Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1930, p. 12

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T/tese skop pers have con- fidence in df.5P's ability If% rotect them from suc/i raids and ini is determi- ,*tion .trikeepgÉo-ýdfoo. prices aI the iowest levels, possible.A P Kitchen Klenzer American Family Sôap 1- ,CIim 1ene , Rinso Brilla Borax 20MULE TEAM ScoittTissue. Waldorf Paper, Fal Housecleaning Supplies.' CA .N >5c 10, BARS. 57c L GE. PKG. 21c p KGS. 17c have a chance tor relIi uy voin for an amiendment to the conistitul- tion tliat will uintie the hands of thec legistature. Then onty can the present obsolete and unenforced personat property law be repealed and an act suùbstituted thiat, wil provide -a fair propoÔrtion of revenue, f rom. other so urces Of wealth than real esfate atone., The arguments. against, the amend- ment sift themselves downto creating in thée minds :of thé voters of a fear' of the législature. This is denounced Iw- property owners. as a bugaboo.. As early as 1884 the Citizens. Asso- ciation of. Chicago. with such well-to- do ýnierchants and professionat mie ont is board as John L., Tlomnpson,' A. A., Carpenter, Edsoni Keith,,Mar- tin A. Ryerson.,1 Marshall Field, Fran- cis B. Peabody, Ersk.ine M. Phetps, R. T. Crane and J. Harley Bradtev, stated that ti. -* constitution of 1870 was totall1y inadequate to. Our want-s 'ýparticu1arly in the mnatter of taxa- In 1891, with such men added. as Murry Nelson, Francis Beidier, O. S. New Engl-and PEWTER, * . ~2 PKGS. 27c . ROULS 25c Rail 5c. SiLYERBROOK PASTEURIZED CREAMERY Butter SUN NYFIELD Sliced Bacon e *, . . . . . 2 t ...3 B.43C 11/ 1/2 37c PKGS. 13C IKonisaat, x-rirîtopti ioz t.% Bartlett, L. K. Boyesen, John J. Glessner, :and Harlow N. Higgin- botham, the group declarèd in its re- port that 'ito obtain revenue "we should have a just and equitable rev- enue system. Can we believe we.have. t.his when ve, see,*real. estate paying 75 'per cent of ail thé assessed taxa-" tion of -the city. while the greatc r part of the accumulated- and produz- tive, personal, wealth of -the city es- cape s taxation altogether? là 11912 George E., Cole, began. a fight for a, cônstitutional convention.* One of the four principle, refornîs soughit was "an -improved system of taxation.", The -constitutional ,con- vention,- in 1922, submitted to the> voters a .neW constitution' thaï madle provision for an im provéd revenue system. Mr.* Cole theri said that failure to ratify this, constitution. would end ail chance of getting re- lief through a constitutional conven- tion for at least twenty years. Then, as now,ý the cry of -double taxation anid'i threat to individual liberty wvas made and Mr. Cole replied, "ht is easy to assail such a document, but in voting upon it thé people should not take counsei merety of their fears." The- me asure was defeated. - And now agairli the ,effort. for tàx refrwp will be an issue at the poils on No10- vember 4. Neyer before, perhaps,, have real estate owners been so aroused over the burden of taxation. The réal estate boards of. the state are now organizing home owners into, divisions to carry on an. inten- sive campaign, first for the amend-, mnent ' and then. as an .orgariized body, ,to ,seek a fair law. Wiit the people again talce counsel of their fears, or adopt the' anend- ment and then combine to .fighit for a fair adjustment by the législature of the tax burden? -Property Owtfe rs Divisocf NorthShore Real Estate Board. Miss Patricia Oliver, dauighter of Mr. and Mrs. David Oliver of' Evan- ston lias been pledged to the Alphaý Phi sorority at NQrthwesterni univer- sity. ASP Food Stores THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEU CO. MIDDLE WESTERN DIVISION PAGLIÂRU LO Jeweler' and Opticiais 1166 WiImette, Ave. WiI. 1061 LIe U!JÇ. Stop sufering from constipation. Chew a Rexail Orderlie at night. Next day bright. Ct 24 for 25c .today at the nearest Rexail Drug Store-Ronneekar Drug Co, --Advertlaemnent., FeIs Naptha Soap 10o BARS 49c- e e e, * e . 2

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