t o De, 1% CU... .................- týi&,ý . - -.1111-,Ltp1 gather the atinosphere of romance, love, sorrowv and istory. It is douh- 1l\-so withi a garden, for a g-ardeiî \\'Ill gather for its ovwner, hoth asso- ciations. andknowledge hich be- I)eaks future successes. Snicb gardeis. contain thé evideùceý, of eùighhorJly donations, souvenirs o- trips, v isits and loflaces.. Such gar- * deîs contain traces of the efforts' of nmati h once sbared the borne. * Wc ieed to renîind ourselves also of just such values as these? wben w coulit 1botb the *costs an(l the re- FFERtILZERS After tbe soil texture andl Seýil structure lias l)een attcn(led te.. w*e need to consffder tbe' fertilitN. tbeý p)resence or al)senc*e - of tbe more conmnonlv re(Iuired l ceîical pr!)per- ties. These. values :i.laý-. be in theý soil. but flot iu, soluble or available fermi. -Amateurs should not. trx' to ix tlheir, own fertilizers as certain cniii- hiniations and formis ývill react onue uponi another and to say tbe least. w.ill. be largely ineffective. Ail plants take froi-nthe soi1, niitr-- gen,. phosphates and l)oôtassiqnl. - Tlie$e, then, are the pro-perties More * likely to be lacking and needed. Sone plants require other fonods blut sucli requiremients are tiot very important. Nitrogen promiotes leaf gr'owtb, potash contributes to wood and frulit. uvhile phiosphate is general in effect. Suiphate of -annonia and ,tale manure are often ilsed to gain thei nitrogen content. WT1ood asiies. conl- tril)ute potassium, Boue imeal is es- pecially valuable to sîîpply -phios- phoroiîs. PLANTING SEASON Teshort dry 'suminier of this cVar eilp.1-asfzés the fact that -.Fall plant-, ing has. a -very great advantage ovur * the, Spring gardens. It gets mucbi better established before it bias togo9 ** through a sunier. 0f course, tlîerie are excceptions and somne trees and. j shrubs' should be iiiove.d only inth spring. The thin barkedl trees. birches and beechies, and the fl es 1îv j» root.ed types, as magnolias .and tuliip j trees, should be transplanted ini the spin. TfW TO PLANT have. neen sacrifnced in uîggllng t the nursery rows. The soit should be worked in thoroughly aiong the roots and the plants* thoroughly watered down after planting flooded. and then some fine dry soul placed on top. -Especially in the 'case of trees, theholes should n*ot ýbe fil.led so fu~ll liea(tuui ithe average mani. Ainong the floral pieces at the othShore Methodist church- last Suîiday', \Nas, the basket arrangement which mon first place at tlhe North Shore Garden show. Thîis 'vas a coin- bînation oi lemion coloredEgls imarigoôlds alii(seduni sIectabile. Th'e. entire* coliilatieii îad tuit délicate lacy cffect \viicli, together ivith tlie efferve-scenice of its lelîcate. shiades. ,gave it'-that ini(lcscril>al)le qualitv Of filteriîîg suniliglht. Its beautv seenied to jùust pen etrate its sturroiundings. Such cecler slîades as lemion, cer Ise, Lavender anîd otliers, bave this élus- ive anîd et; iinideiiiîahlc qualitv. Otber extreîuel\ wrthy bo(-uquets were greatlv a(liire(l, but >tlis 'one, piece seiiie( to be ,%\-ortliv oi the .distinc- tion "\Vitîiic11 i as been credîted. Tie forniai gardens ef Calvini Feu- At our Nursery located on Route 22 West of Milwaukee Avenue, you will find as largea selection of trees, shrubs. evergreens, fruit trees and petennials asyou can find any- * where. Prices are lower. than at any ýother time in the-20 years we have b.een in business. Drive over to the.Nur.- sery and look thisstc over- you ,r1 timne wàI be well spent.. -* - ,CarlesFiore Nurseries Speciaflits in Landscape Gardening' HIGHWOOD Office-49 Prairie Avenue, Phone lghtand Park 523 *ftr Nursery-Praitie Vriew; Phone Libertyville 6284R-1 * donnaLlies. and Délphinium *make the most gorgeous combinatfion in the garden * Our shipment of Madonna Lilies'from Northern France are now here. Plant your Madonna Lilies now to insure a good top growth before it freezes.up. Our shipment this year is. the finest we. have ever received. Jumbo bulbs running f rom- thirty to thirty-five centimneters., Mammotho Bulbs run froni twenty-six to thirty centîmeters. In order to move these Lilies quickly, we have decided to give free, if reqetd one Delphinium, Belladonna, Bellamosum. or Hybrid, with each Lily bulb ordered, or one of our Blaekmore & Jiangdon's with .each two bulbs, or a .Franken s Delight with each three bulbs, These Delphinium are free if requested. 4 Firat Street West of Railroad 'end Then South to the. End of the. Street