Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1930, p. 46

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J 4 t Vattmnan Park playgrounid won the fifth annual village-wide' playground track nmeet by ait easy margin recently at the Village Green. The athiletes repre- senting the winning playground accum- ulated a total of 215 points to 136 of their nearest o pponents, 'the Village Green stars. The, track meet victory'placed Vattman, far in -the lead for . the silver loving cup awarded at the end of the- playgrountd season ta the parke havinà.the Most points during the sum mer. Vattmàn has won the cup for thbrèe successive 'years- and last year gained permanent possession of it for the. three successiveý victories. This year the niembers o f the playground are ini a f air way, of obtainiig -possession of the new cup which 'inaugu rates ant- other: three-year cycle. Winners of the various track and field events of last Thursday were:. 40 yard da.sh * Under 6 years: Barbara Hiolway, vattman park 2., jack Redding. Vattmani park, 3. Elbert Sargeant, Village Green playground. 40 -Yard. cash. Six years: George Schnii4tz, Village Green plaYground, 2. àMartha.Leach, Vattman Park, 3à. Raymond bruchhauser, Vattman Park. 40 'yard dash:"'Boys 7 years: Den Moon, Vattmnan park, 2. Ralph White, Vattman park, 3. Normnan Pfeife?, Vattman Park. 4 0Yard dash. Boys; 9 years; Jack Wlter, 'Village.. Green. playground, 2. .Donald Kreusch, Village Green play-r ground, 3. Francis MüDaniel,. Central playground' 40. yard dash. Girls 8 years: Doro- thy 'Bruehhatuser, Vttinan-p-rk 2. Vi- ginla Sargeant, Village Cireen pilaygr-ouint. 40 yard dash. Boys 9 years: Earl Borre, Village Green pIayground, 2. Arthur Ciechini, Vattman Park, 3. Bob Lawrence, 'Central playground. *40 'yard dash. Gi'rs 9 years: Adelalde Koenan, Village Green playground, 2. R futh Pape, Village Green playground, 3.. Rutth Mýestjian,,Vattnuan park. 40. yard dash. Boys' 10' years: Douglas }Iuek, Vattrnan 'park, 2 Erie Sanmuel son, Vattrnan' park,. 3 Tomin lvland, Village Greën. 40 yard dash. Girls 10 years: Dorothy Davis, Vattmian park, 2 Betty Todd. Vatt- rn Park, 3 Inogene Kaiufmain,:èCentral playground. 40 >ard dash. 'Boys Il. yea'rs:' Bobý Ki.eusch,'Village, Green' playground, 2.: Gît- bert Hoffnî'an, Vattinan parkç,,.3. Roger Lynch, Village Green plàygrounid. 40 y ard da Sh., Girls, lil years: Jose-. phine Coý,to, Village Green playground, 2., MayLouise Schaeffer, Vattman park, 3Blanche 'Kreusch, Village Green. 40 yard dash. Boys 12 years: Bill Jen- kins, Central playground, 2. 'fll'yWade, Vattrnan pla.,yground, a., Frank Koenian:,ý 'Villagàe Green laYground. 3 p. ni. Advanced Swimtni 'ng Les- sons. Wilmette Beach. 4' P. M. Swimming Tests. Red Cross Life Saving Tests. Winmette Beach. 7 p. ini. Men's Playground BaIl. Vil- lage Green. T*ueSday, Auquat 12' 2 .p. m. Beginners', Swimming -Les-ý sons. -Wilmette Beach. 3 P.ini. ,Advanced Swimiming Les-' sons. Wilmette Beac h. 4 p. mi. Junior R e d Cross Life Sav- inz Tests., Swiniming*lTests. *Wilmiette, Beach. 7:15 p. mi. Beginners' 1-orseshoe League. Village Green. ' Weduesàday, Auffuat 13 p. in. Beginners' Swimmin g Les- 1sons. Wilmette' Beach. 3 P. in. Advanced Swimming Les- sonis. Wilmnette Beach.' 4.0 tin.,Junior Red Cross Life Sav- inz Tests. Swimmring Tests. XiI- miette Beach. 7:15 'P. nM. Meni's plavgrounid Ball. Village Green. Thurs4ay, Augruat 14: 9 a. ni. Opetiing.aIl day Exhiibition:, Playgroujnd }{andicraft. -Vatt- mian. Central, and Village Green. Playgrounds 1)p. ni. B egimners' S'winming Les- sonis. 'Wilmette Beaci.. 3 1). ni. 'Advaniced Swininiing -Les- sons. 'Wilnïiette Beachi. 4 p.,ni. Junior Red Cross Lîfe Sav- ing 'Tests. Swimiming Tests. Xilnett'e Beachi. '7:15 1). in. i»'er's Horseshoes. Vil-' lage Green. Fridlay, August 15 9 a. ni. 'Openiing all day exhibition. 'Piaygrouind Handicraft. Vatt- nian, Central,' and 'Vijla Green PlaSgrouiids.. 12 mi. Picnic luncheons. C entral, V'il«. lage Green, and Vattnian Play- grou n(s. 2:30 p. ni. Weekly3 Beachi Dav. MXVil- mette Beachi.' 7A15. pnmi. Plavground baIl for men. Village Green. *4511I..* CIJflV aqL.,aila,. jJ....J Hopplng race. Girls under 10 years: Adelalde Koenan, Village Green play- ground, 2. Dorothy Bruchhauser, Vàtt- nan park, 3 Ruth Mestjian, Vattmnai playground. Hopping 'race. Boys under 10 years, Bob Lawrence, Central' playground, '2. Donald lCreusch, Village 'Green play- ground, 3. Earl Borre,,Village Green play- ground. Hopping race., Boys 10 years: Douglas Huck, Vattmnan playground, 2. Eric Samuelson, Vattman playground, 3 James Kreusch, Village.Green playground. Hoppinig race. Girls, 10 years: 'Doro- thy D'avis, Vattman playground, 2. Betty Todd, Vattman playground, 3. Stella Koller, Village Green playground. Playground ball th'row. Boys 10, years: Douigas Huck,- Vattman. playground, 2., Erle Samuelson, Vattman playgrounid, . William Baxter, Village Green play- ground. Distance: 112 feet 5 ingches. Playground bail throw. Girls 10 years: Evelyn 'Field, Vattman playground, ' Dorothy Davijs, Vattman P layground. Dis- tane: 67 feet 1i nche. Playground hall throw. Boys il years: (4ilbert Hoftman, Vâttman playground, 2 Charles Beck, Village Green playgrgund, 3. Roger Lynch, Village Green playground. Distance:- 105 feet 7 inches. Playground bail throw. Girls 11 years: Blanche Kreusch, Village Green pla>- ground, 2. Gladys White, Vattmaa play- grotand'4,. Marion PJ?èkard, VattîWdn play-' ground. Distance: 84 feet 9 inches. Playground ball throw: Boys' 12 years: Paul .Dempsey, Central playground, 2.1 Hrwa'trd Bail, Vattman playground 3. .Donald' Barber, Vattman playground.D- tance: 131 feet 9 ýInches. 'Playground bail throw: Girls 12 year.s: Frances Schniitz Villge Green, 2. Lor- etta, Steffens, -Vattman.eplayground 3. Carol Linn, Central playground. Distance:1 84 feet 9 inches. 1Playground baIl throw: Boys 13 years: Vernon Brown, Village Green playgrounol, 2. Alva Chub Central pla.yground. 3. Tony Becker, Village Green playground. Distance: 116 feet 7 inches. 'Playground hall throwý Girls 13 yen rs: Pose Toscanl, Village Green 'playground. 2. Eleanor Burpee, Central playground, 1 Vattman Mode lers Win at Lake Front t in Annual C onteçt V-attmani won the .anniiiuýal saiid- rnodelipg canitest conducted for the vil- lage playgrounds by the Playgrouildt ,and Recre ation Board, last Thursday, aiternootn at' the WNilmette beach'. The three first places, and -a second placet were awvarded to Vattmna.a park mnem-e bers. The s'at!d modeling 'contestants -were 1-----lu-------" - .....r -u u ." ->yz ' eas turtie. .3-tiuelaïae isoenan, Village Standing broad Junip. Boys 10 years: 'Mark Slionds, Vattmnan playground, 2. Green,. model of the' "Tar Baly" '4. Douglas Hpck, Vattman park, 2. Eirie Bob Kiel, Central playground, 3 Fred )< SauloVattnian park, 3. Tom Kiv Aschbacher. Vattman playground. Dis- Lucille Herrens, Vattman, niodel of a land, Village Green playground. Distance: tance: 14 feet 10 inches, ' Doughboy. 5, Jacqueline Baîhatchet, '6 feet 5 inches. Running broad jiump: Girls 14 years: Central playgrud oe fact Standing broad Jump: Girls 10 years. Marlon Mitchell, Village Green play- _ on,'oelo act old: Dorothy 'Davis, Vattman park, 2.' ground, 2. Else von Relnsperg, central Intermediates : 1. Virginia, Green, e~etty Todd, Vattmnan park. 3. Stella Kol- .playground, 3 EMaine Angelbeck, Villagr- Vattnian 'park, model of a fairy dane-_ 1er, Village Green playground., Distance: Green playground. Distance 12 feet .7 nàfl*r 6 feet 9A nches. Inches. 'nonafwe.2Marga }{osaeus, Cen- Standi ng ,h 1road Jtùmp - Boys il years Hopplng race. Boys. under 8 years: tral' playgrouiid, model of a Gerniani mi, model of a 'swan. Seniors: 1. Geraldine Hoffmnan, Vatt- mrati, nodel of an Indian in a canoe. 2. Geraldine Bunch~, Vattmnan, a model of adiving girl. '3,. Telse Hosaeus, Cen- tral, model of a giraffe. 4. Mary White, Vattrnîan, niodel of a woman holding.an unîbrella. 5. Marie Peifer, Central, a .model of a daisy. Th ace orth mdal gve Tih porace forshe tmedas givet hiag oint wns on hae bsumcoer playgrouns was wetohv e en so t- pilete tis e hek he te rsuintso t iagne-wdeThorhe tournament is b anndone.the*,*tourtsaet wtobel laedren.*t corts .tgits, ereVil- lae reen. Two coaý nestn theretor rlpreentec 1~gon ntet!r men pt. raare.ýh ire (ifen poitsaewrde'évethe nncer hk te.hvPlaygeoudevnt Rcndutedn boar the Plagroe u mmnde rend fo poirdtsurid the pinsmmer andivet peonsand. theitrespeyihnel, to seod an.arethirdeplace inrs. Gwo hid, poedals are awarded he lrst top igh pthcildersi o4 ea ch clas groun, sine thied chirn each paond savr diebror idng to ages, a nsler- ond and, third places. The leaders for 'the "junior, gro up, or children :under 10 years of age, are, Dorothy Bruch'hauser of, Vattna n -playgrotind -and Adelaide K oenan -of the, Village Green playground. Vir- ginia Tod.d of Vattman is third with twenty-eight' points with Bob Ian,- rence of Central playground. trai.ling hrr by one: point., Ruth Mestji .an of Vattmnan has, twenty 'Points, ýRalph Whiite of the. samrie. park eighteen points,-Jack Wvelter. of Village Green pl)ayground, 17 points, Joanne Cilver of Central playground, '17 points, and Earl Barrle of -Village *Green, fifte.en points. In the intermiediate group, Doroeiv Davis leads the field with forty-fiN,é- points an d (Douglas Huck is secord with forty-four points,. Both are. frein iVattian park. Virginia Green ofhe snime park bias thirty-three points, Gli- bert H1offman, also f rom, Va.tti-ati, twenty-eighit points, Blanche Kre uscli of. Village Green 'layground, tweintv.- eight -points, Eric 'Samnuelson, fro'r VattmaiitWenty-four points, Josephi Costo -of> Village Green playgrout,.. twenty-four' points, Loretta Steffenis ,-. Vattman,. tw%ýenty-two pit. Bill 'Tenkins of Central, playground, twent:. two' points» Betty Todd of Vattmax, eighitèen points, and Frances Sch-ilitz z irid Paul Dempsey of Village Grcn and Central respectively' with flft.ecn poi'lns each. The seniors are children 14' years Àf age and over. Lucille Hoffnian -,f Vattian park. leads this group, with

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