PhoneN 2403 LABOR DAY SAVINGS, For your luncheon.or for a mealI at home you will find a -complete vat. iety of welI-known foods et. savings due to Ou.r economical methods of food distribution. Shredded Wheat ý2 "ip"* 19C CrIe.* FOR BAKINO N-b.22 C r. sc OR t'Yfl A if22 c Bean Noie Beans Olives, 2 '23c COM fisli AGA jar 27c EXTRAC HOP FAOE i ie Rlbbon LIGHTorDARK ca 47Ec BRAND m.~~or S*nwii te. GRA Choice large pkgs. Fresh., Meats Lantern in Her Hand=Aldrich. jBrandon of the Engineers-Bindloss. .%fan f rom the W\ilds-Bindloss. Winston of the Prairie-Bindloss. Happv iamil,.-Boier. Red Earth-England. Down ey of the .Nfoùnted-liendryx, MNiss Bl1ake's Husband-Jo'Crdani. BlackButtes-'Mulford. Laments for, the'Livng-.Parker. Noii-Fiction, How to Read Books--Jones. Fine Art of Living--Goldberg.- Nursery Sehools-Foster. Chicagô--Stnit. Economic Geology-Emmhrons. Eéomnonic Geology-Ries. Svmbolism for, Art ists-BÉaileY. Sacred Symbols -in Art-Goldstniih. Art of Sound Pictures-Pitkip. Literary Criticisni-Poe. lris'h Impressions-Chçsterton.', 'Little Known Engand-Eberlein: Susan B. Anthony-ýDc.rÉ., D. Leroy Morgan. pr esident ot Ille llitiois Associatiojn of Real Estate boards. recently made the *following ad- ditional appointments on the legisla- tive committee: Arthur. J. Shog*er,ý president. Aurora Real Estate board; H. A. Campbell, oresident.. Elgin Realý Estate board; A. J. Klycze k, president, Chicago Heights Real Estate board. Robert S. Crane of Quinlan. and Tyson, Inc., is also- 4 member of the commit- tee. FisiJ hall annex, was named Locy hal! last week by action of the board of, trustees. The building wilI house the department of' zoology, formerly iocated in University hall. The addition ýof a third story to the original two stories erected twe yeari ago and another *three-st6ry' section, now being constructed hy, the- R. C. Wie'boldt company, will, be completed for the.,opening of the- fali term. next nionthý. Cost of the addition is -placed at $75.000 and tht approximate cost, of the hall is $150,000, according to uni-. versity authorities.. William Albert Locy was'an eminent zoologist. Me* was born in Troy, Mich., Sept. 14, 1857, and received his hache- lor. ofý science degree f rom the Uni- versity of Michigan, to which, he later returned for more. advanced study. He also attended Harvard and the' Uni- v ersity of Berlin, and,.Was, associated with the University of 'Chicago. He was also a. trustee ýof the Marine Bio- logical station. Dr. Locy w-as a writer of numerous scientific papers and monographs in technical journals. He was, editor-in- chief of zoological articles and ýauthor of several tracts for an Anierican sup- plement to the Encyclopedia Brittanica. Part of the zoology departmnin's, former quarters will be taken over WV the department of geology, w.hich has been in need of more rooni. h~gulwyo Ibo NvuiIiéb..l. WL.., Mr . 6064 ai @ e* oSmpdm u te » vta 00 .0we~ ué I 1126 Central Avenue Chlck.e-ns lb. I NATIONAL TEA COU