Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1930, p. 36

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conipletion o(f the 1930 road programn was soiwciliat dashied this week wlhcî the Cook coutt highiwav office re- ported thiat a large part of the plait alreadv lias been or wIlI be abatidoniec becauise of the niegligenice ,of coiin mnuni1ty officiais to comply with state regulatîins or because of their owri action toward thie inîprovernit 'of The cost ôf th work thus curtaitedl was estimated at $2.000,000 or about One-fourth of the cost of the entir<. Program. NWork on .ab>out40 'ailes of Prooosed hlighwNavs, niost of vIlidli were to have, been Paved with concrete 20 feet wide. ceither 2lias, been or i.Il. be deferred until., ii niost instanices. the state mieés .arec obeyed. lu miost cases these re!julatioits pertaiin, it wae said. to the widtl.i letlween curhs and to the adoptioni of the iio-parkinig aîîd sethack ordirianices. 'A,.aitine' rthe ,approval of the Chicago Association of Commerce and flie CJii- cago Rç'gionial Planinig commlissionl, the new or revised prograi Shows flic1 liiinatiort (tenîTorary tiiitil ail- the le- gai 'or techuiicai requiremiients are ilcd') of the iinîprovenieit 1'of Cicero avetîne. front l2thi street to 22nid street becate tliat stretcli has becîx repaved. Green B av road awvaitiug, the acqtisi - tion- of rightsoi-wa.v by the village of Glericoc t this * as to ave heen ait extensýion o(:f M\cCorniick road.) Ridge aveniue froni Peterson road to Deven avenue I)ecause the state inisists that the roadwav l>e 30 teet %vide. fronîi- .-curb 'tô curb.. Sinii!ar obstacles pi-e- vail as to Foster avenuite from \XVsturui aveniue to Damien avenute. Wilson ave- n ue 1f.rom n I.alie avenue to Central Park avenue and \Wilson avenie 1f.roin the. North $Shore clianuiet to Xesrn avenute, Ir\-iin, Park boulevardfot Narraganisett aVenute, to Cenitral ave- ,u.Fifth. avenue C(Njavwo a) froni Lal.e street tutlth strcet.*(extenision, of River ro7adî. Roosevelt .road froîi. Austin aeneto Ken .toitavenuie 'an(l .Roërsevelt road fioi AI)anv ýavenue Io Califoriaavenu.te, -.Cicero avenupe from 67tli street to) 39t1i street, Ogdenl 12venue froin Kenitoni avenue. to 22i( -street. 55thi street front Millard ave- nue to, St. Lo;uis a vene. 67thi street eRai Iroaci avenue fromn Ridge avenue to McCormnick road awaits plans fromi 'the city of Evanston. So far the programn as it pertains tn highwavs in the vicinity of Barrington, -Arlington Heiglîts, Blue Island, Eîu wood Park, Des Plaines and Chicago eHeights lias not been changed. E But tliere is. a probability tlîat the eliminative revision will. include the prop os.ed imnproVenïtý of 95t1î streef, tArcher, avenue, Aslîland, avenue, Addi- son street'. HIiggins* road (witliin Cli-2 cago's liniits), West End aveniue.anld Nagle road. .QOe or twto ' ears na pas.s before the cntaîiglements Wliicli now thwart tuie road builders are Oh- literaied. Meanwlîile it ýisproposed tlîat parts, of tthe 1931 an d 1932 progranis be included in 'tlîis year's ' Plan sô tlîat the grand- five-year sciiere nîay not be disrupted. Ms of the work. comros- ing the entire plan was 'to have been paid for by nîeans of tlhe coüiity"s share ofthe, gasolinie tax. Records of tlîe county lîighway (le- partmient show, tlat Chicago Heiglîts ,and loinewood have vassed the nto- p)arkinig,,and setback ordinances, as have .M.NcCook, Bartlett, Addison. Bloorningdale, Oak, Park, Hillside, Western Springs. Brookfield, Barring- ton. Honîewood and Dixnioor. Only tlue.setiback ordiinancelias been adopted by Elnîlîlurst,, LaCGraino-e, LaGrange Park-. Lvols. Palatine., Arlington Heiglîts, Mouit Prospect, Bellwood,. al Calumnet City. The hlighwav"s il]- volved areé Halsted street, Joliet road. Lake street, Roosevelt road, Ogdèîi avenue, Northwest'highway, Milwau- kee avenue, Mann~heim road, Gover- nor's ighway, Butterll.elà road, lS9tlî street,. Skokie boulevard, Elgini-Evanl- ston road. Rand road, Algonquin ro -ad, -'lizginis road anîd St. Char'les road. In Wýestclheter the subdivision require- nient miade. the setback ordinance uni- ncecessarv. The zoini ordinances of LaCraiige and LaGranige Park wý%ere effective ini relation to Maminheirn road. M r. and Mrs. J. C. Carpenter and rianîily-, 2,39 Essex roa d, Kenilivorth, ire- turnied this week. froin ttheir sunîniier home in VVirgiiiia. Tlîev left Kenil- ývortlîi in june whien scliool closed and hiave been gofie ail suiixier. classes. 9 :45 a. m. First service and sermon. Il :00 A. M. Second service and sermon. Sermon:, "The G~reatest Sin." The only meeting of the first week of Septenîber will be that of the church council wbich will niéet at the pastor's study on ýTuesday evening, Septemnber 2, at 8 oclock. The' meeting, of 'the Ladies Aid and Missionarysociety will, be lield Thursday afternoon, Septenîber, 11, at 2 o'clock; that of. the-Sen'ior Young'.People on. Thursday evening, September 11, at 8 o'clock: that of the Juniors Friday eve- ning Septemýber 12 at 8. o'clock. The choir Will have its first meeting after its Au- gust recesse on Monday, *evening Septeni- ber 8 at 7:.45 o'elock. The ýmembers ofl these organizat.ions will please, take note. The.:Lord's, Supper wiIi be celebrated Sunday morning, September 7 in, the il o'clock service. The con fessional service for communicants beginning at 10:~45. Alil those desiring to receive the Sacrament will please inforn the pastor on Satur- day afternoon 'or evehing, September 6, at the parsonage., Rally day %vili -be held at the Sunday school Sunday morning, September 14, at whieh timie..stecial services wili be held during the Sunday sehool hoýur, after which a - short service for the chlldren an'd the eîtire congrégat ion wtt! be held in the churchi The foliowing Sunday the Sunday ,;eho(.l wilI be visited by a class of Sunday scbool boys and girls, froni the rutheran Assyrian Mission in Chicago, garbed in their native 'costumes. Tlîey wil sing Lutheran hynîns in theirniative language. The annual Mission Sunday with its. special services takes plage Sunday, Sep- teniber 28. There will be two sènrices in the inorning, and one at 8 o'clock in the evening. First.Presbyterian, Wo)man's Club, Tenth &, Greenleaf flev. Clyde IR. Wheeland, B. D., Minister The Rev. William M-Nclnnes wili occupy the pulpit 'Sunday, August 31, at the Il o'clock preaching service. The Sunday school assenmbles at 9 :30 for the, study of the Bible. There are classes for ail ages. You are invited tio visit the school and see the' efficient. workl beling doue in Chrfistian education. Dr'. Wheeland wiil retumu to the puipit Sunday, Sepitenie 7, for the eing of the Faîl work. - beiin Srrangers and visitors are always wei- corne at: the Presbyterian church. Thoseý without local church affiliation8 are in>- Nited to unite with us in Christian fel- c.p,. tu tcuers a.re, .s.alJau n..,.n i ,,s ...t, the attendance of ail former pupils and many otherts as well. The Rock River Conference, nîeets in this- church, beginning October 1.* This will bring-to Wilmüette for the .period.of a week ovetr, three hundred. Methodist nministers, and for part of the tirne a nîuch langer group of laymen and wvonen. Two ýhundred and fifty miinistersnmust. be entertaipned [n Wilinîette hiomes. ýThe problem of securing* hospitality for this large group is now being wýor ked Jut. Baî ýtist Curc Wilrnette and, Forest avenues Reverend George D. Allison, p)astor "A Church that Gares" Unlion,' services will be held Sunday: miornlng, ..August 30, at Il o'clock, with the Rev. W. E. McfCornîack, formerly director of Reli:ious Education ln the Wilmett Congreational eh, in- the pulpit. The closing session'of the union serv- ices will be [n charg-e of the>Rev. 'Vere' V. Lopel' on September 7., Our pastor, Dr. Allis9n, preached List Sunday in Nottiinghamn, EngIand~, ut the Addison Street Congregationai . hurch. Supntay, Auzutst 30, hev will again be' ' i. L'ondon ut the High Cross Congregational1 chureh, preaehing in both nîorning and evening services. Re-uiar sessions of th,- Church school ip ail departmnents ivili be xesum.eýd 0o .Seltemnber 14. Dr. Allison tviIil be ili the pulpit for the mIoî-ning ~n-ii évc at Il o'clock., St. A ugustine's Sunday, August 31, will be the eleventh Suinday after Trinity. There will. be }loly Communion at 8 A. M. and Nlornim- Prayer and addres-, et 11'A. -M. The ser-v- ices w%%ill be conducted by the 11ev. F. Il. Tromv,1. The rector ivlll return home froni lus vacation next week. Mrs. Martin Andéeson Entertains:,Plejades' Mrs. Martin Anderson of, 1149 Ashi street, Xinnetka w-as hostess recently to twentfy-six guests at a'5 o'clock gar- deni buffet supper followed by a Lridze. The guests were niember*s, with. their husbands of the Pleiades club, Order of the Eastern Star, of the*,Ravetns- wood chaeter. The next social, 21aiwr ~vvuuc ~utn ~nîcgoî is aîrea. ~ ~vv~i w~o. , -Concord, N. H. and Toronto. Canada,. n ttesrme oe ffins Thç extension of McCormick road 0 ig a-the . -r omeo-ins 'by way of Kimball avenue froni Lincoîn Mrs. H. F. Aluxefeldt of Riverside, r Two former WIImette pastors have ln oelCm,162Frsavn , e vcent days vislted the chureh and gone Lowll ume, 112froresCavenue, -avenue to Devon avenue -is delayed Cal., left Tuesday ,for Cleveland, Ohio, over the building. 'Dr. Francis C. Stifler returnedSardyfo CmpO - until the citv acquires rights-of-way. after a short visit with ber sister-in- of Ëast Orange, N. J., and Dr. Steluen kt'eBrl ae naiweeh provnien of rawfrd aenùelaw Mrs C. .' Hribu, 71 Grenlef A. Lloyrd of Pontiac, Mich . The latter knze ai ae naiweeh ImPoveen ofCrafod aenu lw,.rs C.W-Hrlut'715Grenla.made a flylng trip through Wilmette anhas been instructi g n archeryal f1rorn Simnpson t Grogs Point aw its' ,lF hr 'taos, avenue. Ï ody~u aused.long enoun to make sumnner.'

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