1$ PRESENTING THIS WEEK Mo ,tuicalenjoymentfor you.. ..csttin ou want ye u want k .Cabi- I$15250 sonI,Âmai Jo'n IM Juliette Betty T~ Walker, ;hever, Beatrice Leviný lice Hayes, jack Long, son, Peggy McCabe, ak, Mary~ Alice Sieg, , Paul inon, Robert ýt Wright and Doroth; ENTERTAINS CARD CLUB Mrs. Miles B. Gerringer of 1000 Michigan avenue entertained the card club of her sister;- Mrs. Blanche P. Katsa, Tuesday afternoon atth Shawnee Country club. NOW PRESEN TINO--m Outfsanding Fail Fashion- designs: that' Must be seen fo be fully appr.ciated.ý In keepng With our established policy, we present in generous assortments styles creafed 'wifh the .,definite p ur po se ýof. .ppealing to those whose needs are ouf of- the ordinary. * We'ue Pkcked the Best and the Unusual in Style, Quality and Price -for Fail Wear.4 Yoôu> Ar Invted to Attend This Fail and EarIy Winter Sale Dresses--Gowns--Coats-Hats Costume JeweIry and * Accessories. 56- DAVIS, STREET Evanston, I11. mette, to afiiate andi participate Mn the outstanding programs furnishedl by the Civic Opera association. The second ptogram will be given Sundav, November 2, at Shawnee Country club. The program .will consist of -dances given by twelve colorfully, costumed members of the Chicago: Civicopa Junior ballet., Isobel Arnold, pre- mier e danseuse,. formerly soloist %withî the civic opera, wlio bas app eared. ili Erlanger's opera, "Aphrodite,".. will poieseveral solo numbers. Other programs are. planned for Deceniber 7, january .12, 'and Febru-. ary, 15.. A dinner meeting- occurs in Jainuary,, al others take place Sun- day .afternoons. Mrs. Albeirt IH. Ullrich of 925 Lake avenue. is. president of the club: Charles W. Triggs of. 1041 Ashlandl avenue and Dr. F. W. Fuerniann of &35 Greenwýood avenue are. vic e- presidents; Miss. Helen Evans, 61(e Gregory avenue, is secretgry, and Roy M. Rirtland, 4-10 Washington avenue, is treasurer. M rs. Edward L. Scheideiihelm of 704 Lake avenue, chairmil of tlhe membership conixnittee, is receiving, meml)érsbip applications. Qther mein- bers of lier comniittee are Mrs. Os- car W., Schmiidt of 827 Elmwvood ave-. nue and Mrs. fla'rold R. Sherman. . f.. 714 Washington avenue. Mrs. Charles A. Broad 430 .Tenth street, chairman of thie prograni conimittee, is assisted by Mr s . P. Berminghiam : of 718 Laurel. aveý nîue. 'Miss jean Ten Broeck is pub- licity chairnian. A CORRECTION Jimmnie Weckler, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Xeckler of 2737 WVood,-,, bine avenue, Evanston, holds the city title for fancy diving and lias înany medaàls for wrestling, instead of a, title for. fancyr dancing as was. ;ncor-, rectly, stated* ini the issue of Oc'- Mrs. Oscar Heb)el of 1210 S.hetidlaii roàd %vili leave' this week-endl for a 1Phone Univ. 4523 380 Central Ave. 742 Elm Si. Highland Park 2620 Ji#avSka 3471 Highland Park Winn.tka Eugene L. Ray Phono Unkr. 2238 STUDIO EVANSTON 1606 Chicago Ave. PortRAYts that pleese 1 -ý-