year OC.TOBýEIR. SALE WOMErN- IS 0OF COATý assu mes even, g r eater,- pro Po rtionp.s! Even more varied seeto of newfasliionsthan ever!e 'Even more size and pricel ranges, for misses anld womeru Even more significant va lues.el TYPICAL VALUES. Canadicn wolf (1): either black or blue, *trimns tbis flare coat. of Gerola uiaterial which cornes in black, or green. Three-_quarter shawl col- lar and spiral cuffs are smart. Priced at 897.50 Normna-material (2)* in blackl, brown, gr een,' réd 'or pirate blue with black Wolf or black car- acul. Also in black. and white mixture with black caratcul. Priced at $69.50 2 I TH FLOOR UN an-d MI S , S SE. S 4-