-~ on 9 kewv and..3iner PAC-KARID STANIDARD EIGIITS TIIHE New, Packard Standard Eight- refined iand improved, but flot raclically changed-- is the finest and -most luxurious car, of its size Packardlias ever offéred. Ail tbe resources of' more than thirty years of ex- ,clusive quality-car building, ail tbe experience of eight years. of eight-cylinder motor developnient, have been focuseci upon the new series Standard Eight. And it emerges as *fn gold refined"- a fine car made finer stili. * Traditional beauty of line, of course, bas been preserved - for Packard does flot believe in de- preciating the ýappearance of cars in the hands of owners by periodic and uniiecessary changes. But the bodies- Packard designedand built- have been irnproved ini construction and beauti- fied in detail until they stand as the final word ini lu"ur. Shatter-proof glass, new interior com- forts and convëniences,.'are includeéd. The famous Standard eight-in-line' motor-bas 'been givei greater poweer through impréved carburetion and manfolding-with a new mcea- sure of brilliant performanlce as the result. type permits greater ease in clriving. While eau of daily chassis care is autaiaied through an entirely automatic systeui 'f lubrication. These are but a* few of the, many added refinements and couve- niences. if you are driving a car simlilar in siie.and power to the Packard.Standard Eight you are payingfor new Packard lu"ur and distinction -without en- joying their adva.ntages. Why, mot, theu, bar#e the Packard? Packard operating costs are no gr eater, you will adfiit. Depreciatier, the one, imjbortant cost Of car ownership, is ne greater ether-if you but drive the Packard longer than is your CuStomn with lesser cars.,Records show that most Packard owners keep àbeir. cars ttwice as long as the ones they traded i. Packard Standard Eîght prices at the factory range from $2385 to, $3465, Your present car, if, of, average value, -wil niake or. exceed, the down paymnent on the muodel of your. choice. The re- mainder can be arranged in convenient monthly' payments. May we demonstrate the Packard Eight-and ownership.costs-without, of course, any obliga- tion to you? WHO.,OWNS ONE IS USEDPACK'ARD SECOND ONIL.Y.TOANWPAAD 'A NEW ý PACKARD is A USID