&w&s v A. Bite, .DID you ever bite INTO one of aur DELICIOUS SANDWICHES that GRACE mInkes at OUR soda fountain?, FOR a noon day LUNCH or any, old TrIME that ýyou are HUNGRY. TRY one of our SANDWICHES AND a double ricb LUNCH that 1 W very' EASILY digested.. JUST ,look, and LOOK and then LOOK some more, AND you'II neyer FIND more 28 m 2 Prayer meeting will be held every Wed- nesday eveffing in July. The meeting for July 23 will study "The Pauline Letters to tiie early Churches." It la jnteresting to note that each- letter ha s a probeém to deal with that, Is 'one of the. saine problemis confronting the churcho! today. Sunday school at 9 :30. A. M with a progirain suited to the summer season. Two, sets *o! plans nowv engage the attention of the plans and. contract corn- mittee. The planning o! a building which ivili nieet the needs of the congregational activîties has been an interestiflg ex- peni ence. 'The. preliminary îsketches whicbà were submltted» Tuesday evenlng tpnbodjed ail the features which are es- sential In the ýlife of the niodern suburban church. The Church auditorium will have both baicony and narthex.ý h Sunday school will offer full asseniblies for aeil departinetits and class 'roomns for 11classes. The Laiswalr~ill be' a fully equipped unit with dipnette. con- nlection for separate service when desired. 'T'he entire plant will be erected to elimi- nate- the basement and establish a ground floor Ia its -stead. The excellene of the planning permits the erection of itium and Sundlay school units. The chapel miakes possible a Chhildr-e's .chuireh on pattern of the Senior eservice. The chapei will be Ideal for weddings, funeral services, Prayer meetings, and assembiies: WmKaP Â,euues 28 and29 Bapt ist Church Wilinette and Forest avenues Dr. deorge D. Allison, pastor Sunday inorniflg, July 20, at il o'clock will be' the first of a series of Union services with the Flrsàt Congregatioflal church. Our niinister; Dr. George D. Âll- son, preaches on the theme, ",Asharmed of Jesus." A cordial invitation ls extended to -the general publie.. The preacher in the Union services for July 27,. August 3 and August 10 Will 'be Prof. -A. G. Baker of the, University of Chicago. who 'is well known to rnaflY Wilrnette* people. The Prijnary, junior and Intermediate departments o! the Sunday. School wilI nîeet at, 10 o'clock in the Baptist. church, but the Senior-Adluit departmeflt Is sus- pended for the-sunimer. Dr. Ailison- ieaves',Sunday. eveniflg on his trip to Great B3ritain. lHe salis fi'ofi New York. on Wednesday, .J uly 23, at Il1 A. M. on the U. S. Liner George Wash- ington. _Hîs addreÈs whiie abroad will be Royal Hôtel, Russel Square, London. First Evangeli*cal1 S8N6 El1m street, Winnetka Rloy A. Thoipson, pastor, 794 Elm strè.et (Wnn_304) Suidey, JuIy 20 Il. a. nm. Morning Worship, Sermon by the pastor. 5 p. mr. Young People's meeting. 7 :45- p. ni. Gospel service. Speclal siiig- ing. Thursday, July 24 P. p. m. Mid-meek service. Vacation Bile school-each f0renooïi at 9 e1cePt Sturd(ay and Sunda y. Boys and- girls cordially invlted. L", a-') THE OLD, OLD STORY, Mis. F. A. Buck xi67, Wilmette Ave. I Phone Wilmette 4598 I I I 4 '1 'I Misses Helen and Buddy Holden, 527 Warwick road. Kenilworth, Vir- inia, Hicks and Betty K;ulback of (flencoe returned on Tuesclav from Culver. mnd.. wbere thp-v had been at a bouse party for the past-week. the -Men's class, meets éach, Sunday mornlng at 9: 45, under the leadership of Dr. William D. Schermerhorn.. The chul- dren of the BeginnerS, Prnimary,- and Jun-, ior departmeiits meet at the church'hour -11' o'clock.. All members o! the church school, above Junio~r age, join in the regu- Iar service of worship., The preacher- at the morfing service this Suaday at il o'ciock will be Dr. William D. Schermerhorn. He is profes- soýr of Church History at Garrett Bibli- cal Institute. His experielice has been wide and varled. It ranges ft'om sveral years o! mlissiorlary service la India to college presidency la North Da.kota. Hie is a,,lectureOr, preacher, and teacher much sought after. . Those who corne wilI go away.feeling weli nep)aid. Dr. Sehernier- hora .wili aiso be the preachier August 3 and 10. Con gregational Ch'rch Vere V. Loper, Minister Elizabeth B. Webster, Director o! Religious Education D-i-ing the aext eight weeks, this church will cooperate with the Baj;ss-t chuncuh in a series o! union services. The finst four series. will be held ia this church anid the last four in the Bapt.ist church. Next Suflday Dr. George D. Ali- son wili preach 'the opefling sermno! the series in this churcb.. The mninsters *who will supply the puipit duriag the nemnaining weeks are as !ollows: July 27,. Augùust 3 and 10-Prof. Archi- bald Baker, o! the University of Chicago.. *August 17 and 24-Pro!. Arthun C. Mce- Giffert, Jr., of Chicago Theological Semi- mnary. August 31-Rev. William E. McCor- aiack. September 7-Dr. Vere V. Leper., Mtisical nunmbers for July 20: Prelude: A Cloister Scene ........ Mason Solo: Out of the ..Deep .... ....... Eville Lester Sjnlth Offertory: The Enchanted Isie . -Stewart Solo : AUla an April Evenlag .. ..Homer Lester Srnith Potl fl: hanté du Roi Rene . G"..inanlt