DRESSES 15 15A 35Â 'An opportun,Îty :for* mo r e North S ho re womnen'to acquaint th em sel1vts,'with McAvoy quality -and fashion. 'C A O 615 Nortli Michigan, Ave~nute CPC.GQ0 A Delightful Place' to Dine Just around the- corner from the crowdedl shop- ping center. . . a .refreshing, totally enchanting spot for luncheon, afternoon tea, or dinner. You'Il enjoy thie C'ooIness and the quiet charm of the Indlian Trail Tea Room . w-here a dinner = e Sand-Modelers Vie for Honors A sand modeiling contest recently featured activlty among the cblidren of ihe WimtePlaygrounds. Here we find theý contestants ýn the jo-ý>-also a couple'. ribboners. Lower, picture:4 Village rTumstee' Ernest C. Cazel (right) and B. T. Clark, Chambér. of Commerce, secretary. hand out somé awardÉ.- Carlos !Photosýj in Winnetk Phone Winnefka I. 690