Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Sep 1930, p. 64

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Thoms-Bean Wedding ceremony event of Thursday, Sept. 11 On Thursday, September 11, at the home of her parents, Miss Lorraine Thoms, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Thoms of 800 Prospect avenue, Winnetka, became the bride of Gerald S. Bean of Hastings-on-the Hudison, N. Y. The wedding cere- mony was performied hv Dr. J. W, Davis of the Winnetka Congregation- ai church. at 8:30 ini the 'evening. Attending the bride as matron of honor' was Mrs. Walter Pagenkopf, who wore a gown of nile green chif- fon, with stippers, and hose to -nîatch and '.carried, talisman -roses. Hei bridesrnaids. Miss Ray Kriete of Ken- ilworth, Miss Marjorje Smith of Wil- mette, Miss Dorothy Nelson of Ken- ilworth, and Mrs. Ralph Farmer, were attired in egg-shell satin gowns %vitiF trains- with, matching shoes and hôse and each carried. pink rssadbu delphinium,. Ail the attendants wore long, creai colored gloves. Tlhe bridai gown, by Chanel was mnade of white stiffetned lace' and tulle. The. head-dress' was of lace -i-ia- tulle veil. She carried a showcr bouquet of liles and roses wýith a ceniter,,of orchids. She als.:. wore long-white gloves. Th'le decoratio n of the bouse was 0of Cohia ville on the stairway with baskets of large chrvsanthenumxs The a tar A-as backed by ferns an(, palms. Attending. Mr. Bean as -best man %vas Charles Radway,, Jr., of " Oak Park, -anrd the ushers were Eug,!eiie Thûrus, brother of the brideRI! F rinerRalph Kihotand, John Earle Edmirds. After a wedding trip to Montreal, Qùebec, Lake Chamn- -plain, Maine, andl into New Vork, the young, couple will niake the,*- permianent homie in Y'Qnkers, N. Y. Mirs. Beàii is a graduate of the tiniversitN, of Wisconsin and is a mnember of Alpha Gamma Delta son.- Oritv while Mr. Bean is a gradutatc of \Nr York uniyersity and is a mieniher of Phi Gamma. Delta far- ternitv. Some of -the parties that have beer given for thé bride. were a tea gi ven by her mother on Fri<i ay, Septenmbcr 5, at her home; a cnt crVstal shower, given IbyvMrs. lFrank Howard anl Mrs. KanI IHobant at thie latters home .in HIighland Park; a stocking sliowerl given by Miss Marjorie Sinith and The university' heads, elected at the 1)iéenin i a meeting of the members of A Cenitury of Progress, *ere :D. Robert Maynard Htttchins, Univer- sity of Chicago; Dr, Walter Dili Scott. Northwestern and Dr. Harr% W. Chase,ý Un iversity ofIlios Until: his election as a trustee, G eneral Dawes' officiai connectioln with the fair has. been as chairni Other new trustees elected included Homer. Guck,, publisher 'of the Chi- cago Herald and Examiner; John J Mitchell, jr., hanker; T. W. Robin- son, vice-président, Illinois Steel conl- panv;, Attorney Rush, C. Butler: John Alden Carpenter, vice-president George B. Carpenter. and company; Mrs. Tiffany Blake, former trustec of the University of Illinois; Ernest J. Kruetgen, chairman of theworld.'s fair Germnan conmittee; Robert F. Carr,- president, Dearborn Chemica I comfpany and Sangston Hettier, ôf the Hettder Lum ber eompaiiy. Trustees 'who were reelected in- cluded: Arthur Anderson, Britton I. B3udd, Ralph J. Hines, Donald R. Mc- Lennan, Birger Osland, John C. Shaffer, Walter A. Strong, M\rq,. Frederic W. Uphani, B: M. Winston, flermian Black, Mrs. Kellogg Fair- TaIk. Secretary of Commerce Robert P. Lamnont, Mrs. Arthur Meeker, George M, Reynolds, Eugene M., Stevens, 'S. E. Thomason and Wjl. liani Wrigley, Jr. Miss Peg Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ruçlolph Meyer, 730 Central avenue, returned T'1uesday frorn ber vacation lu the West. John Moore, 325 Ma pie avenue, this week retaipied kit tiffe as Wil- mette. men's siez.les' tennis chalîn- Plonin play at the emuicipal courts at the Village Green. Moore de- feated Clifford Darling, 6-1, 6-4, 6-4, to take firsi honors. The Wil.. mette Playgrotted and Recreatioli board- sponsored the touirnainent. Miss Marjoii Mead, diaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter, T. Meadl, 1040 Forest avenue, is leaving next week for California where she willive student at Pamiona college this. win ter. -o Mrs. Ernest Fleischinann. and sé Charles, of 235 Leicester road, Ke ilworth, have, returned f rom a, weeks, stay in the ýMaine woods. 7'elephone &Sperior 107 8 Paul Stone-Raymor Photo Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith Powers of,-725 Waldelt road, Win- ileika announce the enigagement of thecir daughter, Ruth, f0 Johii Hol-. lister Snallev, son of Mr. anid Mrs. Joseph H. Sinalley of Mill- necapolis. Mr. S>nalleV is makilng kit homie zitlî kis :i>cle anzd amnt, Mfr. and< Mrs. Hayes MIcKiinnev ôf 1035 Chestinut avenue, Wilmiiette. Mrs. Harry Siielton and sons, Calvin a.nd Clarence, of Lýos Angeles are visiting Mrs. Shelton's sister, Mrs.. Lena Vollinian, 1152 Central avenue.,

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