.o wn aeiicne to sei. See any broker or Ph.; Winnetka, 2311 or State 09,10. .60LTN19-lte. Beautiful Winnetka Residence. '0F SPANIS1-I ARCH. DESIGN, BUItD- lng of mode 'r brick construction con- sists of 7 Moims With ý2 screened, porches and ideai sleep)ing porch. 1 ('aiI attached gar. H. W. heat. IL la very seldomi that. a- lovely home is aval lable in such an exclusive' loca- tion. Rentai very reasonableI at $150 per miohth., Located 1022 ýDinsmnore rd., Winneîtka. Key niext, door West. For particulars phone Mr. 'Gilmore,. Frýanklin-5700. 6OLTN.-9-Itc six ROOM HOUSýE, FURN. 0OR UN.ý fÙmr. Oil hegt. Near transpor. Reas- ouable. 'Wlf]nntka 3414. 6LTN19-Ïtr FOR RENT, 82i1 'HER1DAN ROAD, 5ý ro. ottage, large- lot, omll heat, $50. 706 Enw dA'e>., Wilimette 1466. 6OLTN19-ltp HIGH GRADE FURNISHED ýAND.UN- fumished, Non-h Shore homes. Ev- anston tuo Lake Forest-. J. L. FLOYD ýCO. 110 S. Dearborn $t.. -i5ubn Pho ne: Highland Park 4 60LTN19-lt c F~INE 7 RM. BRICK, GLAZEb) PORCH- es. Large grounds, trees, garage. Reas. 1077 Cherry St. Tel. Wlnnetka 2140. 601TN15-tfe, * ATTRACTIV'E.7 RoO() flOUSE; 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, living and slee.p- ing Porches; garage; conveýnient loca- tion*,Mfs. T.' C:;-Williams, 311 'Vine Ave. Tel. Highland Park 1299. (.LIENCOEC, COMPO0RTA BLE '8 1ROO-MN 41ouse, delightful grounds, 2 large. porches, c hoic*e location,' opposite Sko.kle Club, bloek from Sehool. Oniy $155 a mionh rent.L References e- Qqired. Cal .lencoe 207. 6OLTNI!-ltc FOR T L1}BI R 1, '7 rnis. 2 tule baths,. sun porc.h, bkf.-t. nook, oil heât, elec. refrig., gas range,. aft. garage. Réas. rentai. Immedi- ate poss. SMITfH'&,GOS, INe. 725 E.lnu St. pli. Winnetka 142 -6OLTN19-irte 4 R0011 BUNGALOWV READY'FOR ccUpancy Sept. 1Sth to 2Oth. Ph. WiI- mette 893y2. 60T1-1t<r 6 ROOM BUNGALOW. 2 .BEDROOMS. sun porch, sceened porch. bathroom, fiee yard, 1010 Ash St., Wlnnetka. 6OLTN19-ltp 'r- O FOR SALE OR TO lIENT FOR YEAR rage; attractlvely furxilshed, $175 per mno. Unifurn., $150. Ph. Glencoe 790.. 8. ROOM HOUSE, 4 EDROOMS, 3 baths, living and 2 sleeping porchies. Garage. Convýenient location. Mrs.- T'. C. Willlams, 311.Vine Ave. Tel. ]Uîgh- land Park 1299. 61LTN\j9-1tp FOR RENT - PURNISHED P ROIN Nov. lt toý May Ist, myhome in convenient east location. 4. bed-_ rooms, 2 battis, ohl heat, 2 car',garage . Ref requîred. Cal Wilmette 2669. 6IL19-2te FOR , RENT ., riuRNy'siHED, UTI May lat. 6 room boýusein 'best nort4î east location. Fuminaceheat, eléetrie refrigeration, double, garage. Ref. req. Phi.,W!ilmette 1938 after 5 p. ni. 61LT'N19-lte 63_,WTD. TORENT-FrNw. IIOUUE FURNISHED H1OUSE WITH 3 BD- rms. Wllmette preferred. Will bease from Oct. l:4. Ph. Wllmett 3777. agi FOR RENT-5TORE. & OFIC6S Glencoe State .Bank BIdg. EN SUITES 0F 1 - 2 OR1 3 ROOMS, suitable for- Doct6r, Dentist, Architect or- any business reguirlng office mpace. tow rentai. 66LT1 5-tfc FOR RENT STORE 15X55, NEXT TO Woolwomth 5 and 10, Across stree& fromn Wilinette Theater. Good Loca- tion for. Dless, Fur, or Hat Shop. Wolff-Grlffls Bldg. 1119 CentfralAe. Ph. Wllmette 183.. 66LTN19-ltc 72 FOR SA4Eý-HOUSES CH-OICE ACRE O--N INDIAN HILL GOLF GROUNDS. For sale to purc-ha.er acceptable to buyer at $30.0M. . Nelghborlxood of large estates. Ou ,Private road. Ternis. NR S. FULLIER-HOMES 11-Chicago Ave. GÊr 7220 72LTN19ltd OPPORTLTVNITY 0F THE YEAR The Most Tal1ked-of House inl Winnetka, 721 Hill Rd. FOR' SALE-6 ROOM SQLID BRICK> h1oué'e, $9,800, lot 50x125 ail landscaped. k 72L19-Itip 6 ROOM. BRICK: HOUSES,1 2 CAP. garage, -ail iniproventOnts, 1/ acre land, by. owner no. brokers, 173à Shermer Ave., -Northbrook.. 72LTN19-ltp BRICK COLONIAL,-i BLOCK F ROM lake; 8 rooma; 3 baths; suriroom; oit heat; 2 car garage;. beautifully land>- scaped lot, 100x-175 ; wIvli app'raise at $45,000i Price $38,500 for quick, sale. 1224 Sheridan 'Rd.., Keniiworth. Ph. ý22 72LT19-ltcý SPLIENDID 7 RM. 2 BATH R ESI1D. ON 80 feet of attractive frrontage close' to school and trtànsp. has been radicall. reduced to $25,000. Owner must have .qikaction and wilIl consider any reasonable offer wlth a. faim amounL of cash. One of those 'rare, oppor- tunities to miake caeh talk.. Cait us for the address. 'EXCLUSIVE9 51.3 Davis Street 930 Spanish Court., AGENTS Creenleaf 1617 Wilmet.te 292(j 74i FOR SALE-VACANT EXCELLENT VALUE IN 50 PT. LOT situa.ted a mong new modemr homes. Ail assessujoûts in ýand fuiiy paid. $25 per ft.. under value. OnIy $100 per it. Eddingyton & Allen. Inc. REALTORS Endl "Le" 410 Linden Ph. Wilmette 407 74L19-ite, SI ACEAGXAND ESTATES -COUNTRY ESTATE' 5$' ACRE~S OF VERty BEAUTIFUJL roiling land In Lake County near Libertvvilhe. .with 2 cr. o i9,l SIMIMONS GREEN BED AND VANI- ty dresser with bench. Also solid wal- nut dinette extension table and t3erver, reasonably priced. Winnetka 3392. LARGE FRIGIDAIRE, EXCELLENT condition. $8 cash-$425 value. Phone Winnetka 1144 for. appointment. 86LTNl9-ltp FOR SALE-OUR LOVELY STEIN- way grand piano, beautiful tonie and perfect, condition. This is a real bar- gain. For appt. to inspect cail Gien- coe 1022.. 86LTN19-ltp F01, SALE-ORIENTAL RUiýNNER 40 inches wide by, Il ft. 2 Inches long. Ph. Wilmette 2683. 86L1'Nl9-ltc F0OR SALE- NURSERY FURIN., ehlld's' bed, chairs, table, clothes cabi- net and desk., Ph. Winnetka, 1'679. 86LT19-1te- FOR SALE-CILD'S ENAMEL BEI) with -mattress $8. Wing tapestry rocker-. $. Ph. Wilniette 4269. 86LTN19-Ite as FOR 5ALE-MIOUELLANZUs FOR! SALE--GIRU'S RACCOON 'COAT, size 10 to 12 years, 456 Eider Lane, Ph. Winnetka 1816. 88LTN19-Itc FIREPROOF SAFE.- 32 HIGU, 22 wlde, 22 deep., Suitable for store or, office. Wiill seli for $10., Winnetka FOR> SÂLE-HAVE A BEAUTIFUL amount has been pald. Owner cannot continue payments. Do you want this piano at $7 a month? For further In- formation write to M. E. Jones, Audi- tQr, P. O. Box 195, Chicago, Illinois. 88LTN 18-Ste 'FOR SALE-5 GAITED SADDLE horse. éheap, owner ieaving city. Cal 'MWr. Klee, Highland Park 2525. 139. WTD. TO BUY-'MSCELLANIEOUS -WANTED TO B3Uy-SECOND IJAND furniture and other household goofis., .B.ighest prices for samne.,Crost Furni- tur-e storé, 1004-6 Emerson-.St., Evans- ton, III. Ph. Univ., 189., 89LT1'%5-tfc WANTED-CLEAN, WHITE RAGSý. 10c per lb. 1232 Central, Ave., WIl- mette. 89LTrNl5-tfp Co. .'Jnli st of rentais; severai out- NEý standing values.' bat B. H. BARNETT tra Rooni 4 526 Center St. s ,ýWTINNEtTKA 965 725 2 at. gar. , 75 ft. lot, 4 bîks. to' - and schools. 86 FOR SALE-Ho JTH & GOSS, JNC. FOR SALE. - Ul t.Ph. Winnetka 142 ing Piano; veryi 72LTN19-ltc netka 1506. 85ýLTNIP-1tc 1 eStlflg of the closing even, was the h-orse show. It in SEHOLD GOODS hibition rid ing on both E IGHT CHICKER- western saddles ' gaflies isonable. Cati Win- horseback,,ai-d the fatnous, 86LTN19-îtp musical quadrille. )st inter- at camp luded ex- -ish and 4yed on- Valdemlar' ý,; 1 19-ltp - 1