RAIL GRADE PLAN Wilmette Civic League Directs Letter to Board Se eking. *Prompt -Action: A resolution unianinouslv approved, by the board of directors of the Wil- mette Civié league. an -or ganization of Minmette citizens, declaring that "it is vital thiatWilmiette perfect itS plans for track elevation" has beeri directed to the \Vilmiette. Village board. Tfhe resolution urges tha:t'these plan., be perfected in, time to he presenteil to the Publié Utilities commission th1i;. ith, and points, out that the com- pletcd plans of the villages of, Kenil- worth,. Winneétka, Glenicoe and the city of Highland. Park, for grade separa- tionma fait of f ruition without co7 operation f roni Wilmette officials The communication Tuesday was re-, * ferred by the board to its special committee on Grade Separation. The resolution presented at the Vi-- * lage board meeting Tuesday of this week.,reads: Thé. Reiolu tion Wilmette, Illinois August 29, 1930 To the Honorable President and Board of Trustees, *Village of Wilmette. Gentlemen: 1The. Wilmette Civic league at a *meeting of its board of directors, after f ull discussion, unaniniously approved that an urgent expression of its in- * terest in track elevation be sent your .body. 'It is vital that Wilmette per- f ect its plans for track elevaÀ on to be: presented to the Public Utilities., commission in Septetnber. The tracks of the Chicago and North Shore Electric railway must bç mnade to parallel the Chicago and North Western tracks f rom sonie. con- venient point south, and your. board's action in this respect is necessary. Outions. of - character of elevated C. of C. SpeakerI Vilage Mantager C. M. Osborn ulill bc the speaker at anl open iliet- ing of the Wilmette *Chambcr -of Cojnmerce Monday night, Septemn- ber 8,ý in the Wilmette Masonic temiple, 1010 Centfrai avenue, at 8 o'clock. The meeting was arranged mn order to give Wilmiette residents an opportin:ty ta ineet the newvl lage manager. Village Attorney to Bid Methodist Ministers Welcom.e Charles H. Jackson, 'Wilmette Vil- la ge attorney, will deliver the addresb of welcomne in behaîf of the Village when the Rock River conference of the" Meth9dist church opens its an- nual session here on October 1. Mr. Jackson was appointed to make the address at the request of Metho-] dist mninters. whn deemned it marked-1 Construct' proves Plan to Pal Water Works Pearse, Greeley and Hans ento Design. Pumping and, Filtration System; *- t Ask Vôters to Approve Bond Issue to Finance. Project on November 4ý Cuiilatinig. an exhaustive, surveyv ,-f the w~ater supplv -situation.i launched on Julv 22 wvhen the con- tinfue( Mid-suniiier heat w~ave caise.d1 an uniprecedenited deniand for.waztet an(l occ.asionedl marked inconvenience1 and grave fire hazard, the Xilmette Village board. Tuesdav, night 'adoptert iniastires (lesigned.to provide forthe1 construction, of a municipal water pu)tmpiing and filtration station. The « plant would be complete ini every de-g 'rTakiiig cognizance also of the neccessity of seduring 'an increase<i qupply of water d'uriig fthe coming summner, as the new plant could not poSSilly be completed byv that tinie. 'the board instructed Village M an- ager C. M. Osborni to confer with Ev anston officiaIs relative to the ini- stallation of a temporary booster pump station on Prairie avenue .Iust nrhof Isabella street. * Sise Evanston Accord This station would be in addilion to the one now in operatioft and would provide sufficient water to alleviate the tense situation encountered dur- ing the past sunîmer. In view of the fact that it would be but a temporary arrangement and that within a few months «Evanston would be relieved of the burden of furnishing water t'o Wilmette, it was deemed probable that officiaIs of that citywould readi-- ly consent to the proposai. In considering possible sources.,of an' increased water supply, the board delved into every f easible.plan witlà exhaustive thoroughness. Evanston. it was determined, has already reached the limit of its capacity and wouild be unable to make additions t) its ilant ithout entailing a very great expense. 'Such an expansion program at thisý time is not feasihie for thi-t citv. it is stafed. Iviga tion. of othfer proposed plans, for hôosting the quantity of water to he delivered* to this village proved eauaillv fruitless.. Thus, bv- the eliimina- tion, process,,the board . reached the conclusion that only through the erection of aý municipal plant could the village water- requirements be met. Ways~ of Financing Project Four mneans of financing the con- struction of a municipal plant are poss ible. These are: through the is- suance of..water cerificates; throuigh the issuance of water .revenueé bond4;; l)y formning a company and issuin g stock and through issuing ýgeneral' revenue bonds. 0f these, the first three are de- signed primarily for niunicipalities whose bonded inclebtedness is so great as to, prohibit the issuance of general 'revenue bonds. It is pointed out that the interest rate on water certificates or water revenue bonds is mùch, higher and the sale value of the bonds much lower than is the case with general revenue bonds. For these teasons, it was concluded that the most practical plan would be to issue general revenue bonds. Inasmuch as Wilmette's comoaratively Iow bonded indebtedness will permit, the issuance lof bondsiii far 2greater; amount than. that needed to erect a. new pumping and filtratiôn station, this finailce .Plan is feasible and has been adopted. Vote on Bondsa Nov. 4 A resolution ordering thxe prepara- Chicago. She also stuai late Alvin Schroeder, a E of world renown, Mrs. 1 gespcial attention to beginners. *............au- me Liuws. ., rdemn ... .40. and ertion an WILMETTE LIFIE. Fail is the ideal time for Used Furniture Sale. Phone Wilmette,,4300 I 6 'w shôrtly after 7 'clock. JNettinn was driving north on TPrairie avenue and Mrs. Rétyea east on Isabella street. Neffinn is with damaging vi1!age property. He is scheduled to appear this afternoin, before justice of th.e Peace J. J. Peters. r