r I U~ I I .Ail Are S.mart'for the Fali. It Pays. to Shop at Worthen's Not alone for the satlisfaction you etoffti.hnsyobubut also' becaue s u utmes.teilus "if 15:so pleasant to shop hnere., Courtesy is an important feature of our store service. Quatlity ;s onother and so, are eir Prices-t4hat* is why if is an ail around'pleasure to shop, here'. Try it. Prlced a.9 Come!- Suc h BloomerValues Seldom E xist $1000..for Kayser "Lok-Ray" ,.Bloomers L OK-RAY is a run resistant material of rayon made by Kayser, themanufacturer wbois to weIl known for qualtfirstc- typrice .second These inexpensive bloomers b are cut full size, made ac- For Schoôl, BOYS' Suits Jersey or combination twoeed pants and broadcloth waists. Sizes 3 to 8 years. Priced at $ 2.50 Boys, 7.8 Sox Ail thte new. fal Sizes to1Ilà:. at 35c co orings. and 50c, Pair GLOVES. Which Gloves?, -.AY SER "LEATH ERETTES"! Because .they Are style-right O O O s men everywftero. $1.00 and up Avé..58 Corne! 4 q Purses $1.00o .4 588-