Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jul 1930, p. 5

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In the animal report issued lw Daniel M. Davis, Wiimette director of recre- ation, and presented at the July meeting of l;he Playground and 'Recreation board last Thiirsday, a record attej3dance for the year, 1929-30 is shown. ., The total attendance -in ail activities, juvenile and aduit, wvas, 208,824, a P marked.inicrease over the previous year *which %vas 206,944. 0f this total attend- ance it is reccordcd that, there were 33,814 taking advantage Of1 the sumrner, play- grounds, 5,455 participants ýin the annùal water carnival and f ree swimming les- sons, 60502 children. participatifig in f oot- bail, kickball, volleybali, basketball, 'base- bail, track, marbie tournamnents, soccer, JUNIOR. Lirg; Junior Police, and Aero club activities, in the afternoon progratn wvhich is conducted five, days each wveek. * The ice-skating pond n nna c carnival held in January of last .ycar hadan attendance of 60,415,-and the aduit * recreation program coîiducted on the Vii- age Green in the summner, time and at the Stolp and HoWard gymfnasiums during le the winter timie, had the largest 'attend- ance ever recorded, having had 41,138 peopi1i ýe participating during the year. The atteitdance.last year for aduits >vas 38,- 061.. Special Activities In addition there wvere severalspecial, activities conducted during te iea,th outstanding being the Haliowveen pro-, gram, and the E aster Egg Hunt. The total for these activities and the Christ- mas Carol service wa's 7,000 for the year. These figures are flot inclusive of the 40,000 spectators who are content to watch and flot partic ' pate in any pro- gram and are aiso exclusive of the 272,000 children ~participating in the school phy- * sical. education, program which is also under the direction of Mir. Davis. The entire prograni was conducted by iMr. Davis and his staff of three assist- ants with the added help of two physical educatioil teachers during the winter tume and three additional playgiound instruc- tors i the: summer time. The year-round staff includes besides Mr. Davis, two men, Dudley- C..- Stone and Gien W.. Gathertoal, and one*woman', Miss Joe Skidmore. The physical educa- tion teachers during 1929 and 1930 were *Mrg.. Lester F. Bail and Mrs. Gertrude The outstanding events during the past year included the annual water carnivai at the Wilmette beach,. held in conjunc- tion with the beach authorities, the vil- lage-wide marbie tournament held in the spring-this year thefirst marble tourna- ment for girls was held with thirty en- tris-ýthe roller skating meet for child- uy the board vdi4ch require constant su- pervision by the recreatio .n staff and are niost valuable activities nameiy: the aero club for boys interested in model airpiane making-the first flight contest wvas held this.year with Waukegan which w as wvon* by Minmette boys withif ar better rec- ords than -their competitors;- the Junior Police, a corps of y0'ung school boys. operating, at, tra.ffic centers, assisting younger, chiidren across streets ini safety and helping with maintenance of- school discipline;,the JUN-IiR LirE, an. organza- tion of juvenile writers who are given instruction in newspaper style and.eacb wveek write an- entire page of XriL meTTE Lire about school news and other news of the day, and the Girls Athletic cluh, a group of high S'chool girls ineeting each Tuesday evening. at the' Howard school. Two new activities, were, introduced (Continued on Page 7.) * SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES- 9:45 A. M. JULY 27, 1930 Subject: TRUTH READING ROOM- x i50 Wiîlmette Ave., First National Bank Bldg. Open Daily (except Wedi!eÉday ,and Saturday) 9 A. ýM. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:4 5 P. M.;î Satnrday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. à The Bible 'and Works ýof Mary Baker'Eddy and ail other autborized 'Christian Science Literature mnay be read, borrowed or. purchiased at the M Reading Room. THE PUBLIC. IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM *YOU'II Dnj.yYeur Dathiug To The Utmost lu a* D B. V. D. Swinx-suits are scientificàlly f ash. ioned to provide fixe utmost f reedom of action to thxe body. They are firmly knitted of flexible ail wool yarns. in a -ait of fascinating colors and color coi ination s. B. V. D. Swim-suits are worn and recom- mended by such world famous swimmers and divers as Jôhnny Weissmuller and yHelen Wainwright, Olympian star 'diver. There is a B. V. Dl. swim-suit in our stock suitablé for every member of the family. Prices range f rom -m A Good Family Store 1123725>27 Central Ave. Ph. W1. 11 PATRONIZE OUR, AD VER TISER S . De

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