Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Sep 1930, p. 59

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Announcement by officiais of the Higbway Education board indicated a prompt acceptance of invitations -extended to selected delegates to t:ie Sixth International Road Congress to i)articipate ini one.oS three post-Coul- gress tours that Will be held for tic * purpose of studying at first baud( highway. transport, conditions in van-«7 ous sections of the United States, The congress meets in W.ashington October 6 to 11, and the tours fol- low imnediately, afterwards. invitations have been extenlded to more than 300 of the leading, higli- wav engineers and adrninistrators of the wonld. Delegates froni more ýthan sixtv foreig gover nments will ae, I)reseflt at the. congress, and repre- sentatives of each of these c ouni- triés are expected to be on onie of the three tours which the higliway ôrgaîlization is I)oisorng., - In ail effort to show, flic visitors firomn other lands highway condi-« tions in latitud es nelativel.y comtpar- ab)le to their oivn, the board is di- %,idlitg the delegates into three groti!s -()tal)proxirnatelv onie huiidred eaerb. Oiie of these. will go east as far as Bo-stn, anlother vill journiey southi to Florida. while the third vill go in 2 northwesterly direction aïs far as Minneapolis and Des Nfoiines; T41e three tours will converge at Detroit fra three or four davs' visit il; +*hîs auitomlobile Mnanu factilring district. Invitatioils are limiited strictlv to delegýates. non-resident lin the L'nitù,ý 'Stat-es. Trhe touirs ýwill last approxi- inatel \,three, %eeks, diirinigý'whic!î *timne the delegates will l)e the gless of the board and co-opcrating .ý- ganiizations, stich as automobile chlbs. local chamibers of comminerce ail(]ni,- ton trade organlizationis, for purposeý of tranisportation, sulbsistence, and èen- Steplhen Jýalles, <irctor 'of extenl- * îoi f the Highwiav, Education board who %Vil l bc luncharge of thce ester'î * tolir.. has left. Washingtonî for'a *1zt inspection of t îiinrary ndto * make the final uecessarv arrange- ni1ents. H-e will confer %ith: official-, (if the several state highway dePart- riving in South BRend,; md., the next, day where the niembers ill visat various mianufacturing plants. Duï-- ing the afternoon they will move 01n to Gary to inspect a cenent mili, ar- riving ini Chicago Monday eveni.11 The follo.u-ing. day will- be spenlt iû- specting the park ail'loulevard syý tems of the. middlewestern metropo- lis. Anil inspection of road rnachinev!' in opeiation will be Provided for the party iu Milwaukee, Xis., after whit-ii the. visitors move to. Madison wherc thev entraini for Duluth, Mmiii. Other points in! M\,inniesota that will be Vis- ited Ibv the in.terniational highwvaengin eers are Hliinig, Mille Lacs Lake. -st. Paul,- 'Minneapolis, and Rochester. Froni Rochiester the trip leads soutliý thro.îjgh Decorah to Cedar Rapids from whiere the. mei n- b)ers wvill go.to Amies ani Des Moines. Afte*r anl overnight train hop, the party wîll detrain- at Coclumlbia. Mo., from where the trip wilL continuie bv bus to Jefferson Citv and St. Lou:îs. The tour 111i then enfer Ilinois, po ceeding bý bi.., in a northerly direc- tion througlî.jacksonville, -'Bates. Springfield, La Salle, Dixon. Rock-, ford and St. Charles.. Thieparts' i scheduled to leave Chicago for De- troit Friday, October -24. The delegates on> the western. tour will be accompanied bv a staff of, iiiterpreters. phsicias engineers and nevvspapernien. as w'elI as several observers fron, the Departmnent of State, Agricultuire andl Commerce. URGE PRECAUTION 'ith the federal governuleiit'fiô spending app'roximately $1 9,000 per dav for~ forest fine prevention' work.: thouglhtfl mol(torists ill lie carefaI. with cigarettes. cigars, pip)e tobaccO, caniQ fires anmI othexr combus"'tiles, points out the Chîicago Motor club. SOURCE 0F TROUBLE The electnical sy steni. of a car. comrpising the: battery, starter, con- deniser, cous, breaker points apd wir- ing, is responisible for approxhnateih' 05. percent of ail nmechanical troule. stallment plan, the average deferred payment on each car being. $444.30. according to a n analysis of the Uni- ted States Census Bureau reports as flled by 425 finance companies.' The figures reveal that last year out of eVery: 1,000 transactions i1-. naniced by 'the comPanies, tbey re- port that five pçrs ons absconded,. at- tempting to avoid payment in this ian ne r. The 425 comparues reported thev flnauced the sale of 3,479 ,373 cars,' of which 1,820,435. were ucw cars and the rernainder used 'cars. Less than 4 percent of ail the :cars financed were repossessed.. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY The Hudson Motor Co. of 111. la retiring .frrn b usiness and are,- offering a. ,brand new Hudson .Town car ,at %-of. Its original cost. This car Presents a: mont beautiful appearance. Finished In Brewster green with lmported EngIish broaidcIoth iipholstery anîdrenovable' 6own cushions. Chauffeur's coinpartment uphol- *stered ln leather. Equlprnent In- cludes 6 wlre wheels and double Eagle balloon tires with aide mountings, 4 wheel brakes, etc. If you are Interested ln a car of this type eall Mr. N. J. Clauson, who will be pleased to -brlng It to your home for an Inspection and demonstration. HUDSON MOTOR CO. of 111. 2l"20 S. Michigan Ave. Ca]. $900 Red.Crown Gas means more m >iles per -hour and more miles per gallon, too. It eliminates.that, knock and. gives ýyou that a 1 M o s t iînstantgsnçous pick-up that .every imo- torist seeks. Try Red Cro-Wn Ethyl andý youIll 'stick to it. We specialize in Greas- ing and asin"- give us a ry-! The OIL WELL,. BoB "N MAC MAiN STRiEr Tat LINDEN AvaNUE P ou, WILmHTum3334.- el, YVER(k George MilerLeMur Leo Mer

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