the evening the entries for prizes were exhibited in the sweet smelling,t grass carpeted room that was witl, difficulty identified as the garage oft the Lindsley residence. Only clubý menibers competed and their contri-2 butions, wbich were 'arranged on l tables arounci the rooni anid in aisies,. were vari-colored and vari-kindst Here, and there a bine ribbon, marked 1an ent!ry, sbowing it to be first prize winner ini its class. A, red .ribbon was secondprize, orange, third, and wtvhite, fourth. The judges were Mrs.; C. D. Ewer of Wilmette, Mrs. Douglas Flood ofi Kenilworth, and Mrs. Harry Peterst of Glencoe. The points they cohsid-c ered were, originality, suitabtlity. fiower arrangemeént, -and distinction.t Out on the lawn,, where refresh- mients were served and the- vissitors stroilled al)-out, it -was:too lovelv to be anti-clituatic even to the beautiful disffla s inside. There'were pools and stun-dials. flowers and ferns iv. the rock gardeli, and a littie tan-barl: l)ath that ledi to a tiim brook. NIrs. W. W. Wh&7heeockç, the presi- dent' of the club, _Mrs. Frank Nason. chairman of, the snow connittee, anrd Mts. Arthur J. Lindslev, the hostess werein mian wavs resvonsiblé fo-' the afternoon 's success. These prize., won in their varions classes, wvere an- notunced: In the firs.t section, flower ararnge- ment. the l)lue ribbon wvinners "'vereý Mris. Henry TaýIlor, jr.., for a study ini shades of pjnk, Mrs. C. R. Erwin for shades of purple. andi Mrs. Besse Hodlge for shades .of vello.w. Section two wvas living roorn flower arrangement, and the blue ribbons went to. Mrs. Tomi Dix for. pitcher. arrangement, Mrs. Harry Williamis for bright. colored floivers in pottérv, and Mrs. Arthur -Lindsley for one kind of:flow er in a:copper. container. Section three, aà iceneu group, was won by Mrs. Frank Nason for ararineent of- shrubs and vines, Mrs. F. W. Cherry for wild flower arrangement. Mrs. John P. Oleson for. arrangement . in an old soup wedcing took place on Aueust 19, at the Amierican church in Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Vissering have returned to this country and are, residing at Seven Oaks, Babson Park, FIa. Mr arid.Mrs. Harry ViËsering sold their bouse in. Kenilworth a year ago and .since that tume have been miaking their home in Babson Park. Miss Elizabeth Brower, daughter of Dr. 'and Mrs. Daniel B rower. 720 Fifth street, »and Miss Jean Forrest,. "daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. William' G. -Forre*st, 485 Willow road, Winnetka, are. among the1- north shore girls who are, leavine Sunday nigbt for Denison university: where they will be at -school this wiln- ter. 1 Knickers' Made of sturdy wool- en tweed in pleasing patterns of gray and tan with lastic knit cufs or buckles, sizes 6 to16. $2.95 to $31-50 Shorts Little boys' shorts in Svariety of new Pat- terris in wooi tweeds and corduroy mate- riais. .Sizes 6 to l'O. Boys' Sweaters Firmly km colors ar< priced fror li d of ail wool yarns. in typical -boys' pattern combinations. Ail sizes. Subject: 1930 'ANCE READING ROOM-i i15o Wilniete Ave., First National Bank Bldg. Open Daily (exýcepr Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday A. M. io 7:45 P. M.; Saturdzy,9, A. M.o P.M The Bible and Works of Mary> Baker Eddy, and ail othei anthorized CisinSceci- erwemy be read, borrowedor putchased at the Readig Room. THE PUBLIC. 18 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND TJIH CHURCH SERVICES AND VISJT THIE READING ROOM PATRONIZE, OUR ADVERTISERS Shark .Skinà Trimmed An enirely new mnodel trimmed and tipped ini skuff-proof sbark skin. Sizes 1 1r' tO 2. $4.85 to $5.50 Friendly AFives A typical young 'man s shoe, snappy,. durable,ý and offered 'at the very f riendly price of $5.00 $2.95 to $5.00 Fjrank Nason. Mrs. John uieson took- second place, Mrs. Arthur Linidsley, third, and Mrs,. Charles D. Howe had honorable mention. In the children's exhibit, Betty jos- lin won first prize with an occasional table, Sally Nason,>ý second, and,-Vir- A Good Farnily Store,~ urX-Rag 1123-25-27 Central Ave. Ph. Wil. 1914 Ouj ~r one of machine assures a perfect fitting. STURY WLRADLES FOR SCHOOL .OR PLAYTIME. I T