evanston 18 to be the leader of the sing- ing throughout the entire series of ser\.- ices. The pastor of the Wilnîiette P.arji Methodist vhurch 15 asked 'to preach at Residèice of Wilmette 289 DnMRnoeîm. Baptist Church Wilmette and Forest avenues Dr. George D. Allison, pastor "A Church That Cares" Church Sunday sçhool in aIl depart- ments at 10 o'clock. Varied and inter- estingsmerrogan for everyme- ber of. t4iefamily. The 'morning worship service. at 11t o'clock will be built around the theme, i'Childreni of Light," Dr. Allison preach-. ing. Tonîorrow, Saturday, the Couples* class of the Sunday. schôoo is holding a !amily gathiering and Barbecarnp at Dam No., 2-Forest PreBerve. -The Boy Scouts o! Troop 8, leave the Highland, Park station tonight for Camp Mal-Ka-Ja-Wan In.charge of J. C. Blay- lock. The closifig mid-week service will be held next Wednesday at 8 o'clock, withl the, thenie 'The Devotional Use of the On Thursday, evenYing, July 17, we will have nur annual beach pqriy. Ail_ Menm- bers and frieflds are most eordi«,lly2 wel- corne. We wili. gather, a4 the northeast end o! -Washington Park, on the grass but near the beach at 6 p). ni. Bring picnie supper. The commit tee provides iee creani and rnarshmàllows. Beginnlng a week from Sun day.,th.ii, church cooperates with> our. Congrega- tional friends. in union services. They will be lield for four weeks, JuIy 20, JuIy 27, AuguSt 3.-August 10 in the Congrë- gational church. and the next. four Sun- days, up) thirough September 7, in the lit fit. phurch. RUILDERS' MILLWORK & SUPPLY COMPANY - General Millwork S2131 DEwEY AVE. EVANSTON Péhone Greenleaf 6M40 JOHNSON BROS. ElIrEATING COMPANY -Heatise - Voufflatimfli > WILLiAM B. LUCKEi Plumbing and Heating Manufacturer of Luoko Leakproof Bathtub Hangers-Pateted W" uat 008 tS..f I Our Flaptones Make Beauttu W'alks 1167 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 1115 OAK ST. University 676 EVANSTON, Wilm.tt. 4200 Phone Wtlmette 1664

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