Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jul 1930, p. 28

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The half-way mark of the Raviniz season will be reachied on Sunday, Jul: 27. Duriing the closing week -of thi first part of duis seasoni Ravinia -opçrz bias set à iiew:fmark for itself :which il is likély lias never been>,adliieved hi any other opera hiouse il, this countj-y It lias foünd ît necessary to presenl the samie opera twice within ithe course of a single w eek-'Aniima Allegra," thiÉ Vittadinï work %vhich, t ook its audieu cc ystormi at its first performance oil Mj\ondày niglît. It will be given With the samne cast on Saturday, july 26, with Lucrezia Boni and Chamnlee. iii Ieading roies. Italian day: will bec elebrate.Sunclay afterhoon,. luly 27, with, an orchestral ,concert conducted by Eric' Debamar- ter, aild. con;isting àf works ýby fore- *inost Italiaii composcrs. Johin Wcicher, violinist, will be soloist., The Royal Italian Consuil-Gencral. G. C;ýstrucciô ýwill deliver a short address... On Sunday nigtit' July 27 :Verdi's -celebrated m;lsterpiece. '*Aida," will be giveni with Elisabetlî Retlîberg ]il the titie rote, Giovanni Martinelli - as Radamies, lina BourskaVa 'as Aineris, Mario Basiolaas Aionasro, Vi.rgilio Lazzari as, Ranifis, Louis D'Aligeio as tie >King, and Giuseppc. Cavadore, as. thle mlessenger. Gennaro Papi will con- duct. This is, a cas;t long fainous ini ...Aida." Ciîarpeîtier's great opera;, *otise, Will have another perfoiniance on Mon- day niglit, July 28, withi Yvonne Gal again mi the titie roie, and Edward Jolinson opposite lier as julien. Julia Claussen -will be cast as the mother again, anîd Leox: Rothier. wiji have- his great noie of the father. Louis Hassel- nilswîil cond(uct., Madame Gall lias made. this 'one'*,of, lier ôutstandirigly successfui roles,, and Mr. Jolinson is conisidertedl a great julien. Onl Tuesday niglît, july 29,' "Rigolet- to' wÀlllihave its tirst performnance this seasonl. i'nus typl:icai Verdi work with ils tiremeéndous action- and flowing miel- .ody is one of the. nîost popular of the. entire Italian repertoire. Mliss Florence Macbetlihl sing. the role of Gilda,l - - -DeGueldre liotd> Elisabeth Rethberg looks like "love mue, love ni-\ dog" in this picture of lier cUil(iiflig lier puet. Thle prima- donna, v:hlo is.-filinig thie oper;a houise at 'Ra- v'znia , tli lier gloriously golden Voicc,. gives thIs l)right-eved bit of caine in- telli gencée the benleft of opera sung by the ownclr of thîe worid's nîost perfect .soprano voice ail freë of charge. Spec- lal performances for an audience cf Ollé! - dan, sailors froin the Great Lakes Naval station, and marines frotu the Great Lakes, will participate in spec- tacular drills and(l exhibitions. Botli bauds ii l. Like ail the Thursday afternoon eet at Rýa\vinia, chi-Idren uuîder tev are adinitted free . and seats in thle pavilion are frec to aIl. "La'Tra%.iata" ivili hiave its first per- formiance this season on Tlîursday eve- ning, Juiv - 3T, witlî Lucrezia Boni in tuie. tile- role,.,iii Yvhicli she lias won, the plaudits of thie public in nianiy opera biouses and on. nierous oc- casions. Thiisis anotiier of those typical Boni parts in whic.hsh* excePI.,It o'hues violinist, wlio is - 0w on a concert tour of Europeani capitals, lias received an invitation fronm Queen Marie to visit her ,najest3r iii Sinaia, Roumania.,Tliè Queen. mentions the-' great pleasure, Lusk's former appearances. have giveni lier and states that slîe i opes lie can include a private -performance befone lier, on lis present European concert trip.. Lusk, mwho waskiiiglited by, -the late King, Ferdin-and sorne time ago, wiIl probably comply witlî Hie Q ueeni's recuest, it' is said. 'Mr.,-,Lusk, is a resident of \Vilmette. Wilde aKr.otrI Soloist for Choral Group- Wiida VaiiKirk-Foster, said to0 Po$- sess one *of thue purest soprano voices cf the country today, lias been, the -inner of one of the solo positions * witlî the Chicago Civic Choral society, and -wilil appear ini the society's fail con ce rt, on Sunday afternooni, Septemn- Iher 28, Of .this. vear. The concert will be given in the Studebaker theater. Mrs. V"anKirk-Foster's home towil is Piano, Ill., wýhiclh is about sixty miles west of. Chicago, anîd lere she was, horn, received lier education, married, and is- now raisiîg. three chljdren. "Some day tlie wliole world will hear that wNonderful voice," lier neiglibors used to say while she xvas singing for them in, the chiurcli choir or ini the ian. woinen's chorus, but the so- prano tlîoughit lier tweraty-ei-ght years and .tlree children- made he-r too old te do more than dream of a concert career. In Jantuary of this year she decided to join the C hicago Civic 'Choral- society beca-use of tlîe broader riusicai- contact it would afford lier, .and w-hile singing with the society judges discovered -th& '.beauty of.lier Voice. Covent Garden Syndicate to Seil Its Opera Hlousei In view of the annouincement recen t- iy- made tliat the Cov-ent.Garden' Opera bouse will i)e sold, the Covent Gan-7 .rrogress of Chizcasgo The Chicago Civic Opera company will open its season on Monday eve- aiing, October 27, beginning its second season in "its new home, on Wacker drive. The, heiglîterîed brilliancy of eacli* season over- the last lias made of thie music loyers _of long - standing regular subscribens. The conîpany.has alrea 'dv received subscriptions for next yea r, and. whether it is- because of civicý loyalty or indulgenceý of wliat Is one of the two or three highest, of p;leasures,. an increased nu'mber of patrons have reserved' thei- places for the season., "Dedicated to Chicago's. Progress" is a slogan on one of the large posters displayed at the Chicago Civic Opera house. This typifles the aims and pur- poses of thé Chicago Civic -Opera com- pany, whicli has bec'ome sucli an im- portant factor in the cultural life hlot onl1Y -of Chicago, but of ',the entire, nation.- The wvord' "civic" in'-the title of Chii- eago's resident opera coinpany-was'not>, cliosen fbr ornament. Lt was seiected because the backers of the company desired to niake of their project an opera1 coinîpany for, the people of Chii-: cago aîd- the xîîetropolitaàn arèa, sur- rounlding it. .The great buildinig whicli now houses, the company, and, which 1i.S the propertv of the Chicago Musi cal Founidation, wâs constructed as' the' most important eletuent. in this de-* velopment of an opera for the people. It is destined in the future to carry the load of. the opera- deficit which is - now borhe - y public subscription in Chicago, and by taxation in Europe.- The Civic Opera -is an essential mani- festaton -of that. spirit- of progress Whici lias mnade Chicago the metropolis ,of the. central states, and wvhich'is' carrying it forward to leadership ini the west ern h emisphere. It is1 recog- nized .today.as the world's finest opera, ,but 'is backers -are flot content to rest on their laurels.- They are constantly in search of new talent and new, works, vwhich-wiU continue to' give it. the rxecessary impetus to iniaintain its leadership in the ield of music dramia. " -l 1 MR . IM,- ternoo s i reached on ns a- w ui aw capacity lnouses. Madame 1-0r: nin Of the orche~stra a chance-t ds lfela.o i o eeima i s ternons s reclie onTlursday aiter- lias' a rolé n-erfectly suiteçl to ber, and play their individuality. The Chicago thie fact- that he was a man witlia noon, July .31, wlien the out-of-doon Edward Johnaison is to sing oppositc lier Symphiony orchestra,- cozducted bv depth of mind and a breadth of sym- carnivaill be lield. This year is to as RUggero. M.\is-sý Florence Macbe-tiu Mr. DeLamarten, will contnibute som*e patliy seidom found in those who suc- be an "Arnmy and Navy Day with the and Armand Tokatyan have the come- ensemble numbers, but the..prograni ceed-in reaching the position which lie U. S. M4arine Corps," a repeat prognam dy rotes of I4isette'and Prunier. Otlî- wili bie composed of solo numbers occupied in the musical wonid." He. is fron iast vear, hecause- of its immense ens.,in flue cast include Miss Maxwell. mainly. On Sunday niglit, Aug. 3,, survived by his widow. Wanda Anton- popula ity., Soldiers from. Font Sheri- Miss Falico, Miss PaZpiý, Mn. Wind- "&I1cia" wilI be given. . ovna Auer. î

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