Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jul 1930, p. 16

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t By Rob.ert H. moulton (Glenicoe) } THREE hundred miles from Chi- caoto ElIcho, Wis., by flhc \Vis- Ionsin Lakes Sp)eciai of the North Western [<mne, seventecui miles fro!n Elcho by auto through 1)cturesque stretches of forest and farmn lanmd, and thien a sudden turnin the road reveals a little blue-water lake, set ini a frarne of birches and aspens and pines. Highi on the opplosite, shore a flag, is wbipping. ini the breeze; there are. glimpses of' tents and mov- ing, figures ini the shelter of the woods; a niotor boat churns around a point, and then, sharp) and dlear, the notes of a bugle float over the. water. W~e have reached our destination-- Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, summner home of the Boy. Scouts of the North' Shore. Aréa council.. it was the morning of the Fourtb when 1 arrived, and the Scouts were celebra- ting the national holiday according to . their own peculiar customs, which in-' cludes doing everything possible in and even. the city-fed man, catching the spirit of the thing, accepted a third heiping of baked ham and then, emula- ting the Scouts; wiped his plate clean vvith 1 slice of bread! The chef and his assistants stand in the doorway siiing broadiy. They are proud oi their success. Then corne songs, coliege and high scbool cheers, joking,. bantering-an overflowivin every conceivable forni of the youthfui spirit. Finally one of the officers outlines the activities for the afternoon. There are to be swimming' races, diving contests, canoe tiiting, «'ater polo;- comedy rescue stunts, and so -on. It is a rousing and hilarious afternoon. Supper at seven. And then to top off the day an elaborate dispiay of ireworks. Bcd time. Taps. Lights go-out a.nd quiet reigns save for the soughi of- the wind in the tree tops, the musical 'iap of water, and'.the oc- casionai cail of a night bi'rd. Ninety tired but happy boys~ are sleeping the sleep of the just. The people of the north shorewh have contributed to. the- developnient (Photos by courtesy of Robert H. Moui.ton) Inspiring orter Ah! Who? Who-oo-oo? Who isT this guy, thec Conspiring Reporteri who lias inspired more thrills than Chi- cago's' Secret Six? Who is he? Is he a nS. O. or J. 0.? We give you two guesses. Jack Dalton-- Nope. John 1Betak ? Noper ail wet., Look. out.! Here. it cornes. The Perspiring re- p-orter .is none other th-'n Johnny. - . Oh! but this is hard. VP S, we XVILL expose , himi. Johnny- Johnnv Fischer has for the past Sev- eral days made the camp. squirm every tiîne the "?" (camp publicationi) was issued. XVe're sorry, Johnny. It7 Just liad. to be donc and y ou. have, certainly clone a- splendid job as the Inspired Reporter. We than.k yot.-L. L. W. and werit uwn teuthexMes haul. bon Mr. McManus and Mr. Boltz came along and asked us to, move a pile of logs to a pile in the rear of the cam~p store.. Mr. McManus started tampering with the hose and. we -got Wise to what was happening. A fetw minutes before,6:.30, Mr. Mc- Manus began to work on the lire siren and the bugler piay*ed fire cati.. We poured gasoline, on the woodpile and lighited the lfire. In a brief time sleepy Scouts, dressed in pai amas, came run- ning, down the patbs f rom the varieu s villages. Three minuites'after the siren was first 'sounded the entire camp was lined *up in front of the mess hail. We dragged out a hose, ,f ormed a bucket brigade, andi soon had the excitement over. Mr. McManus says that the Èire drilli "wasn't se hot" and, according te reports, we'll have another one agamn.- Stephen Brooks, Troop,2. Chief Whirlinig Thunder Lends Pp tb, Campfire At campfire meeting iast night Chief Whîrling Thinder iighted the fire '.y friction method. Then assisted by Mr.' J3etàk and dressed in his cérémonial cos- tume hie blew smoke.to the four Winds.' ,Mr. Bersch ied in several rousing songs. inciuding the famous "One mani wenit to. the mow." An unofficial record of fifty departing men was set. Bud Thackeray won the laughing, contest but Mr. Wi- king chailenged him to a finishi fight.. Thaeheray put up a good fight. In a, bot air contest, .Ed Joyce and Mr. Wil- king tiéd. When this tie was played off Mr, Wilkjnis won. Chief ended th e campfire with a sign language benedic- tion., Clean-'!n Camnaign at Camp Keeps 'em Busy There lias beeti quite a, lot:,of acivity ini this camp in the last few days. Mo st of the Scouts are making feénce waiksfo th.eir yards and ýtents. We have succeeded in remnovi ng most of -the débris which. bas accumuiated during, the year. We have obtai.ned a nice tali birclh tree for a flag pole. The tent that, carnies- off honors at the inspection lias a neignuoring farm. A tew appropri- REPORTERS ON ate words of grace froni one of the Apparentiy the camp leaders, the boys seat theniselves, and a vacation or have gone theu the serious work of clearing the get busy, you reporter tables -of everything edible begitis. It news ini the "?" box was a wonderfui tesson in eficiency,, What do you say? and get some ihé;aduanes iULU Ua iUUirop ji, Highland. Parkc, jUUIVU Uy ~iiiathier and liOther and had his name officially changed to peoceeded, to Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan. tz. The camp cierk, Mr'. Wilkcins, id a boat permit (in four counts) Mr. Betak seenis to be quite long- ering this and copies have been for- winded. He swamn under water for a ded to the Fichoý postmaster and distance of f teen floats and Chief President. Whinling Thunder swam thiren

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