hears with, the very intonatijons and1 pet phrases of bis elders-the Chineses baby, for instance, does not inherit any vocal control wbich inakes 'itc casier for i to learn Chinese thau ayother lan0guage. Ifost. babies adopt 'sounds with îneanings before they actually Iearn * o talk. Tbçy make one sound which means. "f eed. me, I ,arn hungry," an- otber wbicb neans "Play with'me, I. want to.be anîused," and another which. means "I arn sleepy, put mie to bed," long before tbey have tbe words to: express these ideas, but many babies begin to say a few :words 'by the end of tbeir first year, and a baby wbo is rot talking, to a limited extent,ý at .least, by tbe tirne be is eighteen montbs old sbould ie, regarded with concern by bis, parents. Tbe naines of people and familiar oh- jccts are tbe words wbicb rnost -babies Iearn, first-mother, father, ball, rnilk,. etc. Theni corne the action wods-riin,* v. alk, get up, get down and the like. Pa#e.ue la jmponat.m At this stage rnotbers and fathers .niuAt be patient teachers in helping the .,:baby to increase bis vocabulary. For instance, the first animal he Iearns to recognize and'cal by niame, niay lie bý,is kitten,, and ail other four-footed, furry creatures immediately become to hin, "kittens," a squirrel is a "littie kitty," a dog1f-perhaps even a horse, is a "big kitty" and tbe mother mnust for tbe moment turn naturalist, to point out the differenices between tlwse fascinating creatures. She must also be' willing to listen to endless prattie about them. No baby learns to talk. without a great deal of practice. .Therefore grown-up niembers of the family must lie willing to en dure and even to en-, courage. baby. speech, iustead of lie- > C.tming boed .and fallîng back on the c'ld adage tbat :"cbildren shouid be seen and lot beard." 0f course, the nmother nust teacli lier baby mn VESUVIUS Everv once in a while we read in of language.neiîng the baby to grow Up and away frorn "baby talk," in- stead of encouraging peculiar pro-- :îunciations, just because they are so cunning, and they must also learn to conceal their amusement, for babies are very sensitive . to ridicule and quick to be inhibited by it. If the baby's first experience with grown-ups has led himi to sce-tbern as gréat mratures, given to sudden iwbirns, and unaccountable bursts of laugbter, he is likely .to becorne sby and ýkeep bis youtbful' problems to- hîseif. B ut if the baby grows to scbool, age, knoxv- ing mnother, father-and aduit members ofbis farniiy oniy as teachers who are -always'helpful and kirdly, a firn found- ation bas, bee n laid upon 1wbicb schooil and borne can build bis -education. VISITS E N ALTON W. C. Yaçkel..Kenlilwortb police cornissioner,*left, Saturday for bis home at ýAlton, Ill. He is taking a, two weeks' vacation, Mrs. P. J. Kirwae, her daugliter, Betty, and ber son, Clarke, of 1607 Elmwood avenue, have returned frorn Eagle lake, Micb., wbere they were tbe guests of Mrs. Burrili Cramer. Presbyterian hospital, is recovering Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hehning and very well fromi an appendicitis opera- daughter,_ jean, 458 Linden avenue, tion Tuesday of Jast week. Winnetka, left last week for- OttaNýà 0 Beach and Macatawa Park, Mich., to Mr. and Mrs. George Butler Martin, spend tbe last two weeks of August. 1046 Elrnwood avenue, spent the past jean will enter the University of Mich- week-end, in Terre Haute, Ind. igan this fail as a freshman. SýPECIAIL DRUG 'PuICES A ao Delivery Service in ii Vtmette a.nd Keoil.mori.h Untî,l 9 P. 'MI. Grove's -Laxative Bromo Quinine 25 Hill's Cascara- Quinine ... ... 5c Listerine,83 $1.20 size ...... Listerine, SO.5c size ......47 L4isterine,25 30c size25r Listerine Tooth23 Paste ......23 Lavoeis, 5 $1.00 sire,.. .. 9 - Lavonis, 50c size47 Èorlban's Tooth Paste, 5 60C sire 53c Pepsodent, 9 50c size .. 9 Pebeco, . 45 50c sz Kn5C s **e........45c Kolynos, - qr - 75, size. Squibb's Oul $1.00 size Cuticura Soap . Woodbury's 23c bar,L t .ose, 63c 1, 85C ...23c Soap, 63 box 6 , Gillette Blades, à9 -1.00 -size ,. . . . . . Guiette Blades, 50c sire ..... 5 ]Bromp, Seltzer, 25 3(c -size'............25 60c. sine............O $1.20 size $1000. Mennen's Shaving, 45 Cream, soc sizë 5 Palm Olive Shaving Cream. 35c size »'* Pond's Cold Crearn, 35 ize .........25C 65c$.0 sz '59c sze 95c HidsHoney and Almond Crearn, 50c size45 1.0 sze ........93c 75c size ......-. 65c $1.50 size 4 Kotex, 39c each, 3 for ...... ......$ Modess, 39c tach, 3 for ........... Maltine, Cod Liver Oul & Iron lodide.. $1 Nujol, $1.00 size .......... 1.39 09C SPECIAL THIS WEEK Montag's Paper and.Ai Envelopes, 75c value49 Montag's Boxed. Paper,39 $1,00 sÏze,3 i lives. Preventive Service is better than re- habilitation. A car wbich is given good care in Our Preventoriumr today will flot need to. be rebuilt a year- from 110W. Motors Service, 721, Aain - Street, Phbne Wilmette 2600-01.,