C. M. Osborn, Wilmette's new vil- lage manager, will address an open meeting of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce on Monday night, Septeni- ber 8. The place where the meeting is to be ýheld will be announced later. The Chamber 'of Commerce is parti- cularly anxious that t he - meeting be wéll attended, since it will give the .people. of Wilmette an opportunity to meet their new village manager and to hear him discuss the problems of, the village as they Will be ýworked out un- dèr. the new village manager form oi. government. Invitations are being exktended byý the Chaniber of Commerce tothe Wil- mette 'Rotary -club the Wilmette Op- timist club, the Wilmette Woman's club, the Wilmette. Civic league, the Wo- mans, Catholic club, and to al other -clubs and organi-zations in the village, as wç , as to individual' citizens, to at- tend the meeting, en masse. Invi4 e Villagers' "We especially urgeevery citizen in- terest.ed -ini the civic affairs. of Wil- mette to attend this meeting," said J. E. Worthen, president of the Chamber of Commerce, this.week. "WVe want to Show our new,,village.*manager that the people of Wilimette are'back of him." *The following ltter was sent by Mr. WVorthen té Mr.ý Osborn, inviting himn to address the open 'meeting of the, Chamber of Commerce: August 12, 1930 "Mr. C. M. Osborni, Village Manager '*Wiimette, 111 'Dear Mr. Osborn: "At the resquest of many Wilmette citizens, we extend to you a cordialin- vitation to speak on 'Monday evening, September 8, 1930, before an open meeting 6'f'the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce. "The people of our cornmunity are very much interested in the new vil-, lage manager form of government and, you on the subject. "We sincerely-hope that you will be abl.e to speak to us on the above men- tioned date and trust that we may hear from you at your earliest con. venience. Very truly yours,_ pressO ion tUpinion. We are' hopeful that this mediumi will I)comle an increasingly popular feature and trust that villagers will feel f ree ta avail theniselves of this opportunity to share their views on conimunity and ôther questions.. Please'let us hear f rom you! Note: Wh1il f lot necessary that ,the contributor's name appear wlth the, pub-. li.%hed communication,. it lq essential thit u e be advised of the author's ldentity. Anonymous contributions aveneyer pub- l' hed. -Tirs EDToRt. Prof. .McGiffert to Preach at Services on Baptt Church, Prof. A. C. McGiffert, Jr.,ý of the, Uiniversity of Chicago will preach Rt. the union services ini the Minmette. Baptist church Suniday' morning , Au- gust 24, at .11 o'clock. The Baptist and Congregational chuirches 'in the village are cooperaing in these sum- mier union services. *The preacher for Sunday, August 31, wili 'be the Rev. 'Williamn E. McCo-r- inack of Cham.paign, director of the Pilgrim Foundation at the University of Illinois and formierly associate pas- -or of the First Congregational church of Wilmfette. On Sunday, September 7, the union services wiIl be addressed byv Dr. Vere V. Loper, retiring Minister of the First - Congregational church of Wilnîiette. .Dr. George!). Allisorr, pastor of the Baptist church, is engaged 0o1 a "Good Will" preaching mission in the British Isies- this summner. Next Sunday lie îvil' conduct services in the Addison Street Conigregational church at Not- tinghiam, Englan4, He returns to Wil-' inettée arly in September. Wihnette Village Tax Levy Will Be $270,6001 'Taxes amounting to $270,600 are Ievied on ail taxable property. in Wil-' mette, according to the .provisions of an ordinance' passed by the Wilmette Village board Tuesday niglit. The an- nhual Village appropriation bill, passed- On JuIy 1, calls for an estimated ex- penditure of $392,900 for the, ensuing sen1î-fnal~s next Monilay nîornr -ng, ac- cording to Dudley C.' Stone of the Playground and Recreation' board staff, who is sponsoring the tourna- ment. Elsie, Thelan and Jane Krier already bave qualified for the semi-finals in the wonîen's tournament, and the, other, qualifiers will be' deter mined during thme week-end.. John Hellmuth is the oônly qualifier thus far for the boys' tournament, «and Clîfford Darling and John Iliff' are the' only contenders, in the semi-finals for the men's' tourna- m~ent who have qualified at. the pres- ent timie. Followin g the---finals of: the singles tennis tournaments, a men's d oubles championship' tournament will. be played.* Seven teanis have entered in- cluding.Jack Ludwig and, Jini Corns, John liff and.Frank Reynolds, Junior Corns, and1 James Krafthefer, George and Joe Thelan,- Stephen and G. T. Hellinuth, Clifford, Darling and John Moore; and Jerome .Cicchinii and J. P. Caldwell. Thme teatu of' J. P. Caldwell and Jerome Cicchini drew a "by" for thé. first round and' following are the ,pair-, ings of the other teamns:Ludwig-Corns vs.' lliff-Reynolds; Jr. ,Corns-Kraft- hefer vs. George and Joe Thelan; S. Hellmuth-G. T. Hellmuth vs.. DarlingL, Moore. Board Provides for Two Ailey' Paving Projects, Ordinances providimig for the paving of the .first alley' south of Lake avenue between Twelfth' street and Wilmette avenue and the first alléy north of Isa- bella street from the east gutter lune of Park avenue to the north line of Isabella were passed, by the Wilmette 'Village board Tue sday. night. The pavement wiil be of concrete in each in st ance_ CELEBRATING BIR*tHDAY 'Little Jamnes 'Schaefer, .Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. 'M. 'Schaefer. of 4501 Washington 'avenue,. is. celebrating his fourth birthday Saturday. His niother wvilI entertain about fiteen of his littie New Trier Higli school's faculty for the 1930-1931 terni of school, whh opens Monday, September 8, was an- riounced this week. The teaching staff numibers more than one hundred. V*ý 1 wig i a complete list of the highz choteachers by departmnents, newr members of the faculty being indicatl byan asterik after their' names: 9 Administration Frederick E. Clerk, superinitendent; Miss ElizabethE. Packer, dean Of girls; F.- A. Kahler, dean of boys; W» L., Brown, director of research, andl Miss Lilian Doig. registrar. L. A. H4utchens, Miss Alice ue ard, R. H. Carpenter, Mrs. Marjorie Cook, Miss Lillian Fogg,, Miss Louie Hamilton,* C. E. ,MacLean, Miss Ma- belle. Payton, C. L. Persing, H. C Pifer,ý Miss Elisabeth . Stanwood, Go,1- don VanKirk, Miss Helen Wàlkùp,, Miss Wînifred Wilson and Miss Lulu Wright.- .W. 'A. Snyder, W. J. Aschenbach, H. D. Caton, Miss Ethel Evans, K. Funk- houser, Clyde Grater, C-. H. Jones, Miss Helen *Maloney, C. Minnema, Miss Margaret. Smallpiage, Miss Dobe- .thy-WaLker and C. O. Waters.*. Social ,Scepce M iss Laura Ullrick, Miss Ora Cote, F. D. Frisbie, Miss Marion Hamilton * Miss AIma Hurst, John Nay, C. . Reiley, Roland Wehr and Florence Canning Wehr. *Foreign Langnage C. R. Small, Miss Lucille' Brady, Miss Frances Bredin, Miss. Elizabeth Breidenbach, Mrs.. E. Carlsen, Miss Helen David, MissVirginia LDonhamn, M. E. Duckles, idss iàrances' Wlentye, Miss Laura Fulton, Miss Elsa Karst, Mrs. Frances Mundell*, Miss Mary Helen Paul, Miss Jessie Sentney, B. W-. Shearer, Miss Ella Shaw and Charles Varney*. commnece D. ER Johinson,- A. L.: Grinneli Mi ss Elizabeth- Haàdden H. H. Herron, J. W. Rau**and Miss Eva Thorne. Sceone F. C. Windoes, N. G. Christensen.' V. H. Condon, G. D. Edwards. L. E. Hildebrand, R. S. Ream and S. S.. A request 'that permission be granted to convert the old store build- ing at the southeast. corner 'of Prairie and Wilmette avenues into a filling station and battery and service station was denied by the Wilmette Village board Tuesday night. The building is in -a residential district. est .economy possible. If the ggr- bage is ýproperly' wrapped it will be kept, drier, will burn more -easily, and will require legs fuel to burn it, Manager Osborn exp ains. hom, grde, pofesioall orH.alth Dqi'rtwm.ut * hmegaronprfesionllyor Mrs. Margaret Moore and Miss ii an etnergency. 'Gladys Anderson. - ' library WANTED-A WHITE NURSE MAID Miss Eleanor Libby and Miss Ziza-ý to aselst with careý of 2 children. beth Todd. References' requIred. Ph. Glencoe It will be noted that there is 'a coin- 617.paratively smnall change in the pet- j (Continued on page 44)