BOOKS Roosevelt The'StOry.ola Friendsh p Owen Wister The MacMillan Company, $4.00 Mon And- His Univers. John Langdon-Davs Harper &Brothers ,.....$S.OO The. Adams Family James Truslow Adams Lttle, Brown and C mpn The. Romance of a',Moder.n *Captain E. G. Dggle, R. D., R:N.R. Captain of R.,M. S. Aquatana Oxford Unversty Press, $2.50 * Shanty-Boat- Kent and Margaret Lighty' The Century Company, $3.50 Watching Europe Grow * Cornela Stratton Parker Horace Liverght ...... $4.W, A Flock of Birds Kathleen Coyle E. P. Duffon & Comp8ny, 1 n... .. . $2.50 Years of Gràce Margaret Barnes Hought on Miffli Company ............. -. $2.50 Laments for the Living Dorothy Parker valley. The temperatures of 120 to 140 degree.s in the shade (if any) are none too comfortable to read about in this warm weather. Death Valley bas its cool season, too, in tbe winter and .early spring,,,when most people go to see it. In the beginning of. eacb Of theé seven cliapters is a*. story such- as only the westemner could evolve, and the stories *are set down so faithfully that anyonewho knows bis west will shriek- with joy., Whule M ' . Lee gives ful credit to the sources from whicblihe, has drawn his material, the. touches off local color are sucb ýthat coufld not lie applied from t»e armcbair.> One, must have a real love -of the desert to write in this way. 0f Course there are those Who love the d.esert and those Who bateý it. This volume will give those Who love. it an, "itchy foot" and will inspire those wbo, are neutralto see it. Death iVVatley is not bard. to reacli now. It is a side trip on'the so utliern route to California and-sliould prove an in- terestiiig diversion. to those north shore residents Who màke a yearly winter pilgrimage to the west. Informe Reader T-o be weIl informed on> the desert One should read this book during the faîl mnciths and resolve to müake" the- pilgrnimage to death valley. Mr. Lee treats of the scenery; the. Paiute In-~ dians and their folk lore; the bistory Of the first immrigrants who died and barely escaped death in the valley durý Travel for Young People Many mothers realize the wisdom of widenng a child's horizon by goocL easy reading that tells of foreign lands and customs. significance of faults and conglomerate are lost on th'e average reader, the cbapter is stili interesting. __ Hummir Adds Charnu Thie side comiments on the stories,ý the flnishing. sentenc. to some of the paragraphs, ail amuse the reader W*ho enjoys the sJy digs. It. is ýthis unde- niable, vein of humor which enflive .ns wbat miglit.otberwise be a dry subject. Treis a definite art to Writing travel books., One is bappy to flnd Mr. L'ee. well versed in tbat art. The log-. ical arrangemient of the material could be ,aided in only one way, and that is the inclusion of a rnap of the territory. Unless >one is f amiliar witli Death-Val- ley it would - bce well to . bave aà good detail mnap at band to help ini finding some' of. the places mnentioned.. Other- Wise, the clear, large type, wide mar- gins, and many beautiful photographs niake the booka deliglit to read. LANUSCAPING HOME GROUNDS. By L. W. Ramisey. 'Macmillan. This sim~ple bookc is one whicti' should bc added to tbe library of every home owner who is interested in making bis home grounds into something worth whule,. Especially is it recommended to builders of new homes who are plan-. nring to lay out. their new gardens and wbo are thinking about the placement' of shrubbery about their grounds and the foundation of the house. 'Plie book does not tell what species of plants to grow in certain places, does flot recomimend one hybrid or another ,and says little. about colorn The problems taken up in the book are those of setting a house; planning the front and baçk areas; planning special purpose gardens', such as rock, gardens, rose gardens, perennial gar- dens; practical considerations; the se-, lection and ordering. ofplants,ý and howNto. order the plants. Profuse illustrations' throughout -the, book. make the reading int.eresting. The niany pen sketches are nùmbered and are referred to in 4the text Many photograpis 'show what caui be doue- with a little care in planning a garden. With careful study of this. book, one should be able to plan a garden which Speaking of collectors, 'Biblio-Typo- graphica" by Paul johunston is a review of inely 'made books from the Charles Whittinghams to Elmer Adler, and offers, in addition, a prophecy of future trends in the art of bookmaking. TPhe. incentive for' modern typographical movements has, been attributed to William ýMorris: Mr. Johnston denies this source and traces the actual roots té William P ickering, the publisher, and the Whittinghanis. Lady Eleanor' Smith&s novel of circus life, "Red Wagon," which was pub- lished ïn J une, bhas .been banned in Glasgow,, Scotlan.d, by theý libraries commission there. This is very inter- esting 'in view of the fact that both Englisb and, American critics have -giv- en Lord Birkenhead's young daughter a great dealof praise for a fine book f rom ber. pen. Not a single adverse criticismn of the novel bas thus. far, appeared. Publication in the United States was Julie 20. le * Chinese Nationalists bave asked the. British govern.ment to deport M r. Lerrox Simrpson ("Putnam .Weale") wbom Gera Yen; the Nortbern leader, bas put.,in charge off the seized :.ustom-bouse at Tientsiu, but' the 'for- eiuconsuls support Simpson and Simpson, like the bero of lis novel, "China's Crucifixion," declines to be daunted. EarI Derr Biggers,' author of the Cliarlie Chian mystery novels, sails for Europe in July, baving just finisbed a new murder mystery. It is ever' Mr. Biggers' custom to reward himself witb' a vacation on' completing a book and wbo would say hini'nav? The new book will be-put'lished, in September. Orio Vergazu'a noyel, "Poor, Nigger," published a f ew weeks ago bere, has- reaChed aà sale of 10,000 In Italy and 15,000in France.. .The nove1 is based on t e. tragic life:off Battling, Siki, the Senegalese. prize-figliter. Vergani is a young Italian. newspaper man. --and especiaIly Chîl- dren's Books! Trhe Book store t h r e e doors south of our Main Ste>'e. and' more- than flfty illustrations and Murder Backstairs. B.y Anne Austin. decorations by Rockwell Kent is one Macmillan. of the iuteresting9 books to lie pub- The. Last Full Measure. By Honore lished this fail b y Covici-Friede. W. Morrow. Will iam Morrow and It is one of the most important company. Chiaucer contributions that have ap- Secret off the Bungalow. By Robert peared in years. Thle translation off J. Casey. Bobbs-Merrill. the c omplete "Canterbury Tales". into Yearà off Grace. ý By Margaret Ayer c.lear, masterly English is- placed side. Bamnes. ogtnMfh~ Lord'a-First Floor Juut Inside the. Da >Davis Stre#t Doorý