Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1930, p. 14

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oars8, ProcasVIP course is in a stock of' Fur Ci ion f0 our euer-increasing and Scaris.. OKEAN-COa LORD'S Fount in Square heres No migHom tu a Freezing Houa e with a MID-WES T QOIL, BIURNERI There% ne danger of bursting water pipes when you go away for the 'Week-end. Just set the ther- miosat at the desired temperatote and :depart witb a duer conscience. Yo'il cone horneto' a Warin. friendly bouse. Better let Lord's instahl an oil borner ilow before the faniihy cornes 'back frorn vacation. You'hh be thankful ýaIl. winer if you do. Couic in today and s et the Mid- West Ou Bourner. and hbave its m any f ea t u rers thoroughhy etxplained... MID-WEST. >OIL BURNERS An Oit WilI cati &srner Expert on Request. For, .4 May we expect your visit-P and causes a genthe, thorough, natural tomorrow. Miss Bent ba$- been coui- mnovement without forrning a habit or selor at camp this suninier. ever increasing the dose. -- Stop suffering f rom constipation. Mrs. John Rathbone, and daughter. Chew a Rexail Orderhie at night. Nex-, Helen, 523 Abbottsford road, Kenil- day bright. Get 24 for-25c today at the worth, spent last week ývisiting friend!Z nearest Rexaîl Drug Store-R.nn.ckw, whô have a summer home on .Blackl Drug Co. -Advert8.re za.I Lake near Holland, Mich. temuber 16. iTne clinII.ic smiri for chilren who are not able to pay a regular dentist fee and each is charged a sum of twenty-five cents. The .clinic is supported by the Grosse Point H-ealth Center board. Twelve children have heen supplied. with glasses by the. Grosse Point Health Center board during'the sum- mier. *Five tonsilectomies: have,,bëeeni paidfor by the Healthý center. Mrs. Iliez Bliss, visitiig'tnurse, stat.es that, the beaIlb work at the. Grosse Point Health. renter lias .increased lm about fifty.per cent during the suni- .nier and attributes a. great deal to thîe unernployment situation. Through' the Gro$se Poinite Healtlî center:-and the. -Chicago Tuberculosis institute six pul- inonary cases of. tuberculosis hiave Ieen sent to private sanitoriumis from Wilniette silice Janluary 1, 11930. Many -new cases of, tuberculosis have- beein reported in Wilmette. The Chicago. Tubercuilosis inistitute is located at 1608 Maple aveiîue, Evans- -ton. The Ch'es~t clinie. is conduËted Ihy' Dr. L. Novak of the Chiicago Tubercu- losis instituite the first and last Thurs- days' of, each rnonth. Patients fromn Witmette who, do ilot have a fanîily * I1)isiciai inay report at ýthe chini fr examination. * MUMPS ON INCREASE Four ncw cases of fliih were r*e- ported in Wilmette for the week end- ing Wedniesday, Augpst 27. There is 110 other niew contagion in the.village.. Otliçr contagious diseasé' cases iiiclude' fourteeii of whooping cougli,*too scarletfever and onîeof chicken jpo.x. Thefou iiw csesofmunips are ini ,one famuily. Mrs. Robert 0. L a w,321 KenilwN'orth aveniue, Kenilvorti,. bas gone: east 1t z visit her .friend, Mrs. Pierce. at. he! hionie in Boston. Mrs. Pierce is well: known ini Kenilworth as she spent sev- eral weeks bere ast wiîîter as Mrs. Law-s guest., Miss Minnie Hughes, 1«0 Central avenue, bas' had as bier guests thi.s' week, Mrs. W. 0. Beal and lier sons, the club is planning a tennis tourna- ment on the Kildeer courts,' an innova-~ tion this season. Charles E. Driver is chairman of the' golf 'committee.~ Serving with him are the following: .Herbert B. Taylor, Walter H. Ander- so,p Craig B.- Ketchanm, Jacques de La Chapelle,, R. Ward. Starrett, Hugh A. Foresnian, James H. Prenitiss, Alfred Wiltberger, D. Scott Campbell, Paul R. Soule, Bentley G. McCioud, Walter Noble: Gillett,, Harold F.' Tidenian. Sam.Uel H.. Clark, and Herbert' W. Bartl.ing. T. Xeller. Kirpball. will be ini charge of the ten'nis tournament. Colored Youth Found in Hôuae Is Held by Police James, Taylor, seventeen year old col- ored boy. who says ýhe cornes ýfromn Mississippi. was'arrested by Wi lmiette' police Tuesday aiteirnoon a'fter he -had been sUrprised in an upstairs roomi at the Uiio' A. Sors * n residence, 129 Prairie avenue, b)v a menmber of the familv. Taylor told the police that he had gone to the Sorsein hbone to look for work, but bis story did-flot satisfy Police Cief Henry Brautigam, Sergt. H. Vance- and Officer joe Schmidt. wbo nmade the arrest. He wvas to have a becaring Wed 'nesday, after-2 noon before Magistrate E. "A. Petti- b>oue. ON WEEK-END VISIT Dr. and Mrs. Rufus Stolp 'and M r.. and Mrs. Grant Ridgeway of Keiiil- wvorth left on Wednesday of this week to motor tô Land-O-Lakes, s, to visitý Mr. 'and Mrs. Walter Shattuck of Glenicoe, formerly of Kenilworth, at their sumnier. home. Today Mr. and ,Mrs. Leon Allen, MXr. and Mrs. W ar- ren Piease, andMr and Mrs. George Keehn,' other nienihers of the Kenil-, worth Evening Bidge club, are motor- ing to.,Land-O-Lakes to be the guests of Mr. and. Mr's., Sha ttuck. for .ôve" Sunday. Miss Shirley Ross, 1321 Chestnut avenuie, Kenilworth, entertained- last. M.B. Manufacturing* Furrier Telephône Winnetka 2752 -*~ p - - - - -- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - M-1;0 4 j --- --: - --- - - - - - -

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