EVANSTON-.STOREýý Opens Tedy ugust2 1608 Orrington Ave. Speciaàls for the Openmng Week CAMPBELI. CAMPBELL "Tadeegh"CAMPBELL CAMPBELL Tailored Underwear. Chiffon 'Duraweight" CAMPBELL "Gloasmore" Upýwards frQjn Service "Uti*lit y" SiIk Ingrain Chiffon $1.50, $1.50 ~Stockings $.5 s 0 $150 $150 -$1.15 $~ CAMPBELL CAMPBELL Pi'cotlTO To North Shore reidenis the, ope ning, cf a Camp" bell Hosiery store i n Evansfon is, a welcomeh event Will tSieU CampbeU Hiosiery and Lingerie CamnpbeR's IoveIy stockings are now available to you in a ,complote selection of style, size and color within a short ,distanpce of home. Campb.Iý ,Lingerie and Underthings will. also be: sold at t he new -store., TH 61 East Randolph St. R EE S TOR E 1608 Orrington Ave. Evanstoni' Illiniois Telophon-Central 8268: 156 West Washington St. -1 t