SPEED UP THE WASHING. WITH A MODERN WASHER The Fedelco Special and -Thor electric washing :machines -are buit forý speed and thoroughness. Their sizea ble porc elain- lined tubs take a large batch of clothes, (six poundsdry) and cleanse' them ,gently and -perfecêly in rfie to ight minutes.' Nô prelimiïnary soaking is -n ecessary. Wrirn gers swing to any handly positio n. The Fedelco Special is finishod in durable green .and -tan enaimeli and the, Thor in green, ename. Machines areself-draining and after the woshing"is finished, roileasily into a corner. The Fedelco Specioal is very reasonably priced at,.caïh,... The Thor is also, a :bargai n $0075 att cash ... SIT DOWN TO YOUR IRO NING A power ironer gives you a 'haif-hofiiday. on ironing day. With an lroning surface of ton fiat irons, it hurries you through fiat pieces, as well as shirts and dresses, in about one-fourth the time. No effort, at alilto operate. The Thor or Fedelco table model bas a 26-inch roll and $;79,5 plugs into any walLoutiet. Cash ( An e diii bth witi i ron or aftach ment 'for both the Fed-., Co Special and Thor Washrs lots Ii tors On these machines'do double' y. Simply slip off the wringer and p on the ironer. PNeces, guided cnté e roller are pressed ev.nlyandwith a Mer sheen thon is possible th hand ironing. Cash, only 49,50 JOSEPH W. KEHOE, Manager 1141 Céntral Ave., Wilinette Phone Wilrnette 2M9 -r JJ r2~ -~