Willis Strong of 115 Cliestnut ave- nue, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Herman Griffin of the Rog- ers Park Baptist church. T he bride was attired in a period. gown*of hâtndsome filet lace oôver flesli taffeta ' and a.veil of tulle. Shie car- ried an arm. bouquet of pink roses, baby's: brèath,, bachelor buttons, and' valley lilies. The niaid of bonor, Miss Mary lien- derson of :Jacl sonville, Fia., wore an, aquamarine crt pe. dress fashioned .iii princesÉ style and1 carried a bouquet of pink roses, baby's breath, and bIne bachelor buttons. The bridesMaids, Miss jane Williams, Miss Ruth Gris- wold,- and Mrs. George .Braun, who was an honorary bridesmaid, wore lowered chiffon and carried bouquets of pink snapdragons, bachielor buttons,. and baby's breath. Mrs. Strong,, Sr., wore a bile lace gown, blue lbat. and bine slippers. Mrs. Kelsey wore a: black net dress appliqued in pa 'le bIne. blue shoes, and a tan hat trinlimed in bIne. TIhe best.nman was James: Strong, brother 'of the bridjegroom., Charles ,McKinney. of, Kenilworth, -Gerald Nordberg of Wilniette, and George, Braun of . Niles .Center., An. arched. pergola- trimmed with oak leaves, gladioli, an~d ferns formed the altar and a trio fromn the Chicago Wonien's Symphony played the wed- ding nuarch from beside the garden pool. *Dr. and Mrs. Strong, Jr,, will spend their honeymoôn in Colorado and wu!l *malce their home at .909 Washington street, Evanston.. Mrs, Strong is i inember of Delta Gamma sorority at Northwestern university and Dr. Strong is a member of Sigma Chi aiid Delta Sigma Delta fraternities. He asraduated froni Northwestérn uni- eriyd ental college in 1928. A dinner, for the :bridai party was given Moniday night at Shawnee, Coun- try club. Q.ut-of-town guests were Theodore Arnold of River Forest and Dr. and Mrs. H. Copley of Joliet. suite -Aa Mvere £<vye, "Pavane de la Bele au Bois. Dormant"; "'Laideron- nette, Imperatrice des Pagodes," and "Les Entretiens de la Belle et de la B3ete." In another group tbey wiIl play Carl Beecber's "The Jester"; two Arensky: compositions f rom. his suite opus 15, "Romance.'" and,,Waltz," and George Gershwin's "'Rhapsody in Blue.", Miss Mary Josephine Matthieson:and Don Matthieson of Linden, Wis. are spending a monh fi iti tiran, r. E. B. Knudtsdin of 1141 Chestnut ave- nue. no one can afford To neglect the im- portant matter of proper bair treat- ment. You can't do if justice at home -Have if done 'prof essionally. Watch for the announcemenf of Our AUGUST PERMANENT WAVE SPECIAL De' ýNelda Beauty Salon 16511 Sheridan Road, Wilmette Wilmette 45 i7' 'g ROui ilig-' A 20% DISCOUNT~ for CASH 'and CARRY HERE'S an opportunity Io "killitwo birds with on. ston.," so to sp.ak. Fisyou 1.1*njoya visit to th. north shore's finest and Iargest cIaning plant. You'1I b. de!ighf.d to' s.. how -Mjraclean removes tehaY, oils.fo ahiateois which ding' oto h. fabrics and leave th.m h.avy and'lifoless-ready o Po., up more ds n ii Thon, too, you wilI b. thril.d with the amount pur 20% 0cash and carry discount saves on your clsaning bill. 41. Inulan ill Country club Sattrday evening in honor of their house-guest, Miss Peggy Agnew of Preston, Iowa. Miss Agnew, who is in Winnetka for a week, ivas guest of honor at a diiner' dance given Tbursday evening -at Glen- view Golf club by MISss. Alice' Jaques of, Chicago. 'dcean as a TeIefhoses Wdmette 3400 ai Glem'oieu> 320 576'