Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1930, p. 3

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* An ordinance regulating thé han- * dling and collection of garbage which * is to be consumied in Wilmette's new garbage incinerator~ was passed by the Wilmette Village board Tuesday night. The ordinance, wbich ýbecomes effec-ý * ti ve immediately, provides tIjat al garb-, age shall be:drained of surplus liquid,' wrapped i paper and placed in suit- able, covered receptacles f rom which it niay be collected by Village 'irucks. Wilmiette resid ents have been re- quested. by the Village board to begi iniedatlyto observe the provisions *of this ordinau Officiais Inusp.ct Plant On Mondav oôf this -week a number of the officiais of t fhe Suiperior Incinera- tor company. builders of the incinerator plant.. as. well. as Wilmette Villawze of- ficiais attended an unoffIcial demion- stration of the incinerator ini operation. Amiong those: present were: J. M Johnson, president, H., E. Burns. chief engnerand L. W. Smith, district engineer of the Superior Incinerator *comipanv, Village President Eari ' Orner. Superintendent of Public W Yk C. C. Schultz, Trustees Hans von Rein- sperg, Ernest C. Cazel and Carl C. Renneckar. and R3. A. Schiimacher,"an alderman from Elmhurst, 111. Plans were under way this week to start the officiaI test firing at the in- cinerator today. The test comprises operation of the two furnaces throughi- out three ten hour periods with a re- quired consumption of four tons of mixed refuse during eacb bour. Muit Wrap Garbat. * Only wrapped garbage is acceptable for the test, under the contract wi th the. inci-erator companv. If the test lroves satisfactory, the incinerator will be of- fcially taken over by the Villaire. The new incinerator plant is immedi- atelvy adjacent to the Chicago and North Western railroad right-of-way in *the' extreme western portion of,. Wil- *mette a short distance- south of, Lake avenue. 'The purchase of a s ite for the plant and. the construction of thie in- cinerator was financed through a bond issue approved by the voters more than a year ago. - David. Geppert, nine year old, pianist and son of Mr. ,and Mrs. Otto E. Gep- pert of 725 Ninth: street, has been cbosen to, represent Wilmette at the. children's prograin, August 14, at Ra- vii& * Every suburb will be represented on the. program whicli bas become an an- nual affair at Ravinia. T'he cbildren. practice for many weeks before the- event and it is an bonor to be chosen to represent the village. Miss Dorothy Pound bas. been in charge of David's piano training. 1He bas chosen to play "The Jug- glers" of Adolph Weidig (wbo bas predicted a great future for David), a prelude of bis own, and the "Hunting Song" of Mendelssohn. Saummer School at New Trier Closes; .Largest on Record, New Trier High school's eleventh summer, s ession closes this. week. The schonl has been in session for eigbt weeks, or since Monday. june 16. Each'year suimmer school is becomingý more popular, and this year .the. enroll- ment at New Trier was laiger than ever before, passing the 700 mark. The suni- men wJQ are to attend the sessions here of tbe Rock River Conference of ,he Metliodist dénomination scheduled to convene Wednesday October 6 for a period of six days. Tbe new, gothic edifice of the local parish will be the scene of the meet- Dr. Horace G. Smith. pastor, and officiaIs 'of tbe local ch urch> already- bave ýbeen assured the compléte -coop- eration of tbe Village board, which bas appointed a special cùômmittee'for the occasion, the Wilmette .Minhisters' union, and the. Chamber of Com- merce. It is ýexpected that other, cîvîc organizations in: thé community wil join. in welcoming the convention guests. Bishop William Fraser Mcflowell, in charge of the Washington, D. C. area, of the cburcb, will preside at the conference. Bishop Edwinî Hoît Hugbes of the Chicago area: and a resident of Wilmette, is expected to participate in. the program. Fridayï October 3, the th ird1 day of the conférence, wilI bc .designated as' Laymen's' day, which will be featured by a joint meeting of tbe ministers anid lay workers in the area. ~Next October's meeting wiIl bc the 72nd annual session of the Rock Riv-. er Conference whicb comprises thc territory in Illinois extending nortli from a line wbicb passes east and west. tbrough tbe city of Ottawa. Add New Equipment to Village. Health Offices On motion of Trustee Ernest C. Cazel the Winmette Village board voted on Tuesday nigbt to authorize Dr. W. W. Hawkins, Wilmette health coin- missioner, to spend an amount not to. exceed $300 for an electric refrigerator, an inciibator, and other laboratôry ecquipinent for the Village bealth head-. iuarters in the Village hall. PERMIT TAG DAY A permit was issued by tbe Kenil- worth Village board Monday- nigbt to the Chicago Children's Beneéfit league to hold a. tag day in Kenilworth on 1Mondav. Orctoer 6. An ordinance providing that Elin- ,Wood avenue, Ashlan*d avenue, Thorn- w~ood avenue, Chestnut avenue,, Kenil- worth avenue and Beecbwood avenue and the cross streets running north and south in the section 'of Wilmette, itmmediately wes t of Ridge ro4dand n1orth of Lake avenue be graded and, paved was:.introditced at the. regular meeting of, the Wilmette Village :board Tuesday night. The total estimated cost of, the pro- =oedimprovement, Will b. $449,777, in- luig $20Z05.,50 ,for 'engineering serv- ices and, $25,459 for making and col- Iecting asessments. It- is expected that the Village board will adopt the ord- inance calling for the; improvement. in the near fu ture. The ordinance pro-. vides that the pavement shall be of rcinforcedconcret. seven inches thick. Following i a list of thé streets which the Village board proposes to pave: Elmwvood. Ashland, Thornwood, Chestnut, Kenilwoî th and Býeechwood. avenues betw%,t en Ridgt road and Twenty-third street. Kenilworth and Ashland avenues f rom Twenty-third. street to Locust road. Illinois road from Iroquois road, to Ashland avenue. Grant street, Twenty-sixth street and Cleveland street froin Ashland avenue to the north village limits of Wilmette. Twenty-fifth street, Dartmouth street, Twenty-fourt--street and Coi- gate street fromf Ashland avenue to I<enilwort'h avenue. Twenty-third street from Elmwood avenue to Beechwood avenue. Twenty-first street from Elrnwood avenue to Beecbwood avenue. Elmwood avenue west of Twenty- third street to Cherokee road. cars Parked Near Beac Are Raided byThee Thieves have been active in the vicinity of the Wilmette bailiing beach. Since July 25 they have broken into *tré carso n whihthe .doors were WÛîmette * urig me rfVIÇ11L ry weather. Village Manager Osborti will RECEIVE AUDIT REPORT *,repofLrtbis indings to the sewer and The annual audit of tbe Village of water committee of the Village board. Kenil'ê.orth for the fiscal year ehd- Tbis committee wýill then turn the mat- ing April 30, 1930, was submitted to te r over to the Village engineer for a, the Kenilworth Village board Monday report: and reecommendationis to the' night by Wolf and company, accoun..t- board * *ants. vv urette. ~II.I~ SUPPLY RECTOR The Rev. F. R. Tromp will have charge of the services inSt. Augusiý tine's Episcopal church Sunday,, Au gut10. Drf- Hubert Canleton, tii retiis away on hi. sumemer vai

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