Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jul 1930, p. 22

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I the FIlNAÀL CLEARANCIEE Dresses as ýLow as Formerly $45.0 Suits and Coats as Low as ~25 Formeriy iuP to $110O Hats, Formerly up to $22.S50 0 Ail Other Merchandise Shows Similar Reductions. When guests arrive if mighty difficuit ta. prepa re and serve dn appropriate meal in a hot kitden and.. sii be the charming hostess. Nowâays it is' quite the thing for folks on the, North Shore ta bring their guests here, because they know that the meais we -I j *1 1' Arnong the citations whichi cornprised the lesson-sermon was the foiliwpg from the Bible: "I have set the Lord always before me: because - he is at my 'right band, I shall not be, moved. Thou wilt sh ew me the path of life: ini thy p'resence is :fulness of joy; at thy right band there are pleasures5 for evermore"' (Psalns, 16:8, 11). The lesson-sermon also included the followilig passages frôm the, Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.",by Mary *Baker Eddy-. "To diivestthought of false. trusts and material evidences ini order, that the spiritual facts ofý being way appear -thyis, is the great attain- ment by ineans of which we shal1 sweep away the faise and give'place to- the true"à (p. 428). Helen Wanwright, Corne to Wilmette Beach This SundaYý -Helen Waiiiwright, twice Olymp1~ie fancy diving champion and recognized generally as the great all-around swim- mer and diver of lier time, will give an exhibition of fancy divng at the Wil- mette Beach* Sunday afternoon, JULy .7, at 3 ô'clock, under auspices of the B. V. D. Swim club. In addition to Miss Wainwright's. appearance on the program there .will 1,e exhibition events by several north shore stars, as well as four raýcîng events in wihich. north shore swimming devotees wil, be invited. to compete for- awards. These competitive events weill iticlude a .50yard race for Junior boys (under 14 years) ; 50-yard race for junior girls (under 14 years) ; > 100- yard race for Senior boys, and 100- yard race for Senior girls. Registra"-, tions may be made with Beaclimaster Wrenshaw at the Wiimette beach bouse. Thiere will lie-no registration tees. Unfavorable weather conditions made it impossible to carry through a -similar program a few weeks ago when John- 1N' Weismijler, world's greatest swim- mer, appeared at the Wihnette beacli. but Nvas forced to forego the sclieduied District Golf ýAss',n iii Junior Tourney July 28, Gol.f clubs affiliated with the:Chi- cago District Golf association have been invited to send in an unlimited number of entries for the Junior Team andi Individual tniirnnnpnt tri he rika,* Phone Winnetka 690 spocial GANS HIR SaoP Main St. Opp. Ev.nshfr. Hotel Alus66 1 VASN , shlore Chriktian Science churches. One finis thlealin g, saving power of Christ' revealed in a line of *our textbook; one . in the prayer of a friend;' another 'in deep conscientious study. of 'the. Bible; one in a testimony recorded in the Christian Science Sen- tinel;, and another in sulent commun- ion wit h the- Giver of ail good g'ifts. Mrs. Eddy, assures us, that ."Divine* Lôve always.lias met and aiways wili mee t every humnan need" (Science -and He.alth, p. .494). This assurance, is hased upon Scriptural authority. In Psalms we read, "Bless the Lord, O nîy soul, and forget flot al l is bene- fits: who forgiveth aIl thine iniquities;. who heaieth .ail thy diseases.". Chris- it-i Science heals disease on the basis of the alln 1ess and omnipotence of- God, good, ani the consequent nothingness, anxd powerlessness. of evil., jésus tauglit and demonstrated, the. atoneiflent of Christ, and thus- becamne "the way, the truth, and the life" to ail those seeking the Father and the Father's house. Christian Science' teaches tliat individual salavtion rests upon no other basis than the atone- ment of Christ, as exempiified in 'the life of Christ Jesus. Christ does flot reconcile God, divine Mind to mortals, alias mortai mmnd. The purpose, of the Christ is to present to human con- sciousness the aliness, the complete- ness, the desirability of divine Mind, 50 .winningly, so convincingiy, that human corisciousness wili abandon its dlaim to being mind and will vield- to spirit. k r 6262'

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