famniliar figutre to isicians and the mnusic public of these counitries, aiff Ilis newly completed tour aroused the greatest. enthusiasm bothi from the press and the public. One of Nir. Lusk's ouistanidinig.en- gageinen-its was before Queen Mri of Roumrania.- He gave,a v-io:linco- cert in'HerMajesty's, sunîniier castie, Pelisor,, ini apprCciation for, the reý- cent kiighthood %which had been cou- ferred on im by the. late Kiing Ferdinand. He tells of an evening spenit. in the castle, several weeksý after Michael's father Carol returned., -EX-Kiiîg M.\ike," as"MrË. Lusk ca ls him affectionatcly,' told the popular violiniist' that lie wvaâ glad, his papa ivas hotne and that lhe didn't have to be king, anymore.- He speaks excelm- lent, Englishi, as well'as French and Rournanian, and lie seemns very dig- nified for a *chap -of his age. Affairs of state no longer weigh lieavily on his head. an« lie goes racing thirouglh thé gardei' with the chldrent of the, ladies- in -,.aitinig, playing blind man's bluff and other chlidren's gaines. Queen Marie told 'Mr. Lu---ha she really thoughit'of Amierica. "She. told nie that Europe sceemed.çranped,> old-fashioned, and on a. tiny ýscal * ftrthe vastness of America,",sàid ,Sr. Luskç. * Shie sai1d 'outràrilroad. stations , were liKe tenmples and she *was particularly inipressed thiat Ne could afford to> heat suchi enorinous buildings. The liglts of Broadway appealeil to lier as terribly ex- travagant. In Rouniania they liglit- up a bit for the king's birtliday or a coronation. but usually the cities are * alinost dark." The queen wvas also inîpressed withi the wvay huge buildings are pulledl (lown and giganticne ones erected iii tlîeirlprace. * MrI. Lusk lias played for, Mussolini andnost of the crowned. heads of Europe, but Roumaia's court, in- trigues hum more tlîan'any, other. ,lRe, nient ioned that :coinis and. stamps bearinig the picture of Kmng 'Michael * are beiiîg rapid!y recalled, and %vill soon be véry valuable. "There are those in Rounîaniia who regret the re- turui of, Carol," lhe con.cluded. David F. Hall of \Vilnmette was W elected freshinian representative on are the execuitive comnittee of the New ferei Trier Parent-Teacher association at Qfei a nmeetinîg of the cornmjttee last Stag Thursdav. Other mnembers of this- conînîittec vere elected..lIast spring.. They 'are -E. H. Cassels of Gleicoe. )residenit; Mrs. ýG. H. WebsterOf, Wilmei-tte, vice-president , Mrs C. B. Ketchai of Kenil.worth. senior chairmiar; Mrs. A. J.. Bovnton of Wi nncîka. junior chairmnan', and Mrs.ý H. C. Ballenger of \Vinnetka, soph- oinore .Chairiain. October 9. vaas set as. the date of the. first meeting, of the Neiv Trier Parent-Teacher asso-, ciation this year, FTurthcr (letails, as to plans for, the, illéeting,, will >e' an- nouriced later. Stagg Elabo0rates on. "Flanker" Formation The 'mostý spectacular, offense i,, college football wvîll. be used. 1w the Unîversitv of Chîcago football teani. this season, the -Maroon practice lu1- dicates. A. A. 'Stagg, who last w,%eck was voted the first "Ail America" football çoach by' fifteen of» tne counitr3,'sléa(liig coaches, lias intro-, duced a numîber of improvemients' on his farins "flaiker*" formation and Iow- lias a bewildering numiber of va- nrations- on tiis.effectiv-e pass play. Chicagos backfield miaterial is. easi- lv the hest thâ.t Coachi Stagg lias had sitîce 1924. Tl'le players are unusually versatile, and of. thie four veteraîîs, Stag-g. Temple,. iI.uson, and Capt- NEW PIANOS FOR RENT,.... For a, sinali rentai -s-um each month, you can have ýa loveIY new Uprighit or Grand. Piano in your, home. If You purichase- Withln a year, you wilI receive fulli credit for every -dollar pald in rent. Terms -$6 a 3Mentfitand Up. Vith at least seven. passers whor as gqod as anvone in' the con-1 nce, Chicago wiiil take to the airf nsively this year, and CoachF ,g houes to piàk ti where he left THEf NORT SHOIRE TALKING MACHINE Co, Off ors with the purchse -of one John McCormack Victor Record Selection from uSong O' My HeuArt" A ,GIFT TICKET- to the Publii Balaban & Katz VÀRSITY THEATIER In celebration of their 4tJh Ainiversary,' Monday mid, Tuesduly, Septembemr 2th and 3Oth, to tee and hear JOHN McCORMACK in "SONG O' MY HEART"P. BY IFetl You Nei Me À Pair of Blue Eyes N-P. 1453, 1<-nch - M~u~oe Justfor Today (Partridge-Seaver) bthooy Child (Luihcr-Martin) m M<O &o No. lui1, lO-mel Luogbi Sàeon e Cari (Ibo Dear&Mt Place)' (Domaudy) To the Children (Rachnianinoff-Khomiakoqf) No. 1288, 1Oich JOHN MCcGoMAoe 3th Season Now Open CHiiCAG;o IMain ScIzooI-509 S. WABASH AVENUE., ALL Tt MIJEC VO>sWir I SELEC