tion. One of the greatest problenis which city mothers -have to face thege days is that of finding safe play space for their -children. The" problem of the little pre-school child's outdoor play is* especially açute, for most cities until very recently, have flot been awake to their responisibility in t.his, matter and have flot made special provision in their playgrounds >for the toddlers. As, a consequence, the older children use al'the play..space for their gamnes, and the younger children, absorbed in their, small affairs, 'are literally bumped and jostled out Qf, the way. Throughout the country, however. cities.are beginning to recognize this problem and to include even the babies in their, park and playground pro- grams. In, One southern city, for in- IMM stance, the park department bas pro- vided a shallow wacing pool for the' exclusive use of the pre-school young- sters. Other chties provide sand boxes and such things in shady corners ofbsome of their, parks, and a few here and there .are installing playfields ý ith compflete equipmnent in miniaLture. But the provision of play space Ini some distant park or paLgroundý is' not enough. for busy mothers may find the journey too long and too ex- pensive to take very ofte.n. Portable Playground In, one of New England's industrial centers the problernibas been, at least partially, solved by the use of portable playZrounds which visit different parts of 'the city on stated days during the su mer onths. On "layground day a, side, street in the district, to be vis- ited, is closed to' traffi. Slides, teeters, Swings and' other. simfple' devices ofl apparatus. are set up bv the park de- partment. The festivities proceed under the capable direction of two recreation supervisors who travel with theý play- ground, Since this work is carried on during1 as a cheap way ot providing play space in the heart of thickly popplated re- gions of the city. "Block parties" for. the older chiIdren and impromptu wad- ing parties, by. courtesy of the> ire department have corne to be a familiar part of the jummer scene in many. of Our larger cities.. St reetsMwuy*,Dangerous Lately, . however, the wisdom of, street playgrounds bas been questioned by some of the teachers Who have been carryi.ng on school safety campaigns empbasizing- the. danger of careless street crossing and play., Cbildren, Iac- c.ording to these observers,à have flot the judgment to' distinguish between the tinies when a, street is officially, a. playground and the times when, hav- ing resumied, its ôfficial,'status, as aà street, it becomes a danger spot.. Last. year more than a bundred thousand children were burt while playing, in the street. but the heaviest mortality occurred among the childiren u.nder five, years of age, a group which is flot reached by saféty campaigns or cared for by school playgrôunds, so it" would seem that safety education must, begin in the nursery. If we are t.o keepý children f rom playing in the street we must plan other outdoor play space. Where shall we find play space for chiîdren, how shall we ejup ij-t, wh at l'eadership shall we provide, how much can we afford' to spend, on upkéep. and whose duty, should it be to provide these things for our childre n? Topic at Confpeece These are some of the questions which are being studied by onie of the sections of the White Housè Con- ference on Child Health and Protec- tion. The reports. and' conclusions', which will be preseted by this group when ýthe conferenemtsiWa- ington next Novembeér, should be Of interest to parents. an& city officidls alike, for -as $ecretary Wilbutr said flot long ago wvl,e'addressi,,g a prelimninary mieeting;of- this section, in bis officia! capacitv as chaîrmian of the' White Houise Conference: "Recreation used to spenci a few weeks at Colorado Springs, Colo. Miss Dorothy and Jane will be entertained during their stay inf Colorado Springs by a schoolmate of theirs. at Ogontz.I Our Evansftn SA.> i i Cl t ~v.ry Eveuint ai 6 P. M. "n 't Hundreds of Pairs of Golf and Sport Of ords.. In Our.44thAnnual July Sale $5 85 Order fi Wilmette 3029 Nr_ No Toli Charge to Cali OuirEva Phone Wannetka 188 Duriorg Jutly and A agust w o>