Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1930, p. 42

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brides, arc daughiters of people wh< bave been residents of the north shore for a great mnany years and are well known. Miss Gertrude Brown and Albert Drake of Kan~sas City, Mo., were mhar- ried last Saturday afternoonat a quiet cerernonr at the homie of Mrs. Frank~ Arnold Irovn, 945 Michigan avenue. The bride wvas dressed 'in an oldivorN satin princess style dress and. a ýsoft tullç Veil. with a cap of .wvite lace. She. caàrried a bouquet 'of - ile-s and wsgiven', away hy lier brother, F lnfe' Brown. iHer only attendant vas lihesister,M'%rs. Francis Ptoo of iah$t.'o i ndisa i aembe of Delta Upsilon fraternity. Miss Middred M'elone. (laigliter of, M rs. J1. M". Nelone of 914 F'orest ave- nue, bias set the 'date* 6f lier wedding to ~ richard Louis deBerard. son of Mr. and MNrs. Louis .NA. deBerard of 575 Drexel a'eniue. Glencoe, for 4 :30 * o'clock, August 23, iiite., Baptist The Rev. C. R. Wheeland and M1i ss M elone's, brother-in-law,- the Rev. Theodore 'S. Schlundt of Navarre, Ohio, -will. perforni the ceremiony, foI- lowinig iwhich the Young couple plan to nmeet their friends in the rear of the churchi A dinner 'will bce given for the m rembers of *'the bridai party at the Orrington hotel following the' re- ception. The bride-to-be m-111 be attefided by hier sister, Mrs.. Schlùndt,. as miatron of honor. The bridesniaids(1,, -ill be, Miss Marian Born and mi1ss Helen- 'Euls of Wilmette, Miss. Vera H-oerber *of Evanston and Miss Aice Froeschle of Chicago,, both formier ,Wilmnette: residents. The best, man will. be Normai- Schumacher: of: Evanstonl, and the ushers will be E. Wesley Perry of Ra- cine, Wis., George Drew of Chicago, f Loren WVingren of Chicago, cousin of the bridegrooni, and Rayniond Rink- 'ýpinsn court. iTne nalirooni was dec- orated. with wild flowers and seventv- five guests gathered to help celebrate the occasion and to present< Mr. and Mrs. Huniphreys w'ih many pieces of silver. After playinig bridge Mrs. 11umphreys cut the buge white weýd-, ding cake. in the traditional miannier. Among the out-of-ýtown gùesçts, wre Mr.,and Mrs. J. P. Wylie of Waukegan,,' Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Seipp of Palatine, Mliss, Louise Kipp,, Miss Gertrude Chaibleis,. anid Mrs. Agn.es Reed, ail of Chicago. Miss Dot MIeyers enter- tained. the group, with two solo danices9 one clogýginig and one eccetric dance. Juniors, to 'Hold Dance on Esplanade of Vista * noonlight. dance mwIh le held for thle Junior niemnbers of. the. Vista .(del Lago clib toniglht on th.ie esplanade. -weathier periiiitting. The Juniors of jhîgh school and college age are also booking reserv-ations for another .pirty on1 thèir îprograin for the summiier. a b)eachi party to be lheld Auigust 18. The iuiaI informiaI dinnier dance for the. seniors vil be held* tonîorro% highit and hostesses for th e Mondavý lunch- eoni of ,nelxt week will be Mrs. V. A.' Smitli and Mrs. Fratik Kutten. Elab)o- rate plans are being nmade for bridge parties to Ite given once a month on W\edniesdlay , iighît, familv dinnier night. The parties w-ill begini in Séptember. Alliance to Meet 1 The north shore Upsilon alliance of Delta' Delta Delta* will be the guests of Mrs. FloydI McGrath of 2001High- land avelne at its mionthly meeting anxd luncheon on August 13. The assist- . ng hostesses will be Mrs. Corliss Anderson, Mrs. J. . Langford,' and- MNrs. D. M. Slyh. Give Surprise Part y Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobsôný of 8,57 Michigan 'avenue- gave a surprise hirthdlay party ast night in- honor . of their son-in-law, R. M.' Zeher, for *thirty of his friends. MRS. FRANK EHOLLAND Amelie Maie Arnold Weds En Paris, France, * .nnouncemnent lias.been.made of the marriage of -Miss nei Marie Arnold, (laughter of M-\rs. Anna Arnold of 1410 Gregory 'avenlue, and Frank Eugene Uoland of Chicago, son of '-\r. and Mrs. Jarnes F. Holland - of' Lincoîne; Neb. The religious ceremnoniv vas hehd julv 9, ini Eghise de la. Madeline. Pariýs,. France. Thèebride tvore a dress maàde o f white crepe satin i the princess style with a -deep yoke. of heirlomn duchess lace which had belonged to lier grand-. mother. She wore a veil with a wreatli of orange blos sonis and carried a white bridai bouquet. Ms'Mary Trankla Johnson, w ho attended the bride, wNore,; a pale yellow crepe de chine dress and matching hat. Thte best mai,ý Theo- dore Johinson, is a promninent 'oun Chicago artist. The civil service, required, by the Iaws of France, wvas performed 'at. the1 Mairie de Mont Rouge and was wit- nessed by Mr. and Mrs. J. Theodore Johnson* of Chicago aud Mrs. J.'*V. show to be hield ini Wilmette, for Sep- temnber 13. Those faithful gardeners who have watered their flower beds in the heat of juIy will be rewarded wheu, they show the Products of their labor to the community onl.the second.Sat- urday, ii September in the -gy,-mnasiumi at the Bvron, Stolp school. Trhe coinulnity 'at largze. including,: neighboring town s. is invited to exhibit vegetables as well as flowers, accord- ing to Mrs. WValter Clark.. chaiman 'of' the, show for the Winette Gardeii club, - w'hichi is sponisoring the affair. M.%rs. C. ,N. Huribut:is president of the organiza.tion, which had its. eighiïh an- niversary tlî's past month.. More in- formnation' about the uIlns for the exlîibit w-ill h)e givenii in next . weck's issue -of the WILMLNETTE LIPE. The EveilingGaex club of XVil- niette . Will 1mieet Tuesdav evenîng, August, 12,. at thie \ilmnette lW\onixan's club. A,(liscussion of ."\Nhiat M\v Gar-ý (leu 1-as Taught. MNe This Year," wl b)c lied bv Harrv C. Pifer, Mrs'. C. X. Hurllbut, J.. E. XVothe.iatd G.- F. Jiff. A mnidsummner exhibit of annuals wvill le lîed by the memnbers.' Every- (me lias been asked to bring specimens (_f 1 choicest flowýNers. The Lake Geieva Garden club, one of1 the oldest1 near.. Chicago, .will pre- sent.-its. twepty-sixth animal mlidsumi- iner, show ,todaLv and toniorrow ai Uorxticultural hall. Mrs. Heniry Bar-, tholoinay of Xinnetka wili assist iMrs. Edwin B, Frost, the general chairnii. The Barriugton flower show is beilig held yesterday and today at Oak Brae, ,.Mrs. James M-ýacMurray's estate on tlîeý turnpike. Mrs. Marvin E. 'Miner of Glencoe is assisting 'Mrs. Evan Evans, the general chairnian. Miss Beatrice Ripley Sets. Date of Wedding Miss Beatrice'Ripley, uonreturu- ing, home Monday with bher mot her, Mrs. Robert, H. ýRiPleyf of Wînnettka, fýr a two weeks' stay in New York; set Saturday, September 27, as the date for hier wedding to Frank Allen Baker, Jr.. of New York. The service will take Place atU4 o'clock ini the gar- cao so taice Place tomorrow after- noQn. The Rev. Herschel Griffin of the Rogers Park Baptist church will read the wedding service at 4 o'clock in the garden of the OIson, home. The bridegroom's sister, Miss 'Helen Depue, will be maid-of honnor, and Miss Ani.t . Afer SePtember 1, Mr. Jiocd and his. bride wiIl be at home in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Fentress are hav- ing a few guests at a dinner dance at Indian Hill club. Saturday evening, in honor of their daughtier. Miss Harriet Mons, 157 Woodstock avenue, Kenitworth, entertained at luncheon and bridge last Saturday in honor of Mrs. Robert Kimbeil of Chi- cago, the former Miss Virginia Muni- ford, daughter of Dean and Mrs. H. W.' Mùmfordof the University-of Illinois. -----y 'u4 vv iA1mcLLV and iqer fiance, Frank Richard Morrison of, Kenitworth,. who are to be married in the fall.Thme dinner dance was given at the Knollwood Country club. On Saturday of this week, Miss Agnes Birkholf of WuImette will give a afternoon tea at her homne, 1108 Chest- nut avenue in ixonor of Miss Kegicy.

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