Iiowers at their best. General surprise the faily, f 320Male.veue,.- and dmirtio wasexprsse at he cationing at Maple Paint cottage, Mrs. Alonzo Collins of Battie Creek, remarkable resu1ts obtained 'in the Fox lake, Wis. They expect to drive Mich., is stopping a week to visit lier space of one season, particularly by up to the Boy Scout camp, Ma-ka-ja- sister, Mrs. Walter Brown, 625 Eleventh 1);ersons who try to grow flow~er gar- wan, at Elcho,ý Wis. to visit their soni, street, on bier way liome f roui Knox- dens and trees and lawns in the same HowNard, who hias spent six weeks at bille, Tenu. area. Trees on and adjiacent to thecap Summer Freeciom'Yours.on tese. SPECIAL. TERMS Just at the time when cleaning >grows most burde'nsome, when heat, and. dust combine te exhaust your energy and rob you of needled outdoor heurs, comes this wonderfui offer cf the New' Hoover w*th its strilcwg impaovmntsa.d tincease of 2 5%1 in efficiency, on exceptionally de- sirable terms. Resnaining payments are in small'. menthly amounts. You receive a liberal E alowance for your old cleaner. Make arrangements immediately, as the offer is soon te be withdrawn. You can aise buy the improveci new popuiar-priced Hoover-more efficient than any other maice cf cleançr at any price-en these saine special teraus. THE HOOVER COMPANY. NORTH CANTON. 0HI0 only vv ineiça. aven1ue, bUIUla l te Charles S. Quinlan estate to Ben H. Matthews of Kenilworth; Lewis T. Dodds, broker. The eight-room Dutch Colonial resi- dence at 351 Palos road, Olencoe, on lot 100 ft. by 200 ft., sold for John H. Stringer, to Mark, W. Lowell, viçe- iuresi(Ient of the Continental -Illinois National bank, Chicago, :by Frank M. Orndoriff, broker. The six-room brick resi dence at 1426 Aslbùry avenue, Winnetka,' for Mrs. Pearl Abernathy. to Otis L., Heath; Philjp V. Jewelilbroker. The two acres :at the nortbeast cor- per of- Wiloqw road and. Sunset Ridge road, for Mrs. Ida M. 'Howe to Schnol District 29, for the new Nortbfield Township: school; Lewis T., Dodds, broker. The seven-room shingle Dutch Colonial bouse at 571 Hili terrace, Wiinnetka.. for Charles E. Thompson to Adelor J., Petit, Jr.i, of Petit, Olin & O0vermyer, 'attorneys, Chicago; F., M.- Orndorif, broker. The vacant lot, 62442 ft. by 1822 ft., on Madison avenue, Glencoe, sold for E. W. Ankrum to A. H. Taylor; Phiiip V. Jewell, broker. Six and one-haîf acres in Section five, Palatine township, adjoining the Deere Grove Forest Preserve, for Charles Schweinm to the Evanston Council Boy Scouts of America; Lewis A lease on the -six-room. stuçco house at 368 Jackson avenue, Glencoe, for RudolPh W. Arbien to C. W. Brvant; Frank M. Orndorff, broker. RAY ýOFFER WIEBOLDT'S (Formerly Rosenberg'9s) AUTHORIZED HOOVER SERVICE~: 1515 Sherman. Greenfleaf 6424' Ave., Evanston ine 1.Ray STUDIO I 1606 Phn.Unir. 2238 Chicago , Evnsfon