ceive the hirst message fromn Mr. Boltz. It read: "There's a chuirch iin the valley by the wildwood." By thinking a bit it became apparent that the next note could he f ound down IV the couincil ring,., It was found in the pulitbyFranik Appleyard, ýTroop5, Ieadiing the Scouts on a merry chase.. Some of the> members of the, Senior Staff seemned to think that the messages lwere.quite liard, but the Mfa-Ka-Ja-Wani Scouts are a pretty bright bunch -of f el. lowvs and theyf ound them al. The finâl resuit's of the treasure -hutt \wcre as follows: first place -Menominee Wol f Pat roi; second pace-Ottawva Crow j Pàtrol: third, place -!~Shawvnee Beavers, '~Elephants and Stag Patrols and the Ot- taWa New Nertz Patrol. The only prize axVarded wvas lots of perspir.ation, -but al the, Scouts seenied to enjoy the after- imon s, sport.-Bob )Wlhite, roop 31.ý Iighland Park. Announce Winners, in Camp Swimming Meet Results of recent swlmming meet -leld tcamp waterfront at Camp Ia-Ka- Ja-7Wan hâve been announced.as follows: Breast. stjroke for swimimers, 50 rds- Glerald G uider, Troop 55 Glenviewv; Paul GilbCrt, 1Troop 13, Kenilvorth;* Johni Fischer, Troop 222, Glencoe. JEgg. and' Spoon race for beginners- Ted Smiith, Troop 17, Winnetka; L;, I-augsness,-'Troop 10, Xilmette; Tom' Roberts, Troop 46, Lake Forest; John Gleason,. Troop 12, Wilmette. Free Style Swfrnming Class--$dward Joyce, Troop 12, Wilrnette, Paul Gilbert, Troop 13, Kenilwortb; Evertý Archer, Troop,46, Lake Fore st. Tandem race for swinimers-Emorv Sawyer, Troop 19, Winnetka, and Harry" B3rown, Troop 20, Winnetka; Bill Mehren andý Lee O'Brien, Troop, 24, Hubbard Woods. Junior Officers race, 50 pards-Diclý Wichman, Troop 33, Highland Park; Paul Hoffmfan, Troop 1,Wlet~ Peter White; Troop 35, Ravinia. Scouts Receive Gifts larents of johtn Betak, waterfront d1i- rector; Mr. Aldrich, father of Knight j.Aldrich, a camp J. 0.; Edward Fowler, a brother of Jack Fowler, and several memnbers of the Bersch family who are here, to pay a visit tio George Bersch, ,Our quartermiaster. tfiey presented, to Mr, XVWilkiiis"'in tlie mnidst of a nmorning serenadle at break- fast, having heard him :express a desire for a real drug store mnilk shake. They. ailso presented Dick Wichman, J. O. with a squeege.e to clean the mness hall plates. According to. Mr. I<reusch, this i's one of thé finest eçxample's .of the, "Gooôd Turu" that he- has heard of, lu mnany long moons. "I.suggest that ail Scouts 'follow the example of. these Scoutmaster ,s ini striv- ing to help other people at .ail times, said Mr. Kreusch, Mien interviewed b the reporter. 20 to 331/31% On Al Merchandse 'WM. SLATER, JR. I Unifr. 3 130à 1616 Sherman Av..,Eansiton Haif measures neergrew good pples **annve kogktagoodml Alot of' sciencean a lot of aei needed to gro W good, juicy apples. And Segual care is required to pack and ship greatest experience and care can pre- serve its goodness from farmto you. Taken only from the choiceet of dairy cows, Bow- man's MiIk is extra good at the start. And tza t'extra goodness is neyer lost. Pasteurization, refrigeration and speedy delivery bring it to your table as full- rich in creamt, as, fresh and as pure as oia when taken from the cow. Telephone TUE MILK 0OF SUPERIOR FLAVOR