under the North Western tracks and nortbward througb Evaniston and Wil- mette till it meets SIier idan road, was evidenced in a letter receîved this week by Mayor. Bartlett. TJIhe letter is a reply to a. commffunication sent by Mayor Bartlettto CommissinrBse a t the reduest of the Evanston city council. The mayor's letter*objected to * the plan. "It has always been and still is the policy of thîis board." writes Commis- sioner Busse, "not to'build. open up, improve or mnaintain a, new road or street in any.Cit-- or. village without the. approval of the: elected authorities of such inunicipalities, and, I believe *that it is saf e for me to say' that the .county board will refrain froin forcipig this prop)osed improvemen t without. the consent of the above authorities. *"I will transmnit, vour letter to. the *county b oard in order that it may be reerdto the çcommittee- on roads * and bridffes for final a.ction." Ob ieçtion, to the proposed -extension of UcCormiek road ivas -based on the argument that it would carry a streami of traffic into quiet residential dis- tricts of Evanston and Wilmette and that it would:not. serve any essential purnose in the general traffic. situation. Proverty ownèrs alonz Asbland ave- *nue, the oropo :d route, beld neigh- borhood meetings and passed resolu- tions against the project. Opposition became still more strenuous when it became . apparent that the regiont.0 planning commission was backing the extension. The councils of both Ev- anston and Wilniette took action gnd notified the countv atuthorities of their opoosition. Herbert Lilly Attends * Episcopal Convention HE Itilly. son of Mr . and Mrs. E.Lillv4 1fl Oakwood avenue, Wjl- mette, is attendinQ' an, internatiojal, convention of the junior assembly ot the Episcopal Brotherhood -of St. An-~ * crew at Oberlin, Ohio. this week. -He is vice-president of the Chicago branch * of the organization and is one of' the leaders of the Chicago delegation to the cnveuntn. lThe nrriyram iw1,,AjeA ON FISHINC TRIP Mr. and Mrs. James H. Fletcher, 910 Oakwood avenue, returned Satur- day f rom two weeks' bass fisbing at' Square lake, Wis. Tbeir sons, Robert. and William, were witb tbem. and we want to see it grow. Don't confine your cominents to the group at the bridge table or the con-. panions at golf. Lýet your f ellow villagers get your siant on currenit affairs. Your sugges- tions m tay prove imxnensely valuable. Note:, Published communications need not bear the naine of* the, writer.. though. bis identity mnust be known to the editor. No anonymous con tribu- tions are published in XVILMETTiz LIr El Legion Folk Play :Hosts t.0 Disabled Men at Great Lakes More than, three hundred men were êntertained at the, most successful party whichi Post 46 of the Legio' and its'auxiliary gave Iast Monday eve- ning, at the Red Cross building a GreatLakes. Mrs. George-ILeaI was in charge of refreshinents. The Chapeli Ice Creami conipanye tfrough the cotirtesy of T. L D. Hall, furnisbed ten gallons of ice creani and delivered it at the Recrea- tion room-a gif t wbich was. much en- joyed by the guests. Auxiliary nieni- bers clonated cakes and assisted witb, the serving.' Mr. Harvey Hopps, for the Legion, provided splendid enter- tainient.,' Attending the party were Mr. and Mrs. George Leal, Dr. W. W. Haw- kins, Dr. Beatrice Hawkins, Mr. E. W. Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Randolpb McCandlish, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Myr- land, Mrs. F. J. Dowcl, Mrs. A. W. Berscb, Miss Katharine* Leal, 1Jarvev, Hopp and Mr. Mohr. Radio Catches Fire and Fills House With Smoke The Wilmette Fire departinent was called to -the I3dward W. Thomas resi- dence, 1136 Chestnut avenue,-last Sat- urday môrning at about 7:45 'clQ.ck when a short circuit ini the radiýo set fire to the radio set and filled the house with sioke. The principal dap-n age was confined to the radio, Fire- ce on Tuesday, vved arsday, Septemrber 2, anau.. . j George W. Chaffee, wbo assumed bis duties as cashier in the First National Bank of Wilmette August 15, brings to this important post a wide range of experience in banking and commerci- al work. He was originally manager of the Bradstreet conipany, following whicb be did credit work in the Fecleral reserve bank of San Francisco and, as manager, administered the credit de- partinent of the Bankers Trust coin- ïnIda iua ',FOVla. In bept henarried Maude Fox) Rockford, l, . Mr. and M mnake their residence in Shore hotel in Evanston. W'hitney of .rs. Chaffec the North Mr. and Mi~s. J. C. Cherry of Memn- phis, Tennl., are guests1 of> their. par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cherry of Abbottsford .road, Kenilworth. Clasiied is the market for values ini North Shore prop- erties, vacant or improved. urday, September 13, at the Byron Stolp school, under the auspices of the Wilmette Garden club, have coin- pleted their committees. Mrs. Frank Scheidenbelm, who bas charge of perfection of' bloom, one of the largest classes, has on ber com-. mittee Mrs. Hay.es McKinneyr, Mrs. Lyman M'. Drake, ýMrs. Thomas C. Moulding, Mrs. E. H. 'Burge, Mrs. D. M. Gallie, Mrs. R. H. Dameier and Mrs. Royal C.,Dickson. M4rs. John Clark Baker, in 1charge of. the, vegetable lexhibit, bas Mrs. Earl Smith and Mrs. Charles Wells on. the commiittee with her. Vegetables may l)e entered for perfection of vegetable or forartistic arrangement.as 1a center- piece. Mrs. Charles.D. Ewer, chairman of artistic arrangement of flowers, an- other- very large exhibit,, bas on ber conimittee Mrs.. A. E. Gebert, Mrs. 'Charles Bixby, Mrs. Charles.,N. Rob- erts, Mrs. J. A. Pancoast. and Mrs. R. L. Sonneborn. Mrs. Ewer states that the points of- judging for artistic arrangemen will be: Color blending -50 percent. Relation of material to receptacle 25 percent. -Distinction 25 percent. Mrs. C. N. Huribut, chairma~n of the wild flower exhibit, bas Mrs. Paul B. Wagner on ber committee. Mrs. David Cooke will be assisted by Mrs. A. W. Peard in tbe section devoted to unusual plants and flowers. Working witb Mrs. Charles R. Nor- man, chairman of the sbadow box ex- bibit, are Mrs. H. J. Naper and Mr-s,- L. H. Sherwin. Mrs. Edward L. Scheidenhelm bas on: the comniittee for wall pückets, banging baskets, and plant stands, Mrs. John Cullen, Mrs. 1Roscoe Roberts and Mrs. William Kix Miller. Mrs. George H. Rodger is in charge of niantel arrangement.. Mrs. Don-Wiley bas the sinail tables. Mrs. James S. Moore is assisting "ber. It is,,boped-to bave the cbildren's ex- hibits in a separate* room forbetter display. Mrs. W. A. Kendrick is chair- man. Mrs. H. F,. Ringholm, Miss Helen Weldon and Miss Mabel Parks are ont ber comimittee. Mrs. O. 'E. Tbaleg is chairman¼f properties. ,wnere tney have DCCII le- :onvenience. Or caîl up ai côimittees. for inforniatioi