REAS-ONA1BLE 't~hL 1IN VANSTON French Pro'encjl Room. 514 MAIN. STREET Ear!lj Amertcan Roomr 50 èjDAVIS STREET "HIS week 1 especially in'vite. Your. côn- T sideration. of the facilities of hy,,Mýain street sbop, wbere you wilI find, ail the -excellencies'of food, service and environ- ment« wbicb I have sougbt to-associate witb my- namle. Sbould. you drop'in at Main street for breakfast, luncheon~, afternoon teai or dinner, or just for a sandwich and coflee, or a bit cof cake witb tea, or fountain service, you will be wel pleased-of this.-I feel very sure. 729 ANNOUNCEMENT Now Open Two. Neéw Evaulstona Stores By Originators of Reasonably Priced Cl1eaning Operating Stores in thte Principal. Cities cure lbas. always been difticu1t', but it is now under control at Field nîuseumn by methods em-ployýed in. one of the museumn's lahoratories under the super- vision of Henr Vý W: Nicho)ls, associ ate curator of geology. The..disease appears flr-st in: mild cases as a. rough pâtch of whtish rencolor. which, if . neglected. may sipread over .-the entire surface, conî- stanti ýpenetrating deeper. an.d in the' Tend confletely destroying 'the bronze. The disease is unique and has nlothing .in comnion w.ith,,thle bacterial (1iecay of wood a.nd fabric, iîor is it related to the-tin disease w'hic.h dest roys pcwter, says Mr. Nicliols. h is caused b)v the presence of corrosiv'e conîpounds ; of topper ain(l acid whiclî have the prop-. crtv of renewving themiselves aft2ýi their activitv hbas been expended ini corroding thýe.bronize. Arminute speck (If malignant pati na can, theoretically at least, destroy the largesi bronze,Mr Nichols declares. There are a numiber of copper co'nî- ipou.nds wliich. çaîî act in this -way, but- the onily one found active in Field ,nuseuni is the basic chioride of copper. leti B3ronzes l)ecomie infected with thiis chioricle mhen they are long buried i«nCo soil 'Whiclî contains -,ait. This sait miv tor, cone-fromî organlie vaste or it laY, be hig desert or sea sait. The cure used in Field nmuseum Is ;i n electric treatnieént: devised originally for another purpose, and a chernical. Itreatment develope(1 in the Inluseui jlaboratory. -North Shore Gets. New 1Campbell hIc., Store Another new chapter inu the story of Campbell,. mc., beg-ins Tuësdav, Au- .gist 26. wjth Ohe opening of their.third cstore. The new store, Iocated at-.1608 Orrington avenue, Evapston,ý will be a. distincrtly Evanston and ýnorth 'shore store and a real-.conveniepce tco thosel wo«have for. years selected their Camipbell hospiery, at the, Canmpbell Loop stores. it is e xplained. As speciaiists i]n hosiery 'Camnpbell, bIc. have been known for years at 61 E. -Randolph. street, thie main store, cow for ley To1Qff Photo KC. L. "Tug" Wilson, director of ath- ics at Northwestern university, and ach Dick Hanley, Purple grid :men-, r, are Ietting someé 200 university, and gh. school footbiall, coaches 'iu n eir secrets of;.admini stration and aching at the Northwestern summner aching school, which opened Monday r a term of tivo weeks. Coach Hanl-.. Swill. have lis own teacher, Pop) arner, on hand next week to help put across some of the teachings.whichi lie niay havé forgottren. Otto Hake Appointeci to Fine'Arts Academy Staff Assignment . of Otto Hake, weil- known painter and designer, to the faCulty of the Evanston Acadermy of Fine Arts is announced this week by Carl Scheffler, director, %ho is pre pa- ing for the opening of the falil terni. Mr. Hake will, conduct classes. in figure drawing and painting. The fil terni is scheduled to begin Mondav, WHOLESALE I. 847 Chicago Ave. Acroe. from Main St. "L". Gren.2470 16211/a Orrington Ave. (Next to Lord'i) Univ. 2470, W. H. Callow,: Prinicipal 178SHERMAN AVE. New Term Septiember 2. j,