tion f ollows : "Whereas, 'the Chicago Civic Opera company is one of the outstanding civic and cultural institutions of m,,etro- politan Chicago and has sponsored the Associated Civic Opera club of this village, a 'club that wiIl receive f rom the Chicago Civic :Opera company during- the opera. season êducational. programs that wiIl further the, cultural development of our village, This proclaims the week 'of Octo- ber 13-18 as Civic Opera weèk in, our village. "I consider it a privilege that we have been given the opportunity to take part with the other districts of. met- ropolitan Chicago, in bÈiniging to the, attention of the people one of our greatest cultural'asses, the Chicago Civic Opera company!" (Signed) EARL E., ORNEýR,. Village Président. Mrs.*J C. Blaylock of 1262 Lake, avenue lias returned, froim a tein day notor . trip to L'victiigani with some' friends who wecre closing up their summier homie. also ofý Wilmette. Hedwig Kretlow, Former Songster, Dies iM ilet ýMr 's. Hedwig.Kretlow died the morui- ing of. Septemhber. 30 in her home at 1110 Lake avenue followiinga long i1- ness., The funeral ivas held last- Sat- turday .Morning- and burial was in the Grovehill cemetery., She was seventy. years ,old. Mrs. Kretlow was borninl, Ger many. July 19, 1860, and.was the granddaughl- ter of 'the Baroness De La' Raik, of the court of France_ Who, upon lien mrarriage, moved to Genmany. She and. her sister, Ella. w%ýerc the daugliters of Pauline and Friedrich Gr..mwald. At the age of fifteen sle was sin ging with thé Cerniania opera in Newv York, wifhi which she conitiimtedfor 'Six ycaàrs. Later she joined the Amiberg Operi compafly with Mathilde Cotrelly, wîtlu whom she remlained for fifteen years,. then. .oining the MtCall English Opera Mary Fowler Is Elected Junior Glass President The junior class of New Trier High sehool completed its election ,,of oficers for, -this year' on. Tuesday. Mary Fowler was elected président. Other officers are: Albert Lind-vice-. president; Katherine' French, sce tary, and Claude1 Hamilton, treasurer. S. S. ý Vernon and Miss Frances Flentye, are the class sponsors. TRAVEL CLUB HosTrEss The Travel club wil nieet Tuesday afternoon at the hoie of Mrs. Hor- ace G., Drury, 618 Central avenue. The club meets, regularly on the sec- ond and. fourth Tuesdaysý of the. nionth. u 0 We pride ourselves on our ability: to do expert work -- deéorating à that stands thè test of years, and *gives complte satisfaction. la MPotenhauwe - Paintit and Decoraitoe S10»0 Geued fPhose 2764 p~Y fo' fe Rrnnolio Quinfine' 5 25c Listerine, 83c $1.20. sizfe Listerine, 47c .50ë siize . . ... . . . . Listerine, 5 .00c size . . . . . . . Listerine Tooth23 fPaste.. Lavoris, 95c $1.00 size . . . . . . . . Lavoris, '47c 1 50e size . . . . . . . Fonhan's Tooth Paste, 53c 60C size . . . . . . . . G il lette -Blad es,..9 $1.00 size .... . GiU.ette Blades,, 45c 50c size. Bronio seltzer, 25c 3i0e size 60c, size .. .... .. $1.20 Size$10 IMenneni's Sha ving Creani, 4c . O 50 ize ... . . .. ..45 Palm Olive Shavln, g Cream, 33t .35 size .. . . . . Servi ig Wilmette & Central Aveu. Open Suindays. Years, Phones: Wil. 400-401 Until 9,P.,M.' 1208 Central Av.. Phones: Minette 1131 and. 90 FOR MORE THAN 40 YEARS