BOOKS .EngIsnd-H4s Charactelr and Genius Wilhelm Debel jus Harpers .... .. $5.00 Nero-The Singng Emperor of Rom. Arthmur Weigall G. P. Putnam's Sons ... $5.00 This Land: of Liberty Efnest Sutherland Bates Harper and Bros. $3.00 The Awak.nng Colloge. C' >C. Little W. W. Norton and 'Ca.: Inc. . . . . .$3.00, Blowng Clear, Joseph. C. Lincoln. D. Appleton and Co. . .,$2.50. ChorlUie han Carrnes On EarI Derr Biggprs Bobbs-Merritl Coa.. $2.00 The, Story of Dwght W. Morrow Mary :Margaret McBride Farrar and Rinehart ..$IO publishing 'comments onobooksorere nîuch dolar paerbak bok fo hîfa t alked ofand lber ideas were ofteiî dla.Some of tlîem are reprints the objects of violent attacks fromn such as "Thle Bridge of Sani Luis editors of the time. Rey," by Tbortiton Wilder, which was p!u!lished iii that format Septeniber It is dotibtftil if this book will be of last year. With that good start, boughit, as "Ail in the Racket" prob- Charles Bonimcoitîinued, once.o- eaclï ably will'be, by travellers whio want month, to 'publislî a -book.,Biography, to read half a'dollàr's wortlî anîd poetry, reminiscences, novýels, have throw, it awav. It -will 'be bought, beën included ini the . ear of publica- however, by book loyers and studenits tioiî. of literature who wîll be able to bu% The JuIy book, "Ail iii the. Racket" it for their owvn library at this price. "y -William I E. Weeks, is just plain. For those:who, are intcerested ini the trash. The, dime nlovel,- as -ptul)lisbed pbiilisophv and lîterature of that great some qua rter of .a. cent ury ago, lad period; from 1825 to 1850, the book scent anid beauty of roses as com- is hcartily recommend.eéd. Most of tht. pared to this book. At thlat.-it isliî't writers and philosophers ýof Amer- any worse than ýthe, aVerage serial i icaý,aiîd some of .Eiîglaild. are por,- newspapers and cheapcr magazines. trayed -at shortier or greater length.. Probably Charles Bonli is aàttenîpt- To vet another _.groue stebo ing to appeal, to ail tastes and ail recommended, to those who would classes of readers. for one couldn'It ask read the portrait, of a great mnd- for, a more serions, bettceç written and a huuman woman. book than "MNargaret Futller" writ- ten byr Margaret *Bell md a-lcrrig SOUTH .AMERICA, te Ws An introduction bv MNrs. Frzinklin D. Coast and the East. By Agnes Rothl- Roosevelt., ery. Houghîton Mi filini. l\Margaret-,Ftller ivas the' dauiglyter South America is the 'Continfent to1 of a co'îgressmnai who had forced lier which the Amierican and Etiropean 1 mental training she was a pre- touirists are turning. Tired of 'the1 cocious 'and arrogant child. She mobs of fellow traveilers who swarmi couldl. li er own iii conversation the, better-known resortiS. the season- Iefore she ivas ten y-ears old, and bier ed ýwanderer is exploring the couint-ý the comnpany. 'As can wellbc imi- Rothery travelled ini South Amierica agined, sue led. a -ionely clîildhiood even as you and I m-ould travel. She,_ý I)ecauise seia "differenit" than lier did notJure -native guides and. routec conipanioüs. Shellgrew to bc onet te Indian.out of bis comnfoirtable t" ma ' IJ¶JcIUF5 anabu jst. Morris, Fishbein,, M. -D'. Bobbs-Merrill Ca....'..$I.OO Eyes that have NEW BLUE RIBBON BOOKS John Paul Jones berth to take bis pictutre and ýthiS book is flot leaded up witli photo- graphis local* tattoo art. Having explained ivhat thîe*book does not include, it rnigbit be well to mnention ai few of. the things that it does include. Miss Rotbery (or 'Mrs. Harry Rogers Pratt, as slie is knownl in~ private life) is an etithusia'stic traveller. Shie conducts ber reaàders .Witlî lier on a four ntbs r 0t ail the imiportanit cities on or near the co.asts of Sotitih Anîrica.> The trip) starts at '1'alara,-an ou tov>1 inl Peru.' From tlere on .sue takes s tbrouigl couantries and c'ities 'iavi,îg a resemblance to our own iM iolitics, mechanical coniveniences. ançd pro- gressive spirit, but closely allied to FuAropeiu n lture. 1 "An introduction ta Edwin Arlin.g- ton Robinson," ini wbich -the eninert French critic, Charles Çestre, of thie University of Paris, analyzes Robin- son's art, and.quotes passages fropi the poems ta illus trate each point. "Venice and' Its Art," a à study of the Venetian. masters in the liglît of: Venetian history and Veneta ie by H.- H.. Powers, presid'ent of thé Bureau, 'of University Travel - iith many. unusual reproductions of paint-, ings. ýO PIONEER *The f.ollowinig .initerestinig n e %s itemi about what thé librarians of Queens Borough*Public Library arc- doing was noticed, 0 Pioncer is a î gantic bus and was naiîd in 'honor of Walt Whitman., "With its '2,000 volumes of fiction anid fact, 0 Pioncer will go, into re- mote parts of Queens Borough whicl have no permanent liîbrary stationq. Its twenty or more weekly stops will be made at. schools, subways and 'V" stations, proiminent bus, stops, con- munity centers and- industrialt plants a 1t hours when peéople of varied inter- ests m 'ay take advantage of its joys. Its crew will consist of two lîbrariani (one of:whomi is specially. trained for children's work) and a chauffeur at-. tendant. it will rapidly develop thc districts' h servesint0 permnanent brary stations." For years the, book auto in,' Evanls- ton has, served the outiying ,districts. They were used in" outlying districts tintil those districts coul1d support a branch iibrary of their, own. Thi s su-mmer the. auto bas, been reýýièd and is .now serving as ail open-air branchl at Beiît park., NUMBER WORSHIP "uerwo rsh ip, found its sui- preme expression iii, the *philosophy of the Pythagoreans. Even- numbers they regarded as solu ble, therefore ephemeral, feminine, pertaining tathe Lord'a--Fiaart Floor Just Inaide. the Wes Dav'is Street Door is se wel I written,. in fact, that it gives 'one an "'itchy foot," and the Irving Bachiel.r'a Tercentenary desire ta visit aur nçighbors. *Since Novel published ini the spring, "The most of the books aiready written Candreé in the Wilderness," is particu- about South Aierica are rather anti- larly popular in New England in con- quated, this volunme is a welcomre ad- nection with the Tercentenary Cele-. dition te the library. bration now undèrway. E' 1, ý