matic oil heat, was president of the Aniericani Nokol company of Chicago from its inception uni - 1 last year, wheu the company was merged by bum witlr the Petroleum Heat anîd PoWer coin- pany of New York, at which time Mr. Hanmmeis become la vice-president of the'latter',corporaàtion. While. the- Chicago plant at 4200 Schubert avenue, the Nokol division,, is and will, continue to be. operated on an expanding basis, Mr. Hammüers bas been spending « -çonsiderable portion of bis timie at tbe general 'offices ini New York, -and at a recent meeting of the company's directors iNw'as reelected a director and made first vice-president and, general manager. of the Petroleuni Heat.and' Power compaîîy with offices at 51j1 Fifth avenue, New York. * The Petroleum Hleat and PQwér coin- .paniy, tbrough its subsidiaries, is- the pionieer -fof--ul andL.automatic .beiat. both domestic 'and industrial and for *power plant purposes. T 'he Schubert avenlue planit in Cbica- go isputtilng into manufacture now ad- cluding automatic -heating units for nianufactured gas and particularly natural gas. Mr. Hammers is now lin' 'theEast" Mrs. Hammiers and their'Èsmall son, Paton, Will leave about August 1, for tbe sumnmer colony at Lake An'lgelus, Micb., and wil ipin Mr. I4ammers about Sepiember 1. Tbeir new borne will be at 38 Van Rensselaer ave- .nue, Sbippan Point on Long Island Sound, residential division of Stani- ford, Corin. Job's Daugbters Planl Bunco, Bridge Pairty Job's Daugbters of Bethel, No. 44 wîll bold a card and bunco party at 2 * 'clock Wednesday afternoon in the Wilmette Masonic temple. Tbe. party will be given' under* the direction of the. Senior. and- Junior Princesses, Ag- ries and Pearl Maitland, assisted, by theHor Queen, Julia Wild,, and the Guardian, Mrs. A. J. Kuelzow. The *Job's Daugbters held an outing last Weduesday afternoon at Deer Grove Park on the Dundee road. Eldora Hopkins was in charge of the ar- rangements. Moffett Photo Arthur H. Boettcher of Evansion lias retired as the president of the Circuit Theater Association of the North Shore. He is succeeded in the office by Samuel S. Otis of Winnetka who bas served the organization as vice president for several years. His long record of work with the tbeater group as officer, one of its directors, a designer of scencry anxd an actor of character roles,. welI equips Mr. Otis for the position., ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scbaedler of 301 Sheridan road gave a dinnier last Sunday nigbt at the Linden Tea rooin in bonor of tbe past patrons andi matrons of the Germania chapter oi Chicago. Fifty memibers of the cl ub were present. Mr.-Scbaedler is presi- dent of *the Germania chapter.1 Douglas Snmith of 1309 Cbestnut ave- nue, returnied last Friday [rom Winter %- - -& . U iN .iu,..Ar. Siétc r tS igi times winner of the Western Amateur, and Arthur S. Sweet, one of the out- standing golers of the district. The 18-hole match starts at 2:45 o'clock.- Use northwest highway to Biltrnore, or Route 22. The coursé record is stili 70 and the foursome Will attempt to do what Harry Cooper and Al, Espi- nosa failed to do recently-namniely, break that mark. Mrs. Rockwood A. Kuel- zow and-their son, of Jackson Heights, N. Y., are spending their 'vacation wîth Mr.. Kuelzow's parents, M.adMs A. J..Kuelzow.of 611 Greenleaf, avenue. Mr. Bennett, a Chicago tenor, ii a pupil of, Lucie Lennox of Chicago. Win- ning the state and district Atwater Kent contests last year, he sang frein New -ork over the Atwater Kent hour as one, of, the national winners. He is the soloist at the Fourth Church of 'Christ, Scientist.- Dr..CarI A. Reeb Anno7unceés that be lias opened an offi Ce for the practice of 'dentistrg G *Room 20 1. Willrette State Bank Building Wilmette, II1. G 8 30-1 :00A. ~Telephone E. 1:30- 5:00 P. M.,G G andWilmette * 7:00- 8:30 P.M. E G Wed,êadqya:5080 G 8:30-12:00 G ............ G.... RAY OFFER for JuIy -0 -- Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bouchard of 222 Oxford road, Kenilworth, with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bouchard of Chicago,, have returned f rom a 'two weekse'. trip to Canada wbere they spen t mostof their tueé fisbing. Thé trip was niade by mote-., . ecago e-799 W. zaekson St. ke Monroe 6480 Phone Univ. 2238 %. O aNO 1606 Chicago Ave., Evansion