ML4T MARKET GO. Alil Telophone and C. O. P. Orders Car.fullyanmd Quickly Deliver<sd iCharge Aecouate Solicited"from iReIiàblePoopleý Speils for Friday and Saturdayr TENDER, succulent Apiece -of, meat is a treat-a réal treat. And isdobly deicous when the price is well withmn the average.budget. It i by -off ering Our patrons this tempting comàbina- tion off cheuiper and better mnals that we achiev# Our popularity with wi ae housewives. F' Drse apsie Valiey Roasting Chickens,. lb. .. ....... 391/2'c (A verage We igh t, 4 to 5 lbs.) Boueles's Smoked Buts, IL...... .34c Tender Cuts Pot.Roast, lb, ...... -24c Genuine Sprig Leg Lamub, lb., 291/c jrun.s, three errors, while the Terminal, teami comipiled fourteen hbits, seven jruns, and three errors. Winnetka ~plavs the Jarvis team, f rom Ravens- 7wood, at 3 o'clock Sunday, August 10. Del Bonnemn Now Manages Wilmette filling. Station Del Bonîîem, 222 Sixteenth 'street, Wilmne te, blas taken over the mhanage-. nment of the Wilmiette Filling station Sat 421-Miain street just south oflthe- Skokie Motor company' Tbe station was, orrnerly operated, by. Robert Gor- io ad Frank Mack. 'Mr. Bonnem opened the station for business on Sgt- Sumday. Julv .26. NEW. OFFICE HOURS 1Dm. W. A. Dunninig, cbiropodist ati 1 foot -specialbst, with'offices at 1137 Cen-, c tal av enue,, announces -that h li as now cxetended. bis office hours f roui 9 A. NL to 5 P. ýM.. daily, and from 7 to 9 c4 'clock Tuesday and .Tbiursdav eve- jnînigs. Trhe office fornierl 1 hlad bee'î ~open only in the mornings. Dr. Evert, w iho bias been connected with ýClica.,n foot cllniics for, two yeams, is niow asso- -ciatej %wit. iDr., Duliiing. Miss Irene Estes of 1626 Wtet avenue and Miss Bernice Atkins. of Chicago left Fiday -for Philadelpbia to nieet Earl Estes and niake a tw.%o-. w'%eek tour wvithi hiixu, returning Satur- day. August 16. was Wilmette's twelfth successive vic- tory. A six-rut! rafly in the initial frame gave the home lads a safe lead and Borre had no trouble in main- taining it. He hurled his third gaine and won it as easily as he did the two previous 'encounters. He fanned a half-dozen, hostiles and granted nary a pass, w'hile allowing oaily five b its. An-interesting feature of thé pas- tinie ias the debut, as a plaving niember of the locals, of nine-year old Earl - orre, son of "Schwartz."' His- addition to the Iiineup ini the eighth stanza, placed the youngest as well. as the, members of the club in active combat. Earl ran for Janetz after the gardener -had tripled in the eighth and he scored when Wilson also socked a three-ply swat., He played second base' in the ninth. Bob Nord led the victorjious clout- ers ini gathering twelve blow -.s. Hfeconniected'for'a pair of triples and a single. A. Marquardt starr.ed at the plate for the Elks when he batted for T. Bort-e in the eighth andl srac'ked a fine three-bagger to right to score wîth his team's only run. Wilmette garnered the -six nakr in the first thusly : Janetz lined1 a single to center. Wilson sacrificied and both runnlerswere safe whi ri ropp.ed T. Miller's, toss. »'Kassel beat out an intended sacrifice, bunt for a bit and the sacks were loaded. Rudolplu singled to righit, scoriug- Janetz and Wilson, and then Robinson stepped up with a triple to riglit to dlean the paths. Nord also tripléd to right to score Robinson. He scored n-hen Schuett funibled J. Thmee rtas were added to the home *count in the second. WVilson eached first on a single and Rudolph dre,.v a. ak.Schroeder's homer to center scomed both men ahead of hlm. * ~Rudolpbhbit a four-base' smaht center in: the. fourth for anotli-cr Vil- mette tally. S Rudolph fannied iin the seventh but, eached first. wben J. Balmes mnisscd the third strike.. "M,\oni" 'irnmediately pilfe '.red second and third.- and tailied a minute later on.Nomd's second thmee- l)agger. After A. Marquardt tripled Schuett home with the Elk's lotie ru i n the eighith' Earl Borre counted is rua ini 794 Elan St. 114& Wilmette Ave. 910% Winnetka 4 and 338 Wilmfett. 2814 and 'o31 Wtuaaetli 1555 ShermnmAve. Greenleal 4848-6867 1941 Central Rtreet G reenleaf 485, '70à Main, Street FOURTH STREET AUTO SERVICE 1/a Block North of EIevaied Station 516.4thSt.Willmette 3064 and causes a gentie, thorouzgh, natural movement without forming a habit or ever increasiaig the dose. Stop. suffering from constipation. Chew a Rexali Orderlie a.t night. Next day bright., Get 24 for 25e today. at the nearest Rexali Drug Store-Reumechar -Advertinement. 4