îistory teacher, returned to America on thie. "Coroilia" last Sunday. Thie boys sailed from MNontreal on thle "S-. S. Duchess of Ri.chimond(" on j yune .26 and arrived ini Liverpool on Jy5.They visited England, Franceý, Germnany., Switzerland and Italv. Thevl weein Paris for the celebration o Bastille Day and visited Old Trier, Munich and went-to -a performanc.e of the Passion Play at Objeranimlergau. Trhe y made the trip from Enigland to Paris: by plané-o ver the Chant.nel. ..The five boysand 'Mr. Frisbie sailed f rom La H-1avre, Franice, August 10. and arrived in New York Augus t 23. . rhree of the boys ivili return to their homes on the north shore while two .o ill remain in the East for a few days,. William Williams, Hortoni Kauf-ý nann and Gerry Schinur will return with NIr. 'Frisbie from iNew York*, and Dick Cooke and Williamn Gage will' sltay wjth the l)urpose of 'looking over Yâle college. Dick 'Cooke is meeting his p)arenits in the East and will ré- turnl with them. TO ADDRESS TEACHERkS M.\iss Mliriam Brubaker of the faculty of the National College of>Educatioi. .*:willý address the Winnebago County Teachers' institute on. SeptembIer 2. in Rockford., Miss, Brubaker will - slcak on "Curre'nt Problemns in Kinder- garten Procedure" and on,."Standards of Promotion from Kindergarten, to First Grade." Ms Bruba ker is di rcc-, tôr of the senior kindergarten of the children's school of the college land is corps in,-nursery school. TÈhe faIt ses- Sion of the cildcreri'ss CIool w iill' open September 17. -miss Nellie Preston of lvod Ill., spent last 'week visiting 'at the. home of Mrs. A. A. McçKeiglian at 1025, Gre enleaf avenue. She was ac- comanedhome bv lmrs. McKeighian,, who will spend a. short timne in, Ellîn- wood and Peoria., Mrs.;B. C. Davisoni of 1437 Forcst. avenue and Mrs. C. J. Nyluind of 1-534. *Fovest avenue and» ber son, Melvin. spent several days last week at Mer- rîmac, -Wis., at the summrrer horne of Mrs. L. N. Osborne. They motored there Tuesday and returned Fridayv. mette p JuLJiAL iioaiU iGiU N'-w mer Hiigli school. *Besides hier hiusband, she is sur- vived by twvo children, *Arthur J. Jr., five years old, anïd David Francis, thiree years old; lier parents, Mr. and Ms jo)seph 'E. Slantz,. and a brothier, Frank Shantiz of Chicago. .The futneral services were hield Mn (lay morning, at 91:30 o*clock at St. Francis' Xavier cliurchi, Ninth street an(l Linden, avenue. l3îrial wvas at Meinionial Park cemnetery. , along ds and drinks-al on a miost economical oasis. POLICE ON VACATION Patroînian .Johii.,Hennickson and Charles, Brautigam of the: Wilmette police force will ,begin their vacations on Monday. September 1. Two other members of the police departmnent. Sergt. Joe Steffens and Officer Pr.te Schaefer, who, have beeni on vacatiquP, will be, back on dutv. TO !BE.SEPTEMBER BRIDE Mis ayeleKuelzom-, dauglbter of *Ir. andI Mrs. Williami M. Raiguel of Mr. ahd NMrs. A. j. Kuelzow: of 611 Pliladelphia, with their, son, Willianm Greenileaf avenue, lias chosen Satur- M\f., Jr. and their daughiter, Marjorie, dlay evenling, Sepreinber .27,- for t 1e and Miss, Lorry Solly. also of 'Phlia- dlate of lier. weddnig to M. H. W. Oak- delphia, are"arriving Saturday to spend wo(l ot Chicago. son of 'Mr. and MNrs a week ith Mrs., Raiguel's parents.] C. . a ofo Oakwçod, Ill.: IDr. and Mrs Milton R. Barker of.730 ______________Centra[-avenue.. Mr. Raiguel will only Mrs. Cathierine Kauffmnan, who lias be hiere a fewv days. been verv ill and bas bexen at the Nortli î Shore Heaitlî resort., is muitch improvedl Dr. Hilda Pearson, head of Health and lbas retturned to the home. of lier Inistitute in Evanston. will returni next 'd1aughiter. MNrs. B. Haven iSnieary. of Niomiia.y froni the Chiropractic conven- 322 Oak circle. M -on at Davenpod., Iowa NOW YOU CAN AFFORD ONLY $ 15 homei Chicago'r, Smartest Near-LOOP /IpartmentHol Close i to tlhc Loojp, yct in a LeautUfâtLau. ionable scetiou, the Park Dcarbom. o&» m outstanclind rentai olI>ortunity tor a jîeramaneh* hotel hiome. Lets than tirn minutes rom h Lobé, by Surface, Bus or your own car. TLn« I>oek soutil of Lincoln Park and evay &ho plinj convenience maltes the Park Dearbor. te adeaI winter home. a% ,ad3 d room "àu larier itchen ,aartmientà with eonqpJete LichA servie, also kotel rooms. EL4uisitcly iu'. ce 601t CAPITOIL BUILDlING Staleand andOlpm itreet., Citicago Pholte C2etral 6049 EstabUUshd 1878 A a4aU depOeft tol hold aup garmenst tilt éalied for ,oF NORTHERE< LsIWno j~oseph W. Kehoe, Manager 1141 Ccntral Ave., Wilmettc Phone- Wilmett.e 2899. phoe...Wkitewal 5Om