Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1930, p. 48

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75-POUND ICEBOX. GOOD CONDITION. $6. 378 Hawthorne, Winn. 2357.. 65LTNl7-ltc SHERATON MAHOGANY DINING SET, bedroom, living roorn furniture, dishes, etc. 635 Pleasant Ave. Kenilworth,,1II. 65LTI-lte FOýR SALE - EAUTIFUL 1-PIECE. Itallan dining, room set,, cheap, act quick. B., W., Cook, 35 Lakewood .Drive,: Glencoe. 65LTN17-ltc FOR SALE-i LOVELY ART UPHOL- stered day bed and. 2 h and carved green velour.wing chairs, reasonable.. Ph. University 5511, _evenings after 5 :30.65LTN17-Itp ÉNTIRE FURNITURE 0F 7 ROOIN homne., consisting -of Oriental rugs, Italian carved furniture. mah. bedroom. suite, single and double, liniens, ýcur- tains, drapes, dishes and brie abrac., 410 Washington.St., Wilmette. 65LT17-1 tc 44 WA1ru1-fmTggH0OLD 0001>8 WÂNTED TO BUY - SEICOND .A.ND furnîture and other household goods. Highest prices for sanie. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emersoni St., Evans- ton, Iii. Ph. Univ. 189. 66LTN15-tfc 47 FOR 8ALE-M-ISCELLAIiEOUS FOR SALF4--CTIL'S SIDEWALK BI1- c ycle. Ph. Wilmette 4074. 67LTN17-1tce BOY'S AND GIRL'S RANGER BI- cycle, like new, reas. Ph. Glencoe 323. 67LTN17-ltc SMALL ORIENTAj4, RUGS - EDEN washing machine, 2 large bouse oaks (Cedurn) for eorch or conservatory, Krimmer Caracul coat size 16. Cheap for quick sale. Weiiler, 720 Lake Ave., Wilmette. Caîl Saturday or Sunday. 67LTN17-ltp 48 WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS: WANTED - CLEAN. WHITE RACJS. 10e per lb. 1232 Cèentral Ave., Wil- mnette. 68LTN15-tfp Home OwnersIuip Problems Be fore 1 .0 to 1rOS-Flag Raising. 1 :05 to 1 :25-Event No. 14-Men's Free- .for-All-350 cu. in. 1 :25 to 1 :45-Civilian Acrobatie Exh~ibi- tion. S:45 to 2 :00-Event No. 35-Wornen's Cajdn Ship Race-OO ceu. In. 2:0,0 to 2:20=-Navy Pla e5-! Tact ici Maneuvers. 2:20 to 2:40-Event No.- 16-1%lns Cabin Race-450,cu. In. 2 :40'to 3 :00-Arniy Pursuit Planes- TactIcal Maneuvers. 3:00 te.3 :10-Stanavo Parade, and Saý- lute. 3.:10 to 3 :25-Event No. 24-Me)'s Free- fo> r-AII-80û eu. in. 3 :25.to 3 :45 -,Marine Corps -. Tacticail :45 to 4 :05--Capt. Frank H{awks Towed Glider Fiight. 4 :05 to 4 :30 - Event NoY. 30- Men's, Multi-Motored Plane Itace. 4:30 te 5 :00--AI Williams and. Foreign 1Piloits-Internjitional Team. 5:00 to 5 :20-Arffy..Bombhers-Tactical' Maneuvers. 5':20 to 5 :40-"JlImmy'? Dolittie-Mý%ys- tery Ship. 5 :40 to 6 :00-Pusher Plane Flight.s. 6:00 to 6 :20-Paràchuté Jumping Con- test. 6 :20 to :8:00-Band Concert and Denien- strUtien Flights. 8*:00 to 8,:30-Army, Navy or Marine Corps Night Plight.1 - 30 to 8 :45-Three Army Fireflys. 8ý -.5 te 9 :3'-Fireworkýs SpectacIe. 9 :30-Ant.-Aircraft Barrage. S U'DAV, AUGIJT 1 10:00 te il :ft0-Dernonstrat ion Flights. 1l '00 to 12 :00-,Glider Conte.sts. 12:00 te 12 :05-Cle*veland Derby Leaves (Mixed D)oubles Relay Race>. 12:05 to 12 :20-Dead-Sti ck Landing. Contest for Men, 12:;20 to 12 :40-Balloon Bursting Con- test. 12 :40 te i :00-Wonien's Dead-Stick Landing Contest. 1 :00 to I :05-Flag Ra isîn -g.- 1 :05' to i :25-Army Bomnbers-Taicèal- Maneuvers. 1:25 to i :4-Event No. 1 7-Men's Free-. for-AII-4-50 eu. in.' 1 :45 te 2 :05-.Navy. Planes -Tactical Mapeuverq. 2:05 to 2:25--Capt. F ra nlk Hawks Towed Glider.. 2 :9 te 2 :IC-Amphlbitn Planes-Life- Saving Contest. 2.:30 to 2 :50-Civilian Acrobatie Eithibi-, the whole hroad qiiestion of home con- struction and homne .o wneirship," the President said in announcing the es- tablishmentof 'the commission. ' On of the , important questions is finance. In order to enable the purchase Pi homes on what. amounts to the instali-' 3 :45 to 4:05-"Jimmy" Doolittle-M'YS- tery Shi-. 4 :05 to 4 :25-Pusher Plane Flights. 4:25 to 5-10-AI Williams and Foreign PiIQts-Interliational Team. 5:1P to 5:20- Ar ri1va1 of. Cleveland I?erby (Miced Doubles Relay Race). 5.:20 to 5 :4-Army Put-suit Planes- Tactical Maneuvers. 5 :45ý to 6 :.10-P.aracèhtte Jumping Cen- Lest. 6 :19 te 8,:00-Band Concert a nd Dem- onstration Flights. 8 :00 to 8 :30-Army, Navy or Marine . Çrps. Nieght Flights. S :30 te 8 :45-Three 'Army Fireflys. 8 :45 'te 9:30-É.Irew6rkçs Spectacle. 9 :0-Ati-ircaftBarrage. MONDAY, 8EPTEMBER 1 10 :00 te Il :00-Denionstration Flighits. Il1:00 te 12 :00-Glider Contest., 12.:00 1te. 12 :20-Men's Dead-Stick Land- Ing Contest. 12 :20 te 12 :40-Balloon BurstIng Contest. 12 :40 te .1 :00-Women'sý Dead-Stick LandIing Conteat. 1:001te 1 :05-FÈlag Raising. 1.:05 te 1 :25-Marine Corps Planes- Tactical Maneuvers. 1,:25 te 1 :45-Pusher Plane Fligbtà. I :45 te ý2 :00-Event No., 20-Men's Free- for-AIl-650 cu. in. 2:00 te 2 :30-Army 'Pursu.it Planes- Tactical Maneuvers. *2:30 te'3 :10-Event No. 32-Thompson Trophy for Meni-"Internatiotnal Free- for-Al Sweepstakes." 3A:Q te 3 :30-Civilian Acrobatie Exhibi-, tlQn. 3:30 4:00-Event No. 3-A-Womneni'É Free-for-AlI Sweepstakes. 1 4.00 i.> 4:30 Navy Planes -Tactical Maneuvers. 4 :30 te 4 :50-Capt. Frank Hawksý Towed GîLder. 4 :50 te 5 :20-AI- Williams and Foreign 5'Pilots-Internationai Teai. :20 to 5 :4f-"Jimmy" Doolittle -Mys-. tery.-ShIV. 5 :40 te -5 :55-Event No. 41-Sportsman Pilot' Race 450 cu. in. 5 :55 te 6 :15 - Frank< Hawks - Mystery ShL". 6:15 te 6 :35-Parachute Jumping Con- 6 :35 'jo 8:00-Band Concert and Demn- onFfration Fli!rhts. :00 te 8 :30-Army, Navy or Marinè .Corps Night Flights. 8 :30 te 8 :45-Three Army Fireflys. 8:~45 to 9 :30-Fireworks Sp-ectacle. 9 :-.-nti-Aircraft Bareage. Na tional A ssociation of ýRealtors Will Probe Tax Issue. As the first major activity for the 'National Property Owners division, the National Association of Real Estate., More than casuali mterest is being evidenced in the German .flyer s ip in view of the fact that it is flot 'a new plane *but is the reconditioned sbip used by Amundsen in 'arctic exploration and, by Capt.'Erank Courtney in his attempt to span the Atlantic. None the .less enthusiastically antici- Pate was the prospectiv'e attendance of Colnel and' Mrs. Charles A. Lind- bergh, wbo were schedule1d. to arrive Wednesday. Three and four races for various- types of planes for both men ,and wo- men are on the schedule for each, of the final days' races. Today. will, witness the men's free- for-aIl, 275 cu. in.; the women's open ship race, 80 cii. in.; men's cabin ship race, 350 ceu. in,; sportsman 's- pilot race, 800 c u. i n., and men's open' ship race, 650 cii. in. The feature events for Saturdav in- clude, the men's free:-for-all, 350 cu. iii.;>,women's cabin ship,.800 cu. ini.; men's cahin race, 450 ci. in.; men 's free4fo,-alI. race. 800 cu. in.; and men's multi-motored 'Plane race. On Sundav the Cleveland derbv wvill be run off. This everit is a mixed-dou- bies race in which the first lap teaxns will leave Curtiss fieldý at noon. for Cleveland. On arriving there, -the fly- crs wMl deliver letters to their mates who will then return to the' airport here, arrivinz about 5 o'clock. Ini addition to the Thompson swe-ep- stakes, 'Mondav will al3so witffess a wýoxan's free-for-all sweeDstakes that. gives promise of giving a final flourish to the conchudinz dav's events. Vassar' T0M Hoi*se to Be Moved Closer. to Loop *North shore alumnae of Vassar wvho bave been active in "helping out" at% the Vassar Tea bouse,' on E;rie street, just east of Michigan avenue, Chicago,, are elated in, the, prospect of moving the .tea house to its new location i the lovely Diana coutbuilding just a few doors down the avenue. It is expected it' will be established there by the. mîiddle of September. Mrs. Pierçe Ward of Wiunetka, chairmian of thé, Auoeust hostess . coin- from private sources, funcis aireaciy. recomniendations for legîsiation, but, University of Chicago. k'rotessor. construction 'in 'North Carolina; V. .. 'having been provided.* rather, a- coordination, stimulation Leland bas selected the following as- Morrisotn, fornierly 'connected with the President Hoover's plan is to havelIand larger organization of the private. 'sistants ,to help him conduct the sur-, Bureau of Business Résearch at the the conference set up nation-wide suh- agencies.' Thère, however, needs to be vey: W. O. Sùiter. a' member of the University of Nebraska, and Neil committees to study different phases a st-udy of the mortgage laws of miany fàculty of Texas Cbristian university, Jacoby, who was, graduated with, of the present problems of bôime own- states. with a view to more intelligent who' bas compleiedf a study on- 'the honors from the University, of Sas- er&hip.ý "The conference, will deal withj attitude toward the hoe. bulder." pca tax commissions in the soutb katchewan,

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