Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Aug 1930, p. 23

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* gan takinig stock of their miaterial. for the Yankee teamn to oppose the Brit- ishi Empire delegation on Soldier Field, Chicago, Wednesday, August 27. *Out of the fourteen events, on wvhich points will be scored, the Americans figure to. be sure of four field eventsy; the British have a decided, edge. in - fiVe traçk events, and five'events are a toss-uP. Amierica's a(lvaltage ail)pears in the shiot put, the broad jump, the pole vault and the hammer 'throw. In the shiot Amcr ica's 'candidates are Hrr- inan Brix. Harlow Rothert 'and Eric Krenlz. Their total distance based on best throw~s, is 154 feet, nine inches, against a. total of 135 feet for, the *three l)est 1Enrtons,.R., S.,Rowland, Ford Foley, and K. H. Pridie, ail of. Enigland. Edge With Vaulters Coiisistency on the part of Amen-ý Ican vaulters gives the U. S. anl edge, in this event, witli Fred Sturdv, ex-Yale star; Tom Xarne of Nortlhwestern, tand Vern McDernmott, of Illinois, -lead- inig the pack of reai good met). Thelir aggregate best hieighit is 41 feet, six- and onie--haiýf inches. The aggregate dis- tances and. lieights Nvill be 'use(ltto(de- cide the. winner'. flitaitl's best in, this event is 39 feet. but its, stars, Victor Packard .of Canaàda.. .Bahinton- Smith of Enigland., and Art Gilbert of *Canada, are not as consistent as the Amnerican candidates. Ed Hanmm, Worid record -holder anéld Oimpic chiamp-tioni- Ed Gordon of Iowa, and Sol Furth of N. 1'. U., giv'e the U. S. a decided edgè ini the 2broad * juînp while jack ,. Merchanit, Frank *Conner the Yale Sophoinote flash,- and Edmuniid Black of, thle Bostoni A. A., *appear tînbeatable. in the hammner throw, al)eit Pat OXallaghiaîî. of Ire- * lanid, thée-Olympie capQ.la be a niemlber of thie British teain. In the jaVelini, Britain wiil offer Stain *Lay, of New' Zealand, wýfth a. mark'.of 218.fëet; Dorai Pilling, 'of.Ciaada, and E. R. Turner of Enlglaidia(l, idtins trio * is capabl e of equaling ,the aggregate (istanlce of the Aniýcan trio, Wvhich * M~i1 be. seiected front jJimy D e.\fër s, * -ô the Los Angeles A. C., who lias doue. 221 f eet; Ken Churchill of the Olvmnpic club, Lee B-artlett of Albion college, * anid Jesse Mortenson 0of (le. L. A. A. C.. The Enapvire's highr jumipers are flot as formidable looking as the Yankee outlay, but they cani ail do six f ett, standinig races of the 'meet and the resuit is strictly ýa matter of specula-, tion. In the mile reiay, the British wilii have two of. America's greatest col- legiate quarter iiers going for. it. Alex Wloof Notre, Dame, and jack Walters, of Marquette, are both> Brit- ish. subjects and must compete for the Bracey, i oppiiio, *,weet and iJyer. Hlowever, this is olle event where America miay overcomne the favorite by dint of a better start, or a bad pass with the haton. Breaks, ill play a, large part.iii this race. Càné-ede -Steeplechaàe The steeplechase is coniceded to Brit - aiîî and the thréee mile teani race sbould be a jog for the inva(lers. The four mile and two mile rel'ays. find thie Britons taking crack. American col-. legiails again in thle Notre Dame And Marquette runners. .plus Thil Edu-ards.. the dusky. flash' fro,îî N. Y. U., who is a native of. Brîtisli Gulanya and must run againsthte U.iited States. These events belopg to Britain on pàper. Thus it looks from here, as if Britain's, first invasion of Ameiéa ill.-enid a seri'es of Yankee tniumpis - in this interna-. tional team'competition. GUIDE-LECTURE.TOURS. "dEtr uscan and -Roman E--xhib)its" an.-J "Animal Life in thie Great. Lakes Re- mion," 'at Il anid 3 o'clock respectivelv on Monday, August 25,. will open next week's free guide-lecture tour prograin for the general public at Field Museum of" Natural IHistory.. On Wýedniesday, at worth of the çlccor 1 'uy-: d them.. -01<2 son, *U OLMBIA 3OTH SEASON OPENS SEPTEMBER 8TH WILMETTfE BRANCI 627 11TH ST., BOULEVARD BLDG.,. Phone 3612 t-AURA COUPIÀNl KATHERINE lHEDGLIN- Registration Days, THiURSI)AY, FRIDAY, -SATURDAY, SEPTEM BER 4-5-6 Main School-509, S. WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO talkiing ha>ve ~L~( No rth Shore Fa&try B ranch 556 CENTER STREET Winnefka, Illinois Phonos Winnotka 2371 -Gireenleaf 5120 Teachers in -Charge ANNA CHINLÙND

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