The licensing' of ail automobile dri- vers, as one of theé most effective means of reducing automobile ac-. cidents, is one of the solutions to be urged by the Automobile Club of rîlinoils before the Illinois State Législature conveninig thiis fail. A recent survey, made. by the American Motorists. association, the nainlmotoring -body, shows. that ai the prese nt time only twelve statei, and the ýDistrict Of Columbia, require a .mandatory examination as ýto plw- sical itness and, skill to drive, an automobile. ln eight other.states the law requires. a driver's license, but dôes:flot make the evamination. coM- Imlsory. "Compulsory examination as'- to physical fitness and skill to drive an automobile, should be the first re- quisite -in the securingof an opera- tor's permit," -declares Si Mayer, president of the Automobile Club of Illinois and vice-président of the A. M. A. "An analysi.s of the state law.s show that. this is required in the fol- lovving twelve states: Arizona, Cai'-, fornia, Connecticut, Deleware,. Mary-, land, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New jersey, New York, Pennsylvanî.î, Rhode Island, Vermont and.the Dise- trict of Coluimbia. 'Effective October 1,. SouthC arolina will1 hav,.e a siniilar. '"The mere. granting of a permit, without. compulsory 'examination as to fitness or skill, offers no solution:1 towards barring the uqskilled, driver from 'the hi'ghwvay. -Under existing 'Iaws, in the vast majority' of the5 states, almost anyone may operate au automobile, despite court decisionsiii some states to the effect that an aui- tomnobileis a dangerous instruienit. "The club. is determinied tocar * thisfight through at Springfield, and _has alreadv enlisted the aid of maiyv ~'ifecivic organizations throug1h out' the. state. Thé streets. or highwvaN s of Illinois wil1 remain an unsafe thor- oughfare for autoists and pedestrians just so longas the legislatures insizt upon shelving this issue.": NAMED MANAGERd Appointment of Mr. W. E. Holkor. T hie convertible type sedan., body .which until n'ow bas only beén' avail- able as an individual custom car is being offered by the Packard Motor Car compani, as one'of the regular units in its new Eighth Series Stand- ard Eight fine. The new 'Packard' b.od y type is mounited .on the 134v/- inch wheel base chassis. A t the wil1 of the owvner it. is ýa five or four passenger touring car with top completely folded away. inia, boot at the back; a tourFinig car with thé top,-raised.anld sides open; a tour- ing car wîý th side windshields for, bôth front seat passengers,, with or %vith- out large' windshields for the rear Seat passengers or -it- is a completely closed sedan iith ail, the comforts and conveniences, of. a conventionai type sedan. Changes among ail the mafly conilinations possil) le with the nev car. cani be made quickly and easily. Upholstering is in leather with. col- ors to match the wi cl eelcctioni of special color s chemes -or the car. Added touches 'of sportiv-eness, are. given with different, colQrs. for thie chassis harmionizing with th-~ varlius body and stripingi,, color conihinations. Va nity cases, cigar, ligliters and-ash, trays baye been worked into the leathered upholstered ami rests in t6e rear seat just as ini the Standard Eight seçlan. A, deeplv upholstered, center arrn test. folds into the, back cushion 'to iniake-roorn for.,tlhriee pas-* sengers w.hendesired. One unique feature is .a- special çoni- partmnent at thie base of the front seat-back into which the reinovable sections of the center door pillars cati be- firnily fitted when t hev aré taken off' to conver.t the car inîfo one of the open type., The glass paniels in the doors are mnade rattle proof with felt ined' 'steel chartnels iii, which thev slide up and clown-I easilv btt wbicli hold thei firnily Iii any . .osition. Ail glass, as in ail 'présent Packard cars, is of a. s1eially prepared. non-shaàt- teral)Ie type. Deluxe equýiipnent,- including spare tires iii the front fender wvells, anxd trunk rack at ýthe rear and ot her ad- ded equipmient features are avalàble. for tbe new c onvertible sedan as with the oher Standard Eighit cars.- lac andi ,aSalle V-8's furnish gratify- ing evidence of the trutlî of our state - ments, that every* essential engineer- ing and mechanical feature in the new cars has been -refined and im- proved beyond> the highest previous Cadillac eighit-cylinder standards," saYs Mr. R. G. Tiffany, of the Chi- cago branch. - "Public reaction to the remaàrkable new pricés-af ter an inspection of the cars bas revealed their new and. 'greater mneasure'of fine. car value- bas been- decidedly enthusiasti.. Looking more searchingly than -evtr for real value, people have found that- Cadillac, gives it in 'these. new caes Jif a degtce requiring revision of ail previous standards.- There were approximately 109 fatal- ities, fot, including .grade- crossing deaths,, for every 100,000 motor vehii- cles regfistered in .1929. -MUST SIELL $MY CaduiIac Sedan at ýa SACRIFICE Flve passe,,gersedan, la excellent, meemanealcondlition; four new tirée, niew coat of dark bine., Duco; Loi,- maine spet iight; radiator shutter. Oaly reason for selllng Is tlînt 1 need the rnoney. WiII cons1der trade and financing. Telephione Winnetka 321)3, or car niay be seen and driven froni EIm Street Garage, 718 EIm Street, lnnietka. N~ WU~ ~ -is our middle name. We do ail types. of rpi jobs speedily and thor- oughly- and. our prices aren't high. Julet give us.a chance and you'll se ,what fine, work we do. Gas-Oil Greasing-W*asking Complete, Modern kEPA IR SÊR VICi in a1! ifs branches Fourth Street Auto Serwvle 1,- Bloc* North of "'"Station 516 4th St. Wilmette 3064 Sunday Servi e-Tire Repairing-Simo izing Phone "Wilmette 602 Auto Laundry & Greas ing Serv ice 1209 WASHINGTON STREE~T Located directly in. the roar'of the Wilmette State'bank boildiù.g George Mr. Leo MiRer t. t