Phone Wilmette 2600 HART Laugest Motos Repais Shop in Wilmette NE V ER CLOSED *Phone Wilrnette 2601 Sle- QIL URNERS. 721IlMAIN.STREET WILMETTE, ILL. j. C. SLOWvN A.,&B VAN DEUSEN d i flefore:Yoùu Tatke That. Trip-winu ,we puatgour I steel channel franie, and internai ex-. panding brakes on aIl four wheels. The' new truck ists at $520 f. o. b. Flint, Mich., while dual wheels includ- ing six truck-type cord tires are $25 extra. Nèarly one-half, o.r.49.8 per cent, of the 4,794,898 automnobiles mranufactured last year replaced worn out cars.which were scra pped, according to the Chi- cago Motor club. The surveys, according to the niotor club. were mnade bv several authorities, aind were flot intended. primarily, to determine the driving inerits of the two sex~es. "Several of the- surveys. whicb tôook iinto consideration a nuniber of states. and cities and whichwere made on a ination-Wide bâsis, indicated.thatwomen comprise 24 1-3 percent of ail drivers in the United States," the club de- clared. in a statement. 1ýAnother survev. -also made- on a citv and state basis, showed that out of 569,960 drivers invôlved in acci- dents. 33,830 of. themn or. 6 per cent, were wornei., "Thus. these surveys roughly indicate that alth.qugb one out of every four drivers. is a woman thev become' ni-m volved ini 'only one accident in every seveniteeni. When checking the 'oif or filling tihe crankcase, be'sure the car ks on level ground. points. out the Chicago Motor club. Otherwise, the ojl level reading will be inaccurate. It is not necessary to get out of the car. to ascertain if the headlights are. lighted. *Watch for their reflection in the réar -of ashiny car Mrs. Walter Taylor*o Greenwich, Conn,, bas been the'guest, of her sister, 'Mrs. Karl B. Korrady, Essex road, kenililworth, for a few das'ýs. Â y LIWICI for your way of AUTO SERVICE !/Z Block North of Elevated Station' your best tires and give you a low figure on new Goodyear Double Eagles, I fleavy Duty or Standard Ail-Weathers. Drive in. :Bst ima tes free. No obli- gation. 516 -4th $t. Wilméite 3064