ing by Phillips and a total of six- " teen hits sockedj b)F bis mates: t Our own - Bal Robinson . again played a big role in the win. He collected a 'triple in the, sixth jx ninz and a duo of singlesin the Wabbly eigbth of which we will Robinson Iear more anon. Besides, he, caught. a, brilliant gameé, nabbing a, runner stealing second'and receiving the right-hander's fast bails faultlessly. Kassel also shone in the hero act. He garnered a couple of one-basers and socked the longest borner in* the bis-, tory of the Village Green in the afore-, mentioned hectic eighth. The blow, ,came with the paths loaded with run- ners. Phillips was in fine form. lie fanned twelve hostiles and allowed only seven hits. He was especially effective gfter the visitors grabbed two markers i n the fourth. It was a great game until the 'blast was fired. Wilson's circuit, smash gavé Wilmette a run in the first., Janetz scored in the third when he singled to ,center, advanced to third on two wild heaves by Botzko and scored on Wil- s ons infield out. The sailors knotted the count in the fourth. Two were down when Guess hit safely to left and came home ahead of Patterson as that gen~t Iaced out a honier to lef t. The fifth saw the lead again in Wil- mette's possession. Phillips hit a four- bagzger to right. The bail went past tlic fielder, under an auto and bounced over, the. alleyý into' a resident's back ya.rd. Wilson'came uP a moment later and* tickled the pili for lis. second. rounel-tripper of the day by clouting it to deetp center. Here's what happened in the eighth. RudolPh and Borre. singled.* Dugdale rolied out to the pitcher. Robinson singled. Phillips, ditto. janetz'alsoditto. PhilliPs out on Wilson's infield roller, Baker walked, Kassel hit a home run with the. bases full, Rudoipli hit aùother almost to thé same spot, Borre a 0 been the, guests of Mrs. D'0raziou. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgeway, 207 sister, Mrs. Eugene Mancinelli of 1010 Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth, enter- Sheridan road. Mr. Mancineîli andi tained the Evening Bridge club on Tues- Miss Thelma left. with them for a visit day of this week at their home. in Canada. P ai nter and Dacoratot 103 Greenhaf Phone 2764 ~4ND no regulating, no attention, no bother of any sort. electrically operated Hammond. Clocks r un on the current from any electric outiet and are regulated by a master çiock in the generating station which sup- in msahogaus y for niantel, radio or desk Cash $145.' SIPECIAL OFFER- am aid dlock---no motter .what: kind or mfake o your plies your electricity. You simply Plug the ýcord -into the nearest socket, set the hands- in the usucil wayand rest assured of correct tiine at ail11times. Tihe Raenswod-À small alilround modal at i a ery low pýrice. cash $9715. W4th alarmé $1250. niearest -Public 'Service Store. Any old tcIeck, whether It l'uns or, net wII be worth one t itout torming a habit or asing the dose. uffering frorn constipation. ,exall Orclerlie at night. Next t, C et 24 for 25c today at the ,xall Drug Store-Ronnackar -Ad.vertlsenit. PUBLIC SH'RvIcnC OP N0RTHERI4 ILI JOSEPH W. KEHOE, 1141 Central Ave., Wilmette day brighi, flearest Re Dru c., Manager Phone Wilmette 2899-