WELCOME! Visitors tb Ihe 1Int ern at io n-al1 Air Races... the many services, of this institution. are at your disposai. -R.st rooms and tetephones 1on second floor. , Gift Shop offert suggestions -for t hat gift,, to take home. First. Floor. For Woolen School D.- ressi Presenting..al the ne*- novelty -woolens for the comn Plain colors and servicea bis mixtures. Sizes 8 to 14. years. Beding - --Lnen If Youre Coing Away to. School * Quality Sheets Sige $1.35 0f finest quality bleacbed musliri-63x99 in size; WiII stand repeated tubbings.. A 42x36-inch pillow slip is .42c. Cannon Towels Doule$4-95 doz. Dobethread towes-of a soft, absorb- ent quality, 22x42, in site. Students like +hem. -If , .WooI Bla nkets Single Bed Famous Old Town Blankets-lOO%/ pure, wool-sateen boiund--66x80 in size. En- semb.le shades. Lordsg First Floor, Center Lord's Luggage-Thrift Basemeset Upon 100%.lama Pile Coats As warm and priactical as they'are ,goo *d Iooking-kashaý suede liniing. B8eIted' models in beav er and tan- sizes* 8 to 14. Alpacà, Knit Pile C Tailoredý models wth beit in 9c tariand naturol-sizes 6, to Il the coet: for the grammar ag mediate schoot miss. *Washable SChool Togs, $1.95 Little- girls from 7 t o. 12 years will start back fo the grade schools 'in thès wash dresses.. Gay. print patterns.. Gym Suits Regulation style -1 elastic st' knee-c sizes 10 to 16. We b to b. the lowest herei Dance Rompe! -piece models- For gym or dancing sch'ool- det bluê' only- mode ls--regul1ation professiom believe this price -black. and white blue an(, ýabouts. Sizes 10 to 16. *Lord's Children's Sec.tion--Second Fleor Lteatiier Tams Junior Feits Navy, Green and Brown-' Il s-Ilied. Gonu A new idea in junior millinery. FaiI model Lord's Milline-y-Second Floor j bose Leef Bookc Re-Fills ý.......:25c I Lord's Stationery-First Fie or Requesf' Charge Purchases Made -.9 . $5.9 >styles for littie sisb' >Is in wine and gros :hildren's Soy Granite-r.gulation size. Lord's fIusereares-First -F Tliursday, Friday an.d'Satui $jý0.75l